
Can I really. Touch the stars?

Star_90 · Action
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2 Chs

Light Koro

What to do. Where do go? What is this place? My name, what is my name?

"Light" a voice echoed in a vast expanse of void.

Right that's right my name, it's Light. I tried to smile, but quickly realized I could not. Wait where am I, what is this place. What to do? Where to go?

From a different perspective one can see that there is simply a small orb of light in a vast darkness muttering to itself.

Days, weeks, months, years, pass in what seems to be a blink of ones eye.

Wait there I see something, something different something new. A happyness fills my heart as I quickly hover over to...light? I slowly approach what seems to be me? Floating in front of me is a orb of brightness similar if not the same to me. As I get closer I notice what appears to be a word?

Does that say Naruto? I think as I finally get close enough to touch it.

"Congratulations lucky winner 137691376115 you have been chosen to reincarnate in the world of Naruto!!!" a loud voice followed by the sound of confetti erupt from the orb.

Wait Naruto? I remember now it's a show I use to watch as a kid. I get to be in that amazing world. Finally I can leave this place. I try to speak but cannot say anything.

"Lucky winner 137691376115 not only do you get to reincarnate into the world of Naruto, but you also gain 1 wish of your choosing to bring with you, although it must stay within the confines and possibility of that world. You are now allowed to speak!!"

"Hello?" I wisper quietly. My heart explodes with joy. "I can finally speak hahaha finally."

"Winner 137691376115 you have 30 seconds to make your wish."

I stop quickly and my mind starts working at a quick pace. Naruto is a amazing world, but it is also quite dangerous, what should my wish be?

Time kept moving "20 seconds left." the voice echoed.



"I got it!" I yelled quickly. "I wish to have a system, just like those story's I use to read."

"Calculating.....your wish had been approved, but the system shall only be a support!" "I wish you luck on your journey Light Koro!"