
Can I go back again?

I watched Re zero recently. Subaru "Stop It" made me feel sorry for him. That's why I decided to make a fanfic about him and give him a golden finger. More than the Re zero fanfic itself, it's about Subaru himself. I don't think I will continue to write it for long tho.

Lazydude · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Weird Hollow

<What happened? She suddenly disappeared.>

"I don't know."

As Subaru replied, he fell into a portal that suddenly appeared underneath him. He crashed onto something that was under him. He looked down and realised he had crashed onto a woman. She was bleeding heavily. He hurriedly moved to the side. Just as he crashed something passed by above his head.

"Miyako-dono! What? Guuh!!!"

Subaru looked towards the one who shouted. It seemed he was struggling with something. He didn't see it but he could feel it. There's something else that had invaded that man's body.

Someone's POV:

"Ryuken! You alright?"

'We were just a reconnaissance team but were ambushed by a hollow. It was very strong. Our team has been wiped out. Miyako-dono held her own against it but there was only so much she could do without her zanpakuto. Damn that hollow with its stupid power. And there's that new hollow, it ambushed Miyako-dono from above.'

"Ryuken get hold of yourself. We at least have to save Miyako-dono."

"Don't worry! I am fine."

"Huh? Your voi-"


It was too late. The possessed Ryuken had stabbed him in his stomach.

"*Kuuhh* Ryu- You! You aren't….."

His body fell before he could complete his sentence.


"Damn you! Why did you have to fall on top of that woman? I was trying to possess her."

The man had hollow eyes and flame patterns around his eyes. His voice had changed too.

"Tch! A hollow with possessing power?" Subaru muttered.

"Hmph! I am more than just a hollow. There's no worth in talking to a weakling like you. Die! Weakling!"

Metastacia had planned to possess the woman shinigami but that damned hollow just had to fall from above. Oh well! After he kills that hollow and eats it. She is gonna be his dessert.

Seeing the possessed Shinigami rush towards him, Subaru clenched tightly around the hilt of the sword. He started emitting purplish black aura then converged the aura, covering around his sword.

That woman Shinigami is unconscious and has no weapon. Judging by the reiatsu that hollow possessed and emitting, it was weak. He could block and dodge that shit anyday. Metastacia had no reason to fear. All odds were on his side. That's why he didn't hesitate to do a frontal attack.

If it was a normal attack, everything would have gone accordingly to Metastacia. Metastacia and Subaru crossed their blades.


There was no sound of sword clashing, just the sound of blood spurting. Everything happened in the blink of an eye. By the time Metastacia registered what happened, it was already lying in the ground. The possessed Shinigami's upper and lower half cut in half from torso mid. That wasn't the end of it. Both half of the body then started to twist and turn.

"What is happening? Why can't I get out of this body?"

Metastacia started shouting in panic.

"What did you do?"

"Just a small magic trick."

It wasn't just the body. The space around also started to twist and turn. Metastacia body started to get smaller and smaller with every twist and turn.

"Please let me out. Why are you doing this? Aren't we of the same kinds?"

Metastacia despaired and begged Subaru to free itself.

Subaru watched Metastacia begging for life, for its freedom. It made him remember a distant memory. A distasteful one.

From all the shouting, Miyako woke up hazily. She started to recollect herself and jolted awake. How could she fall asleep in the midst of a battle? She hastily checked her surroundings only to find the dead bodies of her subordinates. Her heart wrenched with pain.

"Spare me please! I beg you. Oh kind one! GAAAH IT HURTS. Spare me! What did I ever do to you? It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! GAAAH!!!"

That voice….it was that hollow's voice. She looked towards it. Even though the body was one of her subordinates, that flame pattern around its eyes and that voice, she clearly recognised it as the hollow that had ambushed her team. She then looked towards the man that had made the hollow so pitiful. She sucked in a cold breath once she realised that he is also a hollow. She didn't dare to make a squeak. The hollow standing in front of her was exerting a pressure as he stared at the dying hollow.

"Don't worry, it's only for a short time. You will soon be freed from this pain. Pain from the cycle of life and death. Ah! Aren't you so lucky? Hahahaha"

Metastacia was soon reduced to atomic void. He watched Metastacia get reduced to nothingness with self-deprecating laugh. He got depressed. His eyes caught the sight of fearful shinigami.

'Should I kill her?' He wondered.

"Tsk, What's your name?"

"Miyako. Miyako Shiba." She answered on impulse.

Slapping his cheeks, Subaru cheered himself and tried asking her for information.

"Miyako-san, can you tell me where this place is?"

Miyako's POV:

Right now, Miyako was powerless, grievously wounded and her zanpakuto destroyed. The only thing she could do was to buy some time in hopes of reinforcement which was very unlikely. So, she was surprised to see the hollow trying to have a conversation instead of attacking her immediately. But that's also good for her. Now, she only hoped that someone would come.

"Ah! You don't have to worry, I won't kill you or anything. Rest assured, I will leave in peace after you answer my questions."

She got confused at hollow's words. A good hollow? That's impossible. Maybe he had a tendency to enjoy his victim's despair and was giving false hope to her. That's why she didn't drop her guard. But there was no other way except going with the flow.

"Alright. Currently you are in a forest inside Soul Society."

"Oh! So, this is soul society. Too bad I am a hollow otherwise I would like to tour around. Are reinforcements coming?"

Miyako gulped. Should she lie or not?

"I… I….don't know."

"Is that so? Oh well it's fine. Which is the cardinal direction to your main headquarters and your barracks?"

It wasn't like it was a top secret thing. So, she told him in respect to her current location.

"It was nice talking to you, Miyako-san. Well then I will be on my way. Yeah right! Can you promise to keep our conversation secret? Just our conversation."

"Oh! Ok. Hmm. Sure."

"Alright bye, Miyako-san."

He disappeared from her sight. He had left. It was a weird day for Miyaki. Was it really a good hollow? She was dumbfounded but she has things to do. She returned to her division as fast as she could and reported everything from obliteration of her team and the presence of that weird hollow except their conversation. There was nothing important in that conversation. So, she didn't report it.

In a way, she kept her promise.