
Can I get one serene life with this Gacha system, please?

Have you ever wondered what you'll do if your consciousness transmigrates to a world of cultivation that appears to be dark and harsh? Perhaps you aspire to be a master cultivator, ruling over countless lives, deciding their fates with the flick of a finger. Perhaps you want to establish a nationwide harem just to fulfill your teenage fantasies. All of that is meaningless unless you survive, and that is all our protagonist desires. To live a more fulfilling life than the one he squandered. With just one luck-based Gacha system (With no pity, because the world is cruel) and a dream, can our protagonist live a life he won't regret while remaining true to himself? Will He bend, yielding to the world's will and twisted morals, or remain firm, imposing His on the world? Follow his journey to survive in his new harsh but full of opportunities world ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Disclaimers: 1. Novel is 50% SoL-ish | 25% Cultivation | 25% Others 2. Everything is fiction, all same or similar names and all that is purely coincidental. 3. All chapters edited + proofread by me. If it sucks, then my English is fundamentally bad, sorry .3. 4. Certain gifts will grant bonus chapters. 5. NO HAREM. Even if I, for some unholy reason, decided to make it so, it will be after pure romance with FMC is done. Before that, I won't even make it close to a harem.

GuessMyName · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 21- Socializing is hard (And Overrated)

After coming back from the academy's training area and taking a quick shower, Long Ren immediately went towards the clan's library to look for martial arts he could learn.

As the personal disciple of Xing Lao, Long Ren had a few privileges for the clan's public facilities.

For just about everything, he had about an outer elder's privilege. This means that everywhere he goes, as long as it is accessible to the public, he will be treated as if he is an outer elder.

Pretty good stuff, if Long Ren must say.

After reaching the clan's library, he casually showed his identification badge to the guarding elder and went straight to the 5th floor, the highest floor he could access.

As he went up the stairs, the guarding elder looked at Long Ren's fleeting back. A glint could be seen flashing in his eyes.

'His demeanor seems different from a few weeks ago…I wonder what he did to acquire such confidence, his pride is overflowing if anything, though he probably hasn't even realized it himself.' the guarding elder thought to himself, comparing the current Long Ren with the past Long Ren.

The first time he saw Long Ren was a few months ago.

When he went into the library, he looked like he was out of place, keeping his head down while searching for what he came for, trying to not attract any attention.

But now, look at him, head held up high, smooth gestures and confidently ignoring the stares everyone was giving him.

As a guarding elder, he had his connections and knew from the very beginning that Long Ren was Xing Lao's disciple. He was at first disappointed at the way he acts, but now, not anymore.

'Well, good for Xing Lao. His disciple's mentality had grown so much in just a year. I wonder what he did or rather, what Xing Lao made him do..' the guarding elder thought to himself, trying to find some sort of distraction from his mundane job.

Little did he know, that it was not pride overflowing from Long Ren, it was something else entirely.

Long Ren, oblivious to the guarding elder's thoughts, went through 4 sets of stairs and reached the 5th floor's entrance, guarded by an above 10th rank cultivator, an Earth realm cultivator.

He showed his identification badge once more and went directly in.

The first four floors of the library were arranged like a library from Long Ren's past life.

Bookshelves after bookshelves containing various cultivation manuals, albeit, the bookshelf was smaller and made out of a different type of wood.

Although Long Ren has not fully explored the first four floors, he could already see how much fewer contents the fifth floor had as compared to the other floors.

It is a floor only accessible to outer elders and above rank 10 cultivators after all.

After wandering around the fifth floor for a while, skimming through every interesting book he found, he arrived at the section where he is today here for, martial arts.

There lied around 30-ish books in front of him, categorized alphabetically.

After skimming through each and every one of them, looking through for what they teach and all that, he realized something.

'I am not supposed to be here am I' Long Ren chuckled to himself, feeling a bit dumb. This floor was meant to only be accessed by above rank 10 cultivators, after all, so all their books here are catered to them.

He had noticed this when he skimmed through various books on the way here, but he still hoped to find something somewhat interesting or suitable for him. But, most of them were not.

Most though, not all.

A few of these books are continuations of their previous parts. So, in total, he only had three books to learn from, a red, green, and blue book.

After debating internally, he chose the green one. (A/N: Bulbasaur is the cutest of three, the Evo's tho, not so much xD)

The green book teaches a martial arts called [Swift Storm's Encore]. It is a martial arts technique created mainly for speed-type cultivators, something Long Ren aspires to be.

After all, with a speed-type combat style, he hopes to weave in and out of the fight, avoiding as much damage done to his body as he could while chipping some "small" damage with his powerful punch and abilities.

And after skimming through the contents, though it is not perfect, it will do.

Feeling content with his choice, he proceeded to check out his book, as well as its lower parts from the lower floors, as the book he found on the fifth floor only covers the later stages.

The borrowing process went smoothly. The other two parts are available to be borrowed, and he only needs to come back after every month to make sure the book is still with him.

After finishing his business in the library and waving his goodbyes to the guarding elder, Long Ren decided to explore the clan's grounds.

All this time being cooped up in his house had made him oblivious to what was happening in the clan.

Not like it mattered to Long Ren though, since he'd like to avoid any potential cliche situations to happen.

He is perfectly happy with his lifestyle right now, growing stronger steadily with good guidance from his master.

But, after his experience in the little town he visited a few days ago, he felt like he needed to get more accustomed to the world he now lives in.

He had somewhat learned of the interactions of mortals with cultivators and mortals with mortals, now, it is time for cultivators with cultivators.

And what better way than to socialize with his fellow clansmate. He is also a cultivator after all, albeit, a lonely one.

There are a few options he could choose to do. One of them is the training area, sparring with each other and then comparing notes on what to improve and all. Another is the dining area, eating together while talking cultivator lingos together.

Surely his plans would work right?


Turns out, that socializing when everyone is respecting you is both annoying and hard. Especially when his image as a lone wolf had been implanted in his clansmates.

Never going out of his home. Never attends any academy lessons. Never went out for missions except for that one time, and worst of all, no one had actually ever talked to him.

In their minds, he is just a mysterious genius disciple of the Grand Elder who doesn't want to or can't be bothered to interact with them.

While they are right that he can't be bothered to initiate a conversation with them nor find any friends, it doesn't mean that he wants to be completely alone!

Where are you, that one hyperactive character that greets and talks with everyone no matter the circumstances!

Sadly, no one like that exists for Long Ren. When he went to the training arena, everyone had already had a pair or group, and they all distanced themself from him.

When he went to the dining area, he sits alone, brooding for no reason.

So, with those two options being a complete and utter failure, Long Ren decided to just continue his peaceful life and steadily grow strong for now.

He will try again another time, maybe after reaching above 10th rank and calming his mental. Yes, good plan.

At least today Long Ren learned something new about the clan. The dining area's foods were good. So good in fact that he stocked them up for one month, as the storage ring stops time from flowing.

(A/N: that's a normal thing right in cultivation novels? Do storage rings stop time? I think it is…MonkaHmm)

He will return next month for another batch of finally some good fucking food!