
chapter 8: Mrs Usagina

3 day after Princess Alfin proposal to meet the ice queen spirit, Mahsuri. A funeral was held for the scholar and the librarian which loses their life for helping princess Alfin research

Both princess Alfin and Azumi personally come to the funeral and help to calm down the grieving family

as snow started to fall gently to the ground the ceremony is over and once Princess Alfin give a compensation to the family, they head out back to the capital city

they 1st plan to visit the school for last minute inspection since new term will start 2 day from now on and then they will go to search for Mahsuri during last 15 day of the month

the reason for such decision is simple, they don't know when and where will Mahsuri appear and the only consistent rumour is Mahsuri will appear at Hima mountain during last 10 day, thus they will depart 5 day early with some people to help them from capital and familiarise themselves once they arrive at Hima mountain.

At the capital city, on the way to the school, Alfin and Azumi can't help but hear the reaction of surrounding people to recent tragedy in one of the high class tavern

"is Ishmelga will be awaken!?"

"Oh god, this really is the end of the world" "Princess Alfin and Azumi should abide to church teaching, not only they help the non human, now they consider to learn more about the god when the church clearly prohibited it"

"meeh, i think this is all a plan from neighbouring country to kill princess Alfin"

"this is why Prince Kniaz a better candidate, a male ruler will less likely to cause our country to be invaded, women are just weak"

"this must be punishment for them for standing up against non human"

While Princess Alfin and Azumi just brush it off as if it was normal for high class tavern fill with noble they also can't help but feel a little bit sad about it, even some of the commoner were having doubts about them albeit to a way lesser degree as compare to those noble

"both of you should just shrug it off, they are all talk, like an empty can make the loudest noise" [?]

"You are right Usa, but it still sting" [Alfin]

"then Azumi, by my command go and beat the hell out of them!" [Usagina]

"Oi, aren't you the one that say to just shrug it off, and now you're contraindicating yourself!" [Azumi]

"how come you say that, aren't you the hero that swore to protect your highness, are you actually a men if you're gonna let those guys get away bad mouthing this beautiful princess" [Usagina]

"you are making a valid points but no it will only create more trouble." [Azumi]

"Sob sob, to think my student have grown up to be a mature man, ohh i remember the day when you just barely know a letter and your rudeness back then but now look at you, here let me pat your head" [Usagina]

Mrs Usagina, a pink rabbit race try to extend her pink fluffy hand to Azumi head but he quickly retreat backward

"don't!" [Azumi]

"hey that is not nice, i remember you use to like me patting your head when you are a baby!" [Usagina]

"no I don't, and we only meet 5 years ago and there is no way you know me that long!" [Azumi]

Azumi keep on retorting to Mrs Usagina statement while Alfin is there trying her best holding her laughter which will burst any moment, she remembers the reason she started to tease Azumi and pat his head is due to the influence of Mrs Usagina herself

Mrs Usagina then proceed to go to Alfin school together with them, she was appointed as headmaster of the school despite her young age of 26 years old

along the way, both Alfin and Usagina keep on teasing Azumi one after another and as if resigning to his inevitable fate, Azumi just let out a big sigh and let them pat his head, which they did so vigorously just to mess with his hair and seeing how messy his hair is both of them threw a fit of laughter

"just stop, i beg you" [Azumi]

""nope"" [Alfin, Usagina]

"why you!" [Azumi]

they then arrive at the school where they begin the inspection of all the equipment, furniture and general conditions of the school. They also review back the textbook that will be use to teach those kid and make a fine last minute addition here and there

By the time they finish, evening have arrive and the snow started to glimmer in response to sunset creating a beautiful scene of orange snow

"such beauty" [Azumi]

"who me?" [Alfin]

"Nice one princess! hey Azumi, confess to her now!" [Usagina]

"Just shut up!" [Azumi]

"Booooo" [Usagina]

"Azumi i am so sorry, eventhough you are strong and also have a good look, you and I aren't meant to be together, I pray that we will meet in the next life again and hope we fall in love during that time, but as of now, you are my best friend!" [Alfin]

"Alfin, don't make the situation worse!" [Azumi]

"But it's fun teasing you" [Alfin]

"Haha, nice one princess, but getting back to the final topic, Azumi, are you ready for the school yearly tradition?" [Usagina]