
Chapter 76: The second day of the cleansing operation part 5

With that, they go back inside of the restaurant (but not before Azumi cleaning up one of the severed head and it's corpse). Azumi then proceed to use healing magic to Kucin and Cupid, and while waiting for Cupid to regain her consciousness he send out three wind bird golem, one to Filaurel group asking them to come to the restaurant, one to Mr Wright and another to Alfin and once Cupid regain her consciousness

"Are you alright?" [Kucin]

"Kucin? Haa!" [Cupid]

Cupid frantically look around

"Where are those suspicious people" [Cupid]

"Upstairs, I am about to wring them up for some information" [Azumi]

"Is that so teach... Huh, teacher Azumi!" [Cupid]

"That sure took you some time" [Azumi]

"It has been awhile!" [Cupid]

"It sure is Cupid" [Azumi]

"Where are my manner, wait I will prepare some food for all of you" [Cupid]

"No need to, just rest, plus you got injured because of helping us" [Azumi]

"That's within my expectations when I offer the help, but..." [Cupid]

"Sorry, I know it's a frightening experience" [Azumi]

"Its, it's alright, really, is just that..." [Cupid]

Cupid obviously shaking and can't hide her fear and just as Azumi and Kucin try to consult her, the fairies come

"We are sorry" [Fairy]

"It's our fault for helping them" [Fairy]

"Will you forgive us" [Fairy]

"Ehh?" [Cupid]

"Let me explain" [Azumi]

Azumi then explain what happen. The fairies that were caught by the long black hair man was used to set up all the barrier and the pollen of the fairies was used to make the surrounding neighborhood fall down deep into slumber. The fairies have to do it as there are other younger fairies being held hostage at the dark guild base. Now Azumi are waiting for the first knight squad so that they can start interrogate those five people

"I see now, then I will close the shop for today" [Cupid]

"Are you sure?" [Azumi]

"Yes, I can't serve my customer when I know something frightening happening upstair" [Cupid]

"You make a valid point" [Azumi]

"Well then, I just prepare some meal for you guys and the people that will come first" [Cupid]

"Cupid, just rest" [Kucin]

"Don't worry about me Kucin, you do know cooking is how I make myself more relaxed" [Cupid]

"If you said so, want my help?" [Kucin]

"Sure, it has been awhile since we last cook together" [Cupid]

"Kucin cooking huh..." [Azumi]

"Brother!" [Kucin]

"Just make it edible" [Azumi]

"How mean!" [Kucin]

"Well, she can make something good if someone guide her properly" [Cupid]

"Cupid!" [kucin]

With that, Cupid and Kucin goes to the kitchen and help prepare a light meal, Azumi and the fairies set up a barrier especially a sound barrier as not to let any sound to be heard from outside while Guz and Blade help cleaning up the restaurant and it's surrounding. Once the people from the first knight squad arrive, they inquire what happen and after the light meal

"So we will interrogate those five people for more information" [Knight]

"That, and also we will make them work for us" [Azumi]

"And how will you do it?" [Knight]

One of the member of the first knight squad ask Azumi

"Well, I will break their spirit and hope first and then use psychic magic to control them" [Azumi]

"Unless certain conditions are met or by using a really powerful tool, you need to control them from a distance, and forgive me for saying this but I rarely see you use psychic magic" [Knight]

"That's where the Filaurel, the fairies and the other will come into play" [Azumi]

All of them have a face that said "huh"

"Let me explain" [Azumi]

With that Azumi explain his plan to the group, with a conflicting face, they discuss the pro and cons of it

"It's quite dangerous" [Filaurel]

"But if we pull this off, we can gather them in one place, weaken them in advance and and make a preemptive strike" [Azumi]

"I guess the pro outweigh the cons but having those kid play that role, I am a bit reluctant" [Filaurel]

"How about it Kucin, Cupid, Guz and Blade? Your involvement is just optional but with you guys being there it will help us alot" [Azumi]

"Sir Azumi, shouldn't we discussed this with other first" [Filaurel]

"I agree but we don't have enough time" [Azumi]

The four of them have a deep thoughts and seem to discuss among themselves first, with that they reach an agreement, Kucin represent them

"Yes we agree, plus if things go south, you guys will help us right" [Kucin]

"Definitely" [Azumi]

"I just said this in advance, but Princess Alfin, Captain Aurora and the other will be extremely furious to you" [Filaurel]

"Yeah, even i hate myself for making them do such a thing" [Azumi]

"I am still reluctant, so let me be the one that will constantly monitor them" [Filaurel]

"Sure, both of us will monitor them" [Azumi]

"Brother Azumi and Filaurel monitoring us, that's reassuring" [Kucin]

"Before that, the four of you, Im sorry for making you do such a thing" [Azumi]

"It's alright teacher, we ourselves agreed to it plus we know we are in a good hand" [Kucin]

"Plus, I can atleast repaid both you and Princess Alfin by doing this, so I have no complaints about it" [Cupid]

"Kucin, Cupid thank you" [Azumi]

"Well, just don't forget to ask Princess Alfin and Duke Hiaccio family to dine here, other are more than welcome to join" [Cupid]

"I will make sure of that" [Azumi]

With that, Azumi and the first knight squad goes upstairs and begin their work