
Chapter 69: first day of cleansing operation part 5

Having an official visit to the church, Clair and Albert take the official carriage of the duke household and set out to go to the church building early in the morning

"Mommy, are you really going out" [Mile]

"I have to sweety, but I promise I will come back as soon as I can" [Clair]

"Promise?" [Mile]

"I Promise" [Clair]

"Be careful out there mother" [Ray]

"I will, thank you Ray" [Mile]

With that, both of them set out to go to the church, at first Mr Wright plan to follow them but the both of them refuse as they ask Mr Wright to help their father

"Huh..." [Clair]

"Already miss them?" [Albert]

"Yeah" [Clair]

"It's literally less than 24 hour you become their mother, and it's literally less than 10 minute you leave them just now" [Albert]

"hey! I don't leave them" [Clair]

"My bad" [Albert]

Clair already miss both of her adopted child while Albert being the youngest son can't help but to feel strange having someone who is younger than him in the household

"But still, what do you think will we get from this visit Clair?" [Albert]

"Who know, I don't think we can squeeze out any information, but us being there will atleast send them a message" [Clair]

"Yeah, you are right" [Albert]

With that, the carriage slowly but steadily make their way to the church, and once they arrive, the church official greet them

"It's nice to have you her, Lady Clair and Sir Albert" [Priest]

""Same here"" [Clair, Albert]

While Albert reply as usual, he notice that her sister have a little bit of anger in the voice

(well, she must be angry because of what happen to Ray and Mile. It's logical, even I feel it that way) [Albert]

The Hiaccio family still haven't announce the addition of their two new family member as they know this will only disturb the cleansing operation

"May I know where is the officials visit from the Holy Kingdom Aster?" [Albert]

"Im truly sorry Sir Albert as I can't answer those questions" [Priest]

"Why, do you have something to hide from us!" [Albert]

"No, of course not" [Priest]

The head of the church seem to be flustered by both Albert and Clair questions, they try to press the question further when suddenly

"I believe there shouldn't be any further need to question my fellow man, Lady Clair and Sir Albert" [?]

"Oh, and you are?" [Clair]

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Glimary, the 4th holy knight from the Holy Kingdom of Aster" [Glimary]

Glimary, the silver hair maiden introduce herself, hearing this, both Clair and Albert can't help but to be reminded of Their eldest brother Regia

"May I know the reason why the holy knight have to personally visit Mesembryanthemum?" [Albert]

"Oh, that's simply because we wanted to make sure our teaching to reach every part of society, not to be tainted by certain someone" [Glimary]

Hearing this sarcastic reply, Albert hold down his anger and just show a blank face, but deep down he is furious as he know she is most likely referring to Alfin and Azumi, Clair however simply can't stand it

"Oh interesting, why don't the head of the Holy Kingdom itself come then, surely those teaching of your can be widespread even Further" [Clair]

"As much as I want that to happen, there's no need for someone as great as Sir Ruach himself to come here, he simply will show himself to help the holy hero once they awaken among our rank, again not like certain someone" [Glimary]

"Oh, but that certain someone is the one that help slaying off the Lion Lich Raja, saving multiple people across multiple country, unlike the certain holy kingdom knight" [Clair]

At Clair remarks, Glimary can be seen clearly disgust by that fact, they can hear she slightly make the "tchh" sound under her breath

"That fake hero, truly he is strong, but not only he refuse to join our rank but also going against our teaching, truly a defiling act" [Glimary]

"He is defiling your teaching but aren't your teaching too oppressive to begin with?" [Clair]

"While I am delighted to have an opportunity to have a debate with you Lady Clair, I believe the both of you should see your surrounding for a moment" [Glimary]

Hearing that word, Clair and Albert can't help but notice that the people around the church seem concerned about this situation, not only that but there were whisper here and there saying how unfaithful both Clair and Albert are

"Ufu, I guess you are right, I'll back down for now, but should the opportunity arise, I would gladly accept it" [Clair]

"If you said so" [Glimary]

With that, both Albert and Clair leave the church

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