
Chapter 6: Captain Aurora

The captain of the elite squad, the 1st squad rush to both princess Alfin and Azumi

"why is there an orc here?" [Captain]

""we are equally confuse as you are"" [Alfin, Azumi]

Both Alfin and Azumi replies in chorus, they just finish the battle and haven't even started to examine the corpse and the meeting room

Azumi then proceed to explain what happen to the captain, Captain Aurora also known as the northern aurora, since he is the 3rd son of the duke governing the northern area of Raflesia.

"Hmm, is this really an omen?" [Aurora]

"who know, that might be the case, but it can also be due to the church sending his people to silence them or anyone that have a motive toward me or Princess Alfin, many speculation can be made if we keep on going so it is better to examine the scene first" [Azumi]

"Agree" [Aurora]

Unlike most noble, Azumi and Aurora get along pretty well and the true can be said with the people in the 1st squad, they might be noble and knight but at the same time they can't deny Azumi power and achievements, and the same hold true in Azumi mind, he know full well the noble in the squad not only strong but also highly educated and also having a good manner befitting that of a noble, there are a special snowflakes in the squad like the vice captain but its only 3-4 people out of the whole squad, and Azumi didn't really bother about them as the other actually treat him nicely and he doesn't want to sully this relationship

"still this fake raja really bother me, its only last month that both of you guys slain the Raja goblin and the fact its only the 1st month, the raja could not be born, unless...'" [Aurora]

"someone created it right" [Azumi]

"that is the most likely case, or maybe this is just an irregularity that happen once in a million, but i am more prone toward the first statement due to the good equipment that the fake raja have" [Alfin]

"can the 1st squad have the equipment, Princess Alfin and Azumi?" [Aurora]

"sure I don't mind, I don't have any use for it" [Azumi]

"i'll give it to you later and you should also ask for the king permission, right now can you guys bring this raja corpse to your storehouse, i will examine the corpse there later and make sure the magic core is intact" [Alfin]

"As you wish" [Aurora]

Aurora proceed to ask some of his men to transport the corpse to the squad storehouse and join back both Alfin and Azumi to investigate the meeting room, he also ask some of his men to search the librarian and relay the message to the king and other squad

"what the..." [Azumi]

"such massacre and yet nobody notice it" [Aurora]

"this is horrible" [Azumi]

"No... it as if I am leading them to their death, hncc" [Alfin]

Alfin loses the strength on her feet and sit helplessly as she see the headless corpse of her fellow scholar lying on the room

"Princess Alfin, it is not your fault, as Azumi mentioned, there are a special barrier place here so nobody will notice and i am sure those scholar will not blame it on you" [Aurora]

"but" [Alfin]

"Alfin!" [Azumi]

both Alfin and Aurora were startled for a bit, Aurora know the relationship between Alfin and Azumi and how casually Azumi mentioned her name despite them being a commoner and a royal but other people were a bit taken away by Azumi sudden stern voice as he doesn't use any honorific to address the princess

"I know what you are thinking but and it is alright to think it like that, but at the same time please show their corpse some respects, they come here to help your research and as you can see there are traces of battle here and there showing they put up a brave fight against the raja, so instead of weeping how about you face them and show some respect befitting of their sacrifice" [Azumi]

Alfin knew that what Azumi mentioned is right, its like the knight ceremony where they mourn the fellow comrade which fall on the battlefield, she stood right up, take her magical staff from item box and shine some light on its tip

" I, Alfin Rose, the princess of Raflesia hereby wishes you, my fellow scholar to have a safe journey on the afterlife, may the god accept you among the fallen" [Alfin]

just as she finish the speech, the light then proceed to spread out to entire room and envelope each corpse, looking at it, Azumi and Aurora can't help but also mourn alongside it

Azumi then notice something, one of the corpse have the same attire as the librarian and he quickly inspect the body and just as his thought, not only the attire match, the body build is also the same

"doppelganger, no he must be kill alongside the fellow scholar while helping them and the culprit then use his image to escape" [Azumi]

"how low can that culprit be" [Aurora]

"anyway, Alfin and I will investigate the barrier, can you call the court magician and also help to investigate the room" [Azumi]

"sure" [Aurora]