
Chapter 50: The first group activity part 1

"I wonder what all of them are currently doing" [Aurora]

"Doing their best" [Azumi]

"I don't know whether to take your remark seriously or sarcastic" [Aurora]

"Why not both" [Azumi]

"This is exactly why Kucin not being able to reach Rank C" [Aurora]

"Alright, alright I get it, that is my bad" [Azumi]

"Then stop doing it and behave yourself otherwise more students from the Alfin School will follow this example" [Aurora]

Both Captain Aurora and Azumi were the only one that doesn't take the carriage, reason? They travel by foot at a high speed

With Azumi cloak himself in Wind, Lighting and acceleration magic, he manage to achieve a fast travel speed, he also do the same toward Aurora, and Aurora also use Ice Glide magic to further increase their travel speed

"Oh, Aurora, there's a goblins up ahead, there are three of them" [Azumi]

"Thanks, leave it to me, it's time to test out my new weapon" [Aurora]

With that, Aurora take out an Axe from his item bag and quickly enchanted it with his Ice and Light magic, with a single slice, the three goblins doesn't even know what hit them and die on the spot

"So you and the first squad really do not know who make that Fake Raja armor?" [Azumi]

"Sadly no, but I have to say it's armor and Axe are a quality one" [Aurora]

"I can see that, but that Raja axe you were using, who modify it?" [Azumi]

"Ahh, as expected from you to notice it" [Aurora]

"Pretty obvious, plus I can't call myself Princess bodyguard or a teacher if I can't notice such thing" [Azumi]

"Well, I ask Mrs Usagina and the people from the royal research institute to make the modification" [Aurora]

"Interesting, so what did they do?" [Azumi]

"There are two things that I ask them to add, first to attach a quality Ice and Light magic core to the axe, so that it will further amplify my enchanted magic and second is for the gravitational magic to be applied" [Aurora]

"I see, no wonder you effortlessly swing it" [Azumi]

"Yes i must say they did an excellent job, whenever i go against gravity it will automatically lighten itself and when it detect i will attack the enemy, the magic dispersed itself causing it to gain it's original weight" [Aurora]

"I can't begin to imagine the cost of it" [Azumi]

"Let just say it's expensive, the B rank Magic core alone cost a fortune" [Aurora]

"And Alfin have a ? mark when Kucin freaked out being given a High quality magic core, that friend of mine" [Azumi]

"To be fair, she was raise as a royalty so her value toward money is different from a commoner" [Aurora]

"Look who's talking" [Azumi]

"Oh speaking of quality magic core, do you plan to use the Ice Queen magic core for that weapon?" [Azumi]

"We have to defeat it first though but if possible" [Aurora]

"Well, the magic core should be at worst a B rank but I believe that the chance would be so low that you have to have quite a bad luck to get it" [Azumi]

"Well, if it is a S rank one we might be dead fighting the Ice Queen" [Aurora]

"Who know but let just try our best" [Azumi]

"Sure" [Aurora]

"Oh, You got the Axe, but who got the armor?" [Azumi]

"We are still looking for the best candidate but I believe Kane will be the one that will wear it" [Aurora]

"Tchh, that vice of your" [Azumi]

"Now now, it's true that he act hostile toward you but at least he doesn't show it like other noble do" [Aurora]

"Well, that is also true but he also act like that toward Kucin" [Azumi]

"That is my fault, I must said one of the reason why I frequently nominated Kucin to the adventure guild is to attract her to join us, and he see it as me pitying a commoner and a non human" [Aurora]

"Well, as long as he doesn't hurt Kucin" [Azumi]

"I'll assure you that wouldn't happen, eventhough he act like that toward both of you, he also know how strong and useful both of you were" [Aurora]

"That's true otherwise Filaurel and the other will long quit from your squad" [Azumi]

As they keep on continuing their chat, some time have passed

Along the way to the Hima Valley, there were a few weak monster here and there, without even stopping, Aurora just slice them without breaking a sweat, he wanted to familiarise himself with his new axe as much as possible before fighting the Ice Queen

"Well, we have arrive at the Hima Valley" [Aurora]

"Ice Queen and Mahsuri, here we come!" [Azumi]