
Chapter 31: Confronting the slave merchant part 2

"Yeah, everything fine here, more importantly can you guys check the condition of those two kids first, and ask Captain Aurora to come here" [Azumi]

"Northern Aurora..." [Scum A]

Hearing Captain Aurora name, the man once again turn pale, just as Azumi's instructions, Filaurel ask Captain Aurora to meet Azumi whereas the other especially Kucin and Lydia check the condition of the two children. Them being from the beast race should relief the anxiety of the boy, while the little rabbit girl are still looking confuse

"So mind to tell me what happen after you run off?" [Aurora]

"yeah, this guy over here is using a whip and chased down those two poor children, he look quite happy to do so as he mentioned that this is his source of entertainment" [Azumi]

"I see, such despicable act" [Aurora]

Aurora hearing those word unconsciously let off a chilly aura of intimidating air around him, which cause the man to further shiver down in fear

(and people call me the demon when he's far scarier) [Azumi]

While Azumi is also called the demon by those despising him, he is just a commoner, on the other hand Captain Aurora is an upstanding knight and noble from the well prestige family of duke, Captain of the elite 1st squad, the aura of intimidation from him give off vibe of authority as compared to Azumi

"So, starting back from where we left off, where are the other?" [Azumi]

"They are in the wood just up ahead of those hill" [Scum A]

The man frantically point out the location

"How many are there" [Azumi]

"Around 90 people, I'm not sure" [Scum A]

"Such number, and why is that you are not sure" [Azumi]

"because we are newly formed group gathered around by our boss Zlatan, he wipe out all the leader of previous group, and band us all together" [Scum A]

"Describe this person you call Zlatan" [Azumi]

"from what i know he is a former C rank adventure, he uses sword, have a tall lean build with grey hair and I only saw him using water and space magic once, I don't know anything else about him, I swear!" [Scum A]

"Are the people you capture still there?" [Azumi]

"There are around 25 people, they should sell them off in a week" [Scum A]

"where?" [Azumi]

"I don't know, I swear, they doesn't tell us underling about those thing" [Scum A]

Having an adequate amount of information, Azumi and Aurora unconsciously node to each other, before

"Oh, and one more thing" [Azumi]

"yes..." [Scum A]

Azumi suddenly open his mouth, the man expecting a question is suprised when Azumi suddenly punch him in the face, causing him to blacked out in an instant

"such savage act" [Aurora]

"Can't deny that" [Azumi]

"Still, 90 people with 25 hostages, this is quite a large group" [Aurora]

"Yeah, we really need to approach this carefully, plus the leader is a former C rank adventure and band all the thief and merchant, safe to say he is not to be taken lightly" [Azumi]

"let us tell the other what we have first and discuss with them" [Aurora]

"Understood" [Azumi]

Azumi and Aurora goes back to the group while discussing some plan, at the same time Azumi uses a space and wind magic and carry the body of the unconscious man mid air. When they arrive, they can see a warm smile from the children with a cup of chocolate drink in their hand, judging from the smell, it must be Alfin's favourite brand.

"what a delicious treat" [Azumi]

Azumi playfully said that to the kids

"It is, it is and it is so warm, thank you sister" [Rabbit girl]

The little rabbit girl hug Alfin as a sign of thanks, Alfin hug hee back tighter in response. Alfin then said something to those two kid

"Don't you have something to say to that Mr?" [Alfin]

""Yes, thank you Mr Azumi"" [Dog boy, Rabbit girl]

"you are welcome, you can call me brother Azumi if you want though" [Azumi]

"someone jealous of princess Alfin" [Aurora]

"Not really, it's just a strange feeling that she is called sister while they refer me as Mr" [Azumi]

The group let out a small laugh

They first when inside of the carriage and there Azumi and Captain Aurora tell them what they have learned from the now caged man. Azumi uses an earth magic and make a cage with wheel underneath so that the man would not escape, Alfin then cast magic reflection into the cage so that the prisoner will not break the cage from inside using magic.

"And so that is what we manage to find" [Azumi]

"I see now, So Aurora and Azumi, what will you do" [Alfin]

"Initially, we were thinking of sending my squad with Kucin and Azumi to subjugate them this instance, since if we delay any further, there might be a chance that they become suspicious of this man disappearance and move out from their base" [Aurora]

"I see, is that alright Azumi" [Alfin]

"That is the initial plan but I think only myself, Filaurel, Kucin and the students are needed, the rest should stand by down in hill to capture the one that run away, we will make sure their only escaped route, if and only if they managed to escape toward you guys" [Azumi]

"Interesting, and how do you planned on doing that?" [Alfin]

Azumi and Aurora then proceed to tell them what they have been planning

thank you for the 5000 view, let keep it up!

muhammad_azmeecreators' thoughts