
Chapter 135: Going to the Holy Kingdom of Aster part 3


Duke Hiaccio castle, after Albert having drop off Azumi at the other side of the wall, seeing him off continuing his journey

Albert, after stepping off the carriage, make his way to the dining room, where as usual, they will have their breakfast together, but due to the circumstances this time around, other maid and butler (except Mr Wright) will not be there

(I wonder if they will allow Ray and Mile to join in as well, since father will tell other a out our meeting just now) [Albert]

He open up the door to the dining room on his own, and it doesn't take too long to see the answer for himself as the two children happily eating together with the others

(Well, we are family now, don't think hiding it will be any good decision, plus they have to learn to kept a secret if they want to thrive and survive in noble society) [Albert]

"Welcome back Albert" [Lady Air]

"Arrive just in time for the breakfast Sir Albert" [Mr Wright]

"I'm back. (Somehow I'm still not getting use to Mr Wright not calling us Little anymore)" [Albert]

"Uncle Albert, come and sit here, here" [Mile]

"Haha, alright then" [Albert]

Albert take his seat just beside Mile. With him taking the seat, they started the prayer before eating the breakfast

"Did you send him off properly?" [Clair]

"I did, after a moment of saying thanks, he just use his magic to take off at inhuman speed" [Albert]

"Well, that's so like him, and the high speed magic is something Usa have thought him" [Clair]

"Well atleast he could chat a bit longer, if he continued doing that to other noble, Alfin and he himself will found themselves to be in trouble" [Albert]

"True enough, but can't help much since we know what he's doing right now" [Duke Hiaccio]

"True, but he should think about it for a bit, especially his etiquette with ither noble, well not that our family mind it much" [Albert]

"Must be complicated thing for him" [Ray]

"Haha, someone becoming more nervous" [Mr Wright]

"I can understand how Mr Azumi feel though, I mean I'm still not use to all of the etiquette" [Ray]

"Well, in his case, it's more like he chose to whom he wanted to show those etiquette, must said I kinda like those style" [Clair]

"Mile wanted to do that to, Can I?" [Mile]

"Mile!" [Ray]

"Just be strong and you can also do that" [Clair]

"Clair, don't teach Mile strange thing" [Lady Air]

"Fufu, joking joking" [Clair]

"On another note, should we visit the two of them next week?" [Lady Air]

"Yes, I agree on that one, we have to introduce ourselves to their parents after all" [Clair]

"..." [Ray]

"Ray..." [Clair]

Clair hug Ray as tight as she could, with Ray right now suppressing his tear to said a word to Clair

"Thank you, thank you so much for becoming our mother, mother Clair" [Ray]

He said that, unable to contain his emotion and tear no more, he tightly hug back his mother to soothe his emotion, hiding his now teary eyes from everyone else

"Mile love this family too!" [Mile]

"Let us all visit them next day itself shall we" [Duke Hiaccio]

None object to the suggestion


(I'm getting sleepy) [Azumi]

With the sun now showing itself right up in the sky, it rays greet all the life down underneath it, with the highway showing sign of traveler using the road, Azumi decided to travel by either using the old road or the forest as he wanted to not get spotted, nonetheless, he keep close to the highway so that he wouldn't get lost

Since he's traveling in quite a rough terrain, he slow down his total velocity and instead focus more on his reflex and surrounding so that he could traverse the land safely, avoiding any unwanted accident from befalling him

As he continued to travel, he finally see his second landmark

(Well, there is the border for the Kingdom of Raflesia with other) [Azumi]

Eventhough it's called a border, there's no grand wall or a post to guard it due to the rough terrain surrounding it

(Pass this border and I am no longer in Raflesia, and I should pass two or three small countries before arriving at Aster) [Azumi]

He enter deep thoughts for a moment

(And those countries have been invaded by Aster, so I should assume that I am already within their territory, so I should exercise more caution) [Azumi]

Seeing as everything around him is clear, he continued to travel, before that, he look back toward Mesembryanthemum direction, or more specifically at the capital direction, where Alfin lies

"Wonder what you are doing right now" [Azumi]