
Chapter 131: Sudden departure

"So that's what happening right now" [Alfin]

"Well, that's to be expected, with how things have become recently" [Azumi]

"Still, I do believe we still haven't received much intel, especially from the top brass of The Holy Kingdom of Aster" [Prime Minister Erdon]

"Well, The Holy Knight Glimary is something else, she just won't bulge even the tiniest of bit to our torture method" [Aurora]

"True, and sincerely speaking, I'm impressed by her will" [Kane]

"Well, I do believe our intel were insufficient..." [King Edward]

"Father, what are you thinking right now?" [Alfin]

"Well, we can just wait for him to come back, or..." [Azumi]

"How long will your trip take at full speed?" [King Edward]

"I'll say around 1 week going back and forth, since I also need to preserve my mana in case of any unexpected events occurring" [Azumi]

"I see" [King Edward]

"But I'm quite reluctant to go right now as I have to leave Alfin behind, so Filaurel, can you take my spot for a while? I'll leave guarding Alfin to you and also to Aqua and Fizumi" [Azumi]

"I don't have any problems with that, but are you sure that you want to leave both of them behind?" [Filaurel]

"100% sure, can't compromise when it come to her safety" [Azumi]

"Oww... that's so sweet of you" [Alfin]

"When are you departing?" [Prime Minister Erdon]

"Hmmm... I can just go now itself but I have promise to train Kucin, and also helping Alfin to enhance the magic core so just give me around three day from now" [Azumi]

"Sorry, but I do believe time is gold right now, can't you compromise" [Kane]

"I agree with Kane" [Aurora]

"It's fine, I can ask other to enhance the magic core with me, and as for Kucin, I can ask Guild Master Karonlir to postpone the date even further if you want" [Alfin]

"Or we from the first squad can help train her, I'm sure she will understand" [Filaurel]

"That will help, if that's the case I can leave around midnight" [Azumi]

"Before that, can you send your wind bird golem to Kingdom of Ledang, I will attach some letter regarding what happen to us" [King Edward]

"True, we have to exchange any valuable intel as frequently as possible, that itself is one of the key to victory" [Prime Minister Erdon]

"We should develop those television as soon as possible, that way any intel can be sent in a blink of an eye" [Alfin]

"Well, I have to leave researching those ancient device to you then" [Azumi]

"Just leave it to me!" [Alfin]

"Here's the letter" [King Edward]

"Go forth and fly, wind bird golem" [Azumi]

"Chirp chirp"

The golem took the letter using it claw feet and quickly fly off toward the direction of Kingdom of Ledang. The dawn sky begin to change its colour as the bird fly further away, with the time right now at 800pm, with date of 5th of second month, month of fall 1299

"Well, there are around four hour left before I depart, I will go get some rest at my house first, maybe after saying sorry to Kucin first" [Azumi]

"Do you have any healing item left in your item box? If not, I could ask the castle knight to prepare some for you" [Prime Minister Erdon]

"Plenty, but I don't think it would hurt to have some more" [Azumi]

"Understood, I will ask them to bring to the First Knight Squad base along with some food from the chef, that way your departure time can be concealed" [Prime Minister Erdon]

"Appreciate the thought" [Azumi]

"Hmphh, if only you behave like that all the time" [Kane]

"Kane, now isn't a good time for that" [Aurora]

"Agree" [Filaurel]

"You should go and get some rest first, for the medicine and food, Aurora, can you send your man to his house instead, that will be far more convenient" [King Edward]

"Will do" [Aurora]

"Azumi..." [Alfin]

"What is it Alfin" [Azumi]

"I know you are strong, but please be careful and don't push yourself too much. Prioritize your safety above all else, understand?" [Alfin]

"Can't die yet, not before seeing you becoming the Holy Hero and also the queen" [Azumi]

"I'm being serious here!" [Alfin]

"And so am I" [Azumi]

"Just go and take your rest!" [Kane]

"Can't argue with that, well I am counting on you Aurora to deliver the supply to my house" [Azumi]

"Have a Safe journey" [Aurora]

"Before I forgot, I will drop by Mesembryanthemum to get to Aster, is there anything that you want me to do there, Your highness, Prime Minister and also Aurora" [Azumi]

"Just tell Duke Hiaccio what happen" [King Edward]

Azumi simply nod to the statement, leave the room and went straight to the orphanage before going to his house

After he leave the room

"I hope nothing happen to him" [Alfin]

"Don't worry, Master is strong! Stronger than I am!" [Fizumi]

"Sincerely speaky, I can't imagine anyone that could hurt him" [Aqua]

"Let just hope so" [Aurora]

"Princess Alfin, do you want me to accompanied you to your room?" [Filaurel]

"Don't worry, you can start doing your job tomorrow, just get some rest first" [Alfin]

"If you said so" [Filaurel]

"Well, in the meantime he is not here, all of us should also gather some more intel" [Prime Minister Erdon]

"Agree" [King Edward]