
Can A Dream Come True?

What happens when you dream of other worlds? Thank the lords you’ll be there soon. A sickly girl bedridden and couldn’t see much if the world will now join the universe exploration system! Will her dreams come true or will all this become a nightmare? Come and find out.

Shiren_Icy · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The first dance

Sarah awakens from her slumber, only to hear that Lin has come to cause trouble.

"Well it looks like someone forgot to put a muzzle on this bitch"

Dressed to fight, Chi (Sarah) steps out ready to waste Lui, dressed in an obsessive amounts of quality goods that serve her no good here.

Enraged by the comments about her manners, "Well at least I'm not some stray dog that has no use." Showing off her spiritual aura as she normal does to intimated Chi. Lui has the now common way of cultivation and has nothing all too special for a noble family.

"Hello guys, it's Pixie here to give you a breakdown on how the rankings go in this world."

"They have varying degrees of each title achievement. We have a total of 7 different titles that are widely varied in power, known in the first of the 9 nations.

We have Martial Soldier,(degree 3) the first level and therefore the easiest to achieve. Martial Warrior,(degree 4) second level can be can be achieved with simple training. Refined Star Soldier,(degree 7) third level can be achieved by level one soul cleansing training and meditation.

Dream Star Soldier,(degree 10) fourth level can be achieved by simple dream training and overcoming mental challenges.

Diamond Warrior, (degree 4) Fifth level can be achieved by level 2 dream escape, level 3 soul cleansing training and meditation.

Senior Soldier,(degree 3) sixth level can be achieved by seven layered circle meditation and soul training.

Senior Warrior, (degree 4) can be achieved by 3x layer circle gravity simple training and soul resonating."

"Now all of this will be more in depth later in these chapters how to pull of each level and any other small details needed. Back to the world!"

Lui place at level 3 Refined Star Soldier, degree 2. Our Chi on the other hand would on any other day be too weak to face her (Lui). Chi would be less than a Martial Soldier due to not being able to cultivate that way, she has in previous events just been beaten and left wounded.

"Haha after 3 days in the closet you must think you had gotten stronger after tripping me like that yesterday? Mm don't worry I'll make sure you know your place after today"

Lui begins to set for her newly founded ability over wind, sending sharp wind waves flying at Chi. Sarah hopes for the work last night to comes in handy. Just as the winds are to make contact, like the scales of a snake sensing danger, Sarah begins to slither like a snake.

"What are you doing you stupid girl just let me cut you down!!!!!"

'Wow it's working, did I really get it right at some point last night?'

Sue nods happily, as Sarah feels a build up of power in her core. She feels the build up of poison and killer intent as she keeps up with the tempo of the wind waves.

"Well doesn't this look like an unexpected turn of events. Think I'm as weak as before you are wrong!" With confidence in herself and all that she has worked for , along with her years of dreams pushing her forward.

Sarah feeling the power of a dancers ability, closes the distance between Lui and herself one turn and kick at a time. Lui fears the sudden betterment of Chi, this cause her wind to become wide and dull. The wind becomes weaker and yet harder to avoid, Chi body defense was just high enough to withstand the weakening force.

The wind brushing Chi's body changes the point of impact. The wind forcing Sarah to focus on the point to kill, throwing her body out of her control. The wind ,weak but still plentiful, moving causes Lui to lose balance for just a moment and that was the moment of impact. Sarah eyes glowing almost snake like dart the moment weakness was shown.

"Ahh… AHHHHH!"

The moment Lin hit the ground, Sarah was there and strikes Lui's chest soo hard it bruised. Sarah's hand sharp like the fang, injecting a spiritual poison directly into Lui's heart. With shock spelled across Lui's face and the quiet maids that follow her, they hurry to pick Lui. The poison coursing though her veins.

"Y-you what have you done to me!"

Trying to muster her spiritual energy,

"AHHHHHH….", coughing up blood

"W-we'll to your father about this!" "Yeah what is he going to do to you when he sees Lui?"

They all hurry away to help Lui get a doctor. The black bruise begins to spread over all her veins. The Doctor so frightened,

"W-what happen to her? Why is she so weak?"

"This.. she's been poisoned.. Who did this?"

In shocked the maids and the doctor turned around to see in the doorway to see General Xiang, fuming with anger, the veins popping out of his face.

Back at the Qin Pavilion…

"Chi when did you learn how to do that? Honey you did so good."

Chun, Chi's darling little brother, pats her on the back

"Sis I'm glad you figure it out, now the General can't call us useless"

The General has heard of what happens to his favorite daughter hurt by the notorious useless daughter of the main wife? Find out in the next chapter.