
Can A Background Character Like Me Really Be Of THAT MUCH WORTH?!!!

Look at yourself first. Think about that time, that part of your life where it feels like nothing is going according to your way, nothing is moving according how you want to and everything is just...stagnant. We're the same in that aspect. With the only difference between us being that for you, its just a past, it's a memory and for me, it's not just my past but also my present and also my future. No matter how hard I try to break the chains that bind me, the same reality keeps playing back and forth in front of my eyes. With the only noticable changes about me being my age. People say the world holds the answers to all our mysteries and questions. But I just want to ask only this single question? "Can A Background Character Like Me Really Be Of That Much?" No matter what I do, I always find myself in the position of a background character, which made me to start acting that way. Will my life really ever change? NB: The cover doesn't belong to me and all copyrights reserved for the respective owners. -No NTR! -No Yuri!

Lyriryl · Urban
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42 Chs


"Not really."

"What happened between the both of you? You seem so distant these days. Never would anyone guess you were once that close before."

"Long story short, some things happened and we broke up. So now she's just my ex."

"Hey, that's not fair. I want to hear everything in full detail."

"I thought you were a social master. How come you appear as if you didn't know this?"

"That may be true but that doesn't mean I have to know everything."

Maybe it's because she still wasn't popular at that time because only a selected few only knew about it.

"You have to."

"Come on. Please let me hear the full story, pretty please."

"It's not a pleasant story though."

"I don't care. As long as it helps me to know what happened to you." I could feel my face turning grave when I recalled the events.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just let me gather my thoughts a little."


"We had formed a strong bond to the point we earned a nickname in our neighborhood, the child couple. Of course, our feelings and emotions for each other were genuine and I knew that much was true until I made a mistake. The mistake that I did was-"

"Mind if we guys join you for lunch."

This voice?

It can't be, but it is because I know it from anywhere.

Its him!

I pretended not to hear that but that wasn't the case with my partner.

"Hey Tamaki, Katsumi, what brings you here?"

So they're both here.

"We couldn't really find any other spots as they were filled with third years so we thought maybe we could join up with some acquaintances."

"Ummm, well…" She looked at me.

"You're not welcome. Find somewhere else." I replied in a monotone voice and there was complete silence afterwards accompanied by the waves of the scorching wind.

I didn't even have to look up for them to know the seriousness carried in my voice.

"What did you say?" I heard an unfamiliar female voice with intimidation reply to me.

It was then that I decided to finally look at these people and I realized that I was wrong all along. They weren't two. They were a group four.

With Tamaki, Katsumi and two other beautiful girls involved who I didn't know anything about.

"You heard me. You're not welcome here. Find somewhere else."

I don't care if she's hot or pretty or whatever. Any girl who gets involved with him is a strict no for me.

"Sakurai calm down. We're not here to cause trouble. Could you maybe tell us the reason why we cannot join you?"

This guy has so much experience playing saint to the point its disgusting.

It makes me sick to my core.

"Do I need a reason? If you want one then it's simple. You are disturbing us and I think you should go somewhere else."

"Stop acting childish man." Katsumi replied.


After that?

It may be last year but still…

"Listen boy. I don't care who you are or what kind of hotshot you think you are. But you should learn to show some respect to your upperclassmen." The black-haired girl said.

I had a vague feeling they were third years.

"For the record I do respect them. But even though I respect you, that doesn't imply for me to allow you any form of authority over me. We all have equal rights over school grounds."

"Saku calm down. It's okay."

"It's not okay. Since the whole top is filled with third years, why can't they join them instead of trying to invade here? It's like they decided to come here because we are second years."

"Don't worry. It'll be fine. Just calm down and relax okay."

Sayumi put her palm over my hand in order to calm me down as I was about to lose it.

"Its fine. They can join."

Wasn't she the one who was spouting about alone time and disturbance and all?

For the record, I'm doing this for her.

And myself too.

"Really." Tamaki was a bit giddy.

"Yeah. I don't see any problem with that. Do you Saku?"

"I do but if you insist, then what can I do about it. They can if they want."

Tamaki turned to his girls.

"Well, you heard him."

"Let's find somewhere else. He makes me uncomfortable."

"My thoughts too." The other girl replied to her friend.

Works for me.

I prefer it that way.

"Sorry about that. He may act like it but trust me when I say he's not a bad person. He just doesn't know how to express himself properly."

"I too can attest to that."

"Really this guy?" The black-haired girl with twin tails scrutinized me.

"You're lucky that your girlfriend is nice and isn't as bad tempered as you. I wonder how she even keeps up with you." The brown haired girl responded immediately after that.

I'd rather not waste my joules of energy putting up with them. It's a waste of time.

Sayumi moved opposite from her spot to my and sat beside me, creating more space for the visitors.

Or a better term.

The invaders of our privacy and alone time.

As much as I dislike being in this mixed group, I have to put up with it for the sake of unorthodox peace.

Even if what I did is deemed as being childish, I'd rather he knows he's not welcome.

He may try to act like a good guy in front of everybody else, but that's not the case for me.

Sayumi seeing the way I was still acting, squeezed my over my palm for reassurance that she was there for me.

And it made me to focus on something else as long as its not these people.

I have no problem with the third year girl, I only have a problem with those guys.

At least I'll try to put up with all of this to save her image.

She doesn't need to get involved in my mess.

She didn't do anything wrong.

"Allow me to introduce you guys. Starting from my right is Chika and to my left is Keina. Chika, Keina, the girl sitting down is Sayumi and the boy beside her is Sakurai."

"Nice to meet you." Sayumi immediately chimed in.

"Nice to meet you too."

"Same here."






Then everyone looked at me as if expecting something.

"Nice to meet you all."

I continued to chomp on my feast without caring about anyone's opinion.

"Chill out Saku. The food is not going anywhere."

Its not about the food going anywhere, its about trying to get the focus completely on my food.

The black-haired girl with twin tails was the one named Chika. She has peculiar green eyes shielded by dignified spectacles and a mesmerizing beautiful face that would melt most boys in the school and huge bountiful breasts which were emphasized by her school shirt as they stood tall, high and mighty above me. For clarification, Momo's are still bigger than anyone else's, she doesn't even compare to dear Momo. She doesn't, she doesn't, Momo's are…


The other brown-haired girl whose name is Keina had her hair cut short and suspended in a ponytail clearly defining her sweet facial features which held a certain allure to it. She was radiating big sister type of vibes from her as her face looked like it was always smiling and never deterred from joy. She had smaller breasts as compared to Chika, but that was out shadowed by the beautiful appearance of her thick thighs as her legs beautiful legs are sprouted from under her skirt.


Sayumi's are still better though.

And I mean it.

The guys, accompanied by the girls then took their seats as we all formed a circle with the girl-boy-girl-boy formation.

And I didn't like it one bit that Tamaki was rooted right beside Sayumi.

Since introductions were well out of the way, the group of four brought out their food, more like from the cafeteria and began to gobble on it. As for Chika, she only brought out juice and I began to doubt what she eats.

"Are you going to be okay with only just that?" Sayumi asked Chika the very same question I had on my mind.

"Don't worry about me. I only eat twice a day."

"Is that enough though?"

"Don't worry. She's like that. By the way, Sayumi. You're so cute aren't ya? You making me very jealous just by the sight of you. Do you know are one of the few people who have quite the reputation among us third years." Keina chimed in.

"Really, I do?"

Yep. She definitely knows.

"Just take a look around you."

Even if she wasn't talking to me, I also did the same as I looked around us and I never realized that the third years' number had spiked up by that much and most gazes were being here and there from time to time.

As for girls they had longing gazes for Tamaki.

As for guys, they looked like beasts trying to devour my sweet poor little Sayu.

I'll shield her from these beasts.

They should try to look at their girls.

But on another note, how could they not be.

There were literally five popular figures here in one circle.

Hold on.

Does that mean they actually saw us doing all those things?

Nah. Doesn't matter.

"Whoa. You're right." Katsumi with his defiant personality of not wanting to be left out, butted in between the girls' conversation.

The five of them started chatting happily, all displaying their frightening social prowess in front of me especially Sayumi, Tamaki, Keina and Katsumi.

As for Chika, she looked to be a bit more reserved than the other four and only entered at specific intervals.

As for me…

We'll get to that part that is if it actually exists.

I'm still wondering what the relationship between these third year girls and guys is like because they don't appear to be in that type of relationship.

While all of them got along well with each other, I faded into the background fully utilizing my quirk as I immersed myself in the food and detached myself from the conversation with only being the dim candidate there.

Luckily for me, nobody seemed to care about me as they all dismissed me entirely.

Nobody except for Sayumi, that is.

Time and time again, Sayumi took momentary glances at me and saw that I wasn't enjoying it not even by a minuscule amount and kept my mouth entirely shut, also I wasn't even trying to pay attention to anything else.

I don't know if it was just me, but she appeared a bit sad every time she did that.

I didn't want to see her like that, but what could I do at a time like this. She's the one who wanted them here.

Maybe it's just me.

Plus, I understand she has the ability to befriend everything as her ability is being portrayed in front of me right now.

It wasn't until the bell gave us the go-ahead signal to proceed with our next afternoon lessons and after we were done, people began dissipating as they were returning to their classes.

"You know, you're quite a fun individual to talk with. It was quite a refreshing experience for me. We should get along more." Keina was praising Sayumi.

"Me too." Chika replied.

"The pleasure is all mine." Sayumi politely responded to them both.

"Hey guys. What about us?" This convoluted Katsumi.

"Of course, you girls should really learn not to leave us out like that. It's not nice in some ways."

"Sorry about that. I guess I was too excited since this girl is just too adorable." Keina praised Sayumi again.

Of course, our thoughts perfectly align on that.

And it makes me proud that I'm the only one who has managed to take the full brunt of her adorableness without losing my sanity.

Wait. Why do I feel weird?

I'm getting weird vibes from Keina.

Its like she's…


Is that why she's that immune to Tamaki?

Just what's the relationship between these four here?

Urgh, I'm going off topic.

What lesson do we have next again?

Oh no.

Please don't tell me.

Don't tell me its PE!

Especially under this scorching heat!

And this scorching…





I think I've abused scorching wind a bit too much!

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