
Chapter 3: Girl's Night

Exiting the taxi I look at the club nervelessly. Jessie comes up beside me, "There is no reason to be so nervous," I look at her skeptically but don't say anything, "Now, come on let's have fun!" she said dragging me to the entrance.

Entering through the doors I am greeted with loud music, disco lights, people dancing, screaming, making out, drinking, and a dramatic change in temperature. I look at Jessie who is smiling, "Let's go to the bar Before we dance!" she yelled over the music while dragging me again. We take a seat on the stool.

Jessie calls out to the bartender, "Three tequila shots each please."

"Coming right up."

I look at her shocked, "Three?!"

"What? You need to let loose tonight,"

"But three? how about one?" I say as the bartender places our drinks in front of us.

"Nope, now drink up!" she said pushing a shot closer to me while picking her one. I pick up the shot reluctantly. "On the count of 3, 1... 2.. 3!" we throw back the first shot. Wincing as it burns down my throat and how bitter it was, making me want to spit it back out. I look at Jessie seeing that she had the same reaction as me. "Ugh, that's... that's disgusting," I say pointing at my empty cup.

"God, how do people drink the stuff?" Jessie said sticking her tongue out.

"Are we going to drink the rest of this?" I asked pointing my finger at all of them with a disgusted face.

"Nah, bitch you be crazy if you think I'm going to drink the rest of that," I nod in agreement.

"let's dance!" she said motioning to the dance floor. We get off the stool and move through the crowd, making it to a free space on the floor. Jessie starts dancing to the beat of the music, swaying her hips. "come on girl, dance!" she said with a bright smile. I start dancing hesitantly before getting the hang of it and start to enjoy myself.

We danced until the song ended, "Let's get a drink!" I yelled

"Sure!" Jessie yelled back. Making it back to the bar Jessie takes a seat and calls the bartender over. As the bartender walks over I tell Jessie, "I have to use the bathroom, get me a fruity cocktail!"

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"Nah, I shouldn't take long," I tell while dismissing her with my hand.

"Are you sure?" she drew her eyebrows together.

"Yes, but if I too long you can look for me," I reassure her.

She nods, "Well then, chop-chop." she giggles, I giggle with her before turning around to the bathroom. Walking, I almost make it to the bathroom but trip on something making me launch forward hitting someone's back hard enough for them to stumble a few steps. I quickly look up to apologize but who I saw was not who I wanted to see at all tonight, Corbin. What is he doing here? My face turns emotionless, "Sorry, for bumping into you, bye" I say before continuing to the bathroom, luckily he didn't follow me.

Making it to the bathroom, I lean on the counter and look at myself in the mirror seeing teary eyes staring back at me, no matter how hard I tried to push back my tears, they wouldn't listen and I started crying. I quickly wipe them off as I sniffle, you're a big girl, you don't need any man, nuh-uh, I mentally say to myself. I wipe the remaining tears before doing what I came here for. Finished I wash my hands, and look at myself one more time seeing my tear-stained eyes, I sigh and look around for something to help dry my hands but don't find anything. I sigh again and go to the door pushing it open I walk out, I look down at my hands as I dry them on my dress somewhat.

As I'm about to look up I bump into someone but this time I fully lose my balance and am about to fall on my ass shutting my eyes tightly expecting to feel the impact Instead, I feel a strong arm go around my waist keeping me from falling. Opening my eye slightly before opening them all the way, I am greeted with the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes staring right into my eyes, some of his hair falling in front of his chiseled face making me want to run my hance through them. Looking down at his face I see soft, full lips that are parted slightly making me want to kiss them... wait! Did I say kiss!? I snap my eyes back to see his eyes are still staring at me but confusion in them and his eyebrows draw together. "Are you okay?" he asks studying my eyes

"Oh, um, yeah I'm fine," I say pushing his arms away

He cleared his throat, moving his arm to rub the back of his neck, realizing that he left his arm on my waist for too long "Sorry," he quickly say. "Sorry and thank you for catching me, but I have to go now, cya!" I say walking in the direction of the bar. Making it to the bar I see Jessie sitting up from her seat and turning in my direction, "Took you long enough!" she said over the music, putting her hand on her hips. "Sorry, I kept bumping into people!"

"ahh, okay, well our drinks are done," she said using her hand to motion me to sit. she called out to the bartender. "Can I have my drinks back, please?" when the bartender arrived

"Yeah, here you guys go, enjoy." Taking my cocktail I take a sip tasting the sweet and sourness of the drink that slightly burns my throat.

"Guess who I bumped into," I say, taking another sip.

"Who?" she asks raising an eyebrow.


"What?!?" she said shocked. I nod with a grimace, "Why did he have to be here out of all the other places he could be," she said annoyed. "let's just finish our drinks and leave, yeah?"


Drinking the rest of our drink we pay the bartender and walk to the exit, walking out the door I'm hit with cold air making me shiver, "let's get a taxi quick," I say as we both wave down a taxi.

The taxi stops in front of us we both go in and tell the driver to go to my apartment. we talk in the car for a while before it makes it to my place. I wave to Jessie goodbye and pay the driver. Watching the car leave for Jessie's place, I go inside and go up to my place. Making it, I unlock my door and walk in, I take off my heels as I close the door.

Going to my room I take a quick shower before heading to bed, getting into bed the image of the guy stays in my mind. This guy is going to get me into trouble I just know it. Was the last thing I say before the comfortable darkness consumes me.