

was a crazy month

them ups and downs was getting tired of the daily boring tiresome life at home needed a change of environment and the reporting date wouldn't have come at a better time . Prepared my stuff while my granny (who I live with ) made sure I didn't forget even a single thing. my aunt being the generous person she was offered to drive me to college.

it was a long boring journey, considering she drove like a 80 year old who had a troubled mind accompanied with a fading eyesight.

After some few hours which seemed like an eternity we were there after asking for directions from a family friend who joined us later.

on arrival at the campus grounds we just had to find our lecturer friend who assisted out with the reporting process making it way bit easier and faster. surprising enough I had some few necessary documents that I had totally forgotten about. well with some slight assistance everything was back on track . The sun was scotching hot but it was better than the chilly environment back home.

After ensuring I was all set my aunt gave me a few bucks and left.

And that's where the trouble of the day started. The guy who we were sharing with the room I was assigned was nowhere to be found. I had to place my belongings outside and look after them all day to ensure no one helped themselves out with my stuff.

It was already getting late and the guy was still no where to be found I had to find a solution and fast. I recalled the lecturer and called him

He directed me to the then student leader aspirant who helped me find a place to rest my head for the night. ( I later found the guy but I still spent the night in the other guys room).


A new day dawned and I carried my stuff to the room designated ( the other guys were awfully boring) .

I took a awfully cold shower and kick started my day. The hostels why almost empty it's like most of the guys weren't around. I met a fellow freshman who was a little bit confused helped out and we became friends.

And that's how my life in college kicked off

the start is always tough

clinton_mwendacreators' thoughts