
My other Half

Camilla was moved to a VIP room after her condition was stable.

"Hi, sugar. how are you feeling this morning? " Ritah kissed Camilla's cheek

"Am hungry " Camilla smiled. Ritah moved the tray of food in front of her.

"Your mom made it, she can't come today cause she had to go pick up your wedding dress "

Camilla smiled, "I forgot she was in charge of the wedding "

"She's taking the job seriously and I love what she's doing " Ritah fed Camilla.

"And Chris, I haven't seen him since I woke up. Is he okay?" She asked.

Ritah face changed for a second but changed back with a smile, "He's busy finishing the work he left before coming here so he can take care of you "

Camilla sighed and finished eating. Ritah was done and was getting ready to leave when Ray walked in.

"How is my morning sunshine " he hugged Camilla.

"Am still living " she watched him sit next to her.

"Get better I hate seeing all these things around you " he frowned pointing at the hospital equipment next to her.

"The doctor said they will be taken off today, so don't worry " she laid back down.

Ray smiled watching her, "I wanted to tell you something," he said.

"is it about Rachel, did she finally see the good handsome idiot we all love," she asked.

"No...dont say that and am still working on her. what I want to tell you is about Chris "

Camilla's smile disappeared, "Something is wrong, I knew it. He's been avoiding me for two days now and am getting worried "

Ray held her hand, "He's fine just upset or may be confused about something I told him. I didn't mean to say anything hurtful but I was angry and he needed to hear it "

"Ray, what did you do ? tell me " she frowned.

Ray told Camilla what he had said.

"But he's not at fault, we are both victims. And I might be suffering more than him but Chris feels the pain more times than me every time he sees me hurt. Chris loves me and that makes him vulnerable to my suffering more than anyone " She cried...

"But if you keep staying close to him, you will suffer, and now that your bringing another life into this world won't it face the same dangers?" Ray asked.

"Ray my life has never been complete without him, as long as his next to me then we can create our world to protect our baby and still have each other. I don't want to ever lose him no matter what comes at me "

Ray was silent. She squeezed his hand, "Ray, I love that man with my whole being and this child proves that we love each other "

"I understand am sorry I said all that to him " he apologized.

"Don't, I understand your reasons for doing it. I know you're worried about my safety and am grateful to have you as my best friend, I love you as much as you love me "

"I love you too, bestie," he said.

"Now go bring my man here " she pushed him to the door.

"Okay," he walked out.

Camilla laid down, Is that why Chris had been gone that long, she sighed closing her eyes. Her body was recovering but she was still weak.

Alfred and Jack came to see her after she woke up from her nap. Alfred was peeling an apple for her while they chatted.

"What stage are you two now?" she asked.

Jack turned to the window pretending not to hear anything, while Alfred smiled.

"His shy stop teasing my baby " Alfred scolded Camilla.

Camilla laughed, "Haha, he only shy when it comes to such things .okay so Alfred you tell me "

Alfred peeked at Jack standing at the window and smiled.

"I want to marry him," he said.

Jack turned his face turning red instantly, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING?"

"What, your really into him that much, wow Alfred am surprised you considering such a huge step " Camilla giggled.

"I am, you might think am rushing things but I don't want to take any chances. Jack might get tired of me changing his mind about our relationship " Alfred cut the apple into pieces.

"Well yes, you're moving too fast but your right. Those two brothers are handsome which makes it hard for us to keep them away from others " she agreed.

Jack had been silent, "Al your crazy and you sister-in-law what are you saying. we..we just...started dating now marriage, am..not ready for that " he frowned.

"See " AL" Jack is shy and confused now .but it's okay dear Alfred didn't mean right now but soon " she giggled.

"I meant as soon as possible, am crazy for him and won't let him go no matter what " Alfred moved his green-eyed to Jack.

Jack moved walking to the door, "Let me leave you two and go get some fresh air "

Alfred got up and grabbed his waist, "Don't go, babe, am sorry " he said.

Camilla cringed under her covers with a smile. "You two take your love outside, I can't watch "

Alfred let go of Jack after he agreed to stay, and the apple slices that were for Camilla ended up being fed to Jack who was sitting on his lap.

She watched them and smiled, "You two are just fit for each other ".

Jack smiled and Alfred held him tighter.

" So tell me about my other half, he been away for two days cause Ray scolded him," she said.

Jack's smile disappeared, "He been working none stop at the company, he hasn't left his office or the company in two days. We tried to talk to him but he ignores anything we say "

"Am worried about him now. I need to go see him " she said.

"I don't know what Ray said to him but brother was already worried and hurt by what Mom had done, " Jack said.

Camilla sensed something in his voice and asked, "What did he do to your mother?".

Alfred sighed, " You haven't told her," he said to Jack, who nodded.

"Tell me what? did Chris do something bad? tell me please"

Jack moved to where Camilla was, "That night before you woke up, he made me drive him back home and he..he..."

"He, what?" Camilla urged him to continue.

"He barged into the house and hurt mom so badly she's in the hospital," he said.


After Chris and Jack left, their mother was still struggling to breathe after Chris chocking him mercilessly. She had passed out and the servant called for help. When she was brought it her breathing was difficult and she was put on oxygen.

Camilla had felt her body terrible, "His hurt after seeing me and his mother in this state "

"The reason Dad hasn't been coming here often is that his by her side, every day. I go there but I don't want to see her cause even if she's like that it was all her doing ". Jack murmured.

" I feel bad for her, I don't know why she keeps hurting me but she's still you and Chris's mother, You both need to go see and be by her side," said Camilla.

"I understand sister in law " he nodded.

"Now call the nurse to come to help me dress up, we are going to see you brother and mother " Camilla pushed the hospital covers away.

Turning to Alfred, "Call the restaurant and tell them to prepare some dishes, pack, and send them to the company "

They walked to do their tasks while vanilla moved to the bathroom to get ready.