
Chapter 4


My eyes stayed on the back of Elijah, just glaring, I so wanted to smack him in the back of his head. He just had to agree with them.

After we walked into the sitting room, his father proposed that we needed to go on a honeymoon. Just to make the marriage seemingly more real, it was just a stupid contract, why did I have to get stuck with him for two weeks, alone!.

I was already dreading being stuck here in this house, I just wanted everything to be done and over with. I wanted them to their contract over with, why did most of these things always involve ruining somebody's life?. They could've just gone another way, but they Seniors wanted to make sure it was a real marriage, or their million dollar deal was off.

Both families already had billions of dollars, why did we have to get dragged into it. Especially me, I could do so much better off without this crap.

And now, as Elijah stood in front of me, talking to my father, I wanted to kick him in his backside and tackle him to the floor, beating every living cell until he wasn't able to walk, better yet, breathe.

"Elijah"I say tapping his shoulder, he turned to look at me slowly, it's the first I've ever actually said his name. "Are you sure?" I ask trying not to go against my father, because I knew the I'd never hear the end of it.

"I'm sure"Elijah says nodding his head in approval.

I nod my head and turned away, I walked up the staircase and tried so hard not to let out a scream. I just wanted everything to be done and over with. Instead of throwing a tantrum, I grew to be patient and let them have their end until the time is right.

My room greeted me with the warmth and comfort I needed, I locked it then let out a sigh as I walked to my bed. Just as I was about to drift into a world of darkness and sleep, my phone went off.

Groaning, I took it up from the bedside table and looked at it, Mira.

"Hey"I say once I answered the call.

"Hey, my Mom just told me about the honeymoon"Mira says causing me to sit up straight.

"Geez, couldn't they wait five minutes?" I ask crossing my legs on the bed.

"I'm sorry you have to go through all this"Mira says as I put a strand of hair behind my ear.

"It's not your fault Em, plus, I survive whatever life throws at me"I say with a smile etching my face.

I hear Mira's laugh, I really don't look at life as if I won't survive, yeah, I may fall and lose my way but I'll always survive no matter what.

"You're always so positive, even though I know sometimes you wanna punch everyone"Mira says with a chuckle.

"Yeah, but you know what grandpa always said"I say remembering the words of my grandfather.

"It's your reality, confuse life with your intentions and watch it give you what it thought you had"Mira says then laughs out.

"What?" I ask getting up to unlock my door that was being knocked on.

"I just saw Josh, he made a funny face"Mira says with a giggle.

Elijah walked into my room and closed the door, he stood there admiring each and every detail of the room. I tried my best to ignore his presence, I was already annoyed with the fact that I'd have to spend two weeks with him in Italy, him being here wasn't making me less annoyed.

"We're leaving tomorrow"Elijah announced once his eyes settled on me.

My eyes squinted at him in annoyance and he noticed, he gave me a little smile, causing me to roll my eyes and cross my legs again. Elijah stood there awaiting my answer, but he saw me on the phone so he couldn't possibly want me to answer him right away.

"Did you hear me?" Elijah asks pointing to his ear.

"Is that all?" I ask cocking an eyebrow at him.

He chuckles shaking his head in disbelief, no one said I had to pretend I liked him behind closed doors. So I will not pretend, when he annoyed me I'd let him know, and when I'm beyond irritated I will let him know. And until this whole things blows over, I will continue to be irritated by him.

"You are something, Camila Brinx" Elijah says more to himself than me.

"And you would know"I retort glancing at him.

"Is that my cousin?" Mira asks as I hear her car come to a sudden stop.

"Yes"I replied, my voice laced with venom.

"I'll talk to you later, Josh just jumped in front of my car"Mira says and I laughed, Josh can be so childish sometimes.

With Mira off the phone, and Elijah staring at me. I had no other option than to give him my full attention, he was already annoying me with his presence, I don't know how women fall at his feet, I've never actually looked at him fully with eyes of admiration, definitely not the way Quinn did.

"What time?" I ask propping my hands up on my thighs and putting my face in my palms.

"Precisely noon"he replies nodding his head after a thought.

"Fine, that gives me enough time to pack and put my knives away"I say tapping my chin with my fingers.

My eyes drift up to his face and I saw that he was just gazing at me, I let him have his look, he just stood there, gazing, he looked like he was thinking. I hope he was regretting every decision he's made in his life, including this one.

"You can go now"I say snapping my fingers, it caused him to step back a little, eyes watching me and then he turned and walked to the door.

I watch him leave and close the door behind him. I got up and locked it, walked to my bed and have it welcome me happily, a nice long nap will help my nerves to calm for a long journey.

"It's only been two days, can you at least smile?" Elijah asks with an annoyed look on his face.

"I will not smile, what's there to smile for?" I ask crossing my arms and taking a seat on the chair on the balcony, outside our suite.

We arrived in Italy two days ago, Elijah has had a change of heart, he's tried to have a full on conversation with me a few times but I shut him down completely with total silence, or a witty comeback. He was definitely annoyed by it but tried his best to keep his cool.

"Camila, the sun is out and we could be doing so much, than sitting in our hotel room, being remorseful"he replied motioning over the beautiful scenery.

Sighing, I looked over the scene, he was partly right, it wasn't all that bad being here, at least we both got a break from our families for two weeks. I could maybe give him a little bit more remorse, he was also dragged into this too, but he doesn't seem sorry, he seemed totally fine marrying a person he knew nothing about, the world of business and money, I tell yah.

"Fine, I'll get changed"I say getting up and walking into the suite.

"Thank you"Elijah says throwing his hands up in relief.