
Chapter 2


The smell of waffles filled the kitchen as I sipped my coffee by the island. I had woken once my alarm went off at 4:30 a.m, I went about with my regular morning exercise, journaling and meditating. I had to find at least some peace of mind in a world full of chaos and power.

My laptop sat on the kitchen island before me, I stared at the screen intently as I watched a preview of my favorite series, TVD, I really couldn't get enough of Damon Salvatore but my heart really aches for Stefan Salvatore, no grudges, I just loved Stefan a little more.

My journal and planner was right next to my laptop, along with my pencils, highlighters and markers. Whenever I wasn't doing what my family wanted, I tried to at least have some peace in my mind and heart, I just had to. So I journaled, I write in the morning, the afternoon and before bed, it's been a routine for a while now, something I picked up in middle school.

People really think my family was the perfect family, perfect daughters, perfect parents. They think it's all about love and the passion of....I can't even say this without feeling sick to my stomach, but yeah, people really see my family as role models, if only they were my role models.

Once my waffles were finished, I put them on a plate and put some whipped cream on them, added some cut strawberries and just sat there trying to catch up on my movie.

"Well, you're up early" a voice said catching my attention as I put the fork into my mouth.

I looked up at the person, he stood on the opposite side of the island with a small smile on his face. He was dressed in grey sweats and a tank top, my eyes roamed over the familiar face and I put my fork down.

"Emilio"I say nodding my head at Elijah's younger brother.

Emilio Camorra, 20, he wasn't all that bad like the rest. Though I've never really spoken to him, he was always smiling and waving at me, Mira said he was a nice guy. And knowing Mira, she dislikes her family's reputation, so when she says someone's nice, I believe her.

"You're looking well rested"Emilio says taking a seat before me.

"I'm suppose to look miserable after just a few hours of marrying into your family, thanks for the heads up"I say nodding my head and giving my attention to my laptop.

Emilio chuckles, reaching his hand over and taking my fork. I watch him carefully as he leaned over and put a peace of my waffle into his mouth.

"Yum"he says looking up at me.

Our eyes locked and I was honestly sick and bored of all these pretty boys trying to grab my attention, so I put my hand up, over his face and pushed him out of my face. He fell back into the chair with a light laugh, I don't get the joke.

"I see you two have met"Elijah says startling us.

I knew his voice anywhere, so low and rowdy, he spoke in a sarcastic yet calm tone all the time, I don't know how he does it.

Emilio looked at his brother with an expression that made me want to laugh, he was laughing so now he just looked like his brother interrupted his perfect moment.

"Knock, next time"Emilio says suggestively as he adjusted himself.

"My house?" Elijah asks walking toward the coffee maker.

I zoned out, trying not to be caught up in their little brotherly bit, Mira has told me quite a lot about them. Always bickering, Elijah didn't really seem like the type to bicker or stand around annoyance, as I've said, he resembled his father in many ways.

Emilio on the other hand, he's the one who always puts a smile on everyone's faces, he's the last son and the one who just spends as much money as he wants because he's a Momma's boy and his mother lets him do whatever he wants.

I wish that was me, if it was up to my family, they'd tell me when and how to breathe the very air that was given for free.

"Anyway, I was just admiring your beautiful wife, she has a lovely voice and she can cook"Emilio says cupping his face between his hands and staring at me with longing eyes.

I tried my best not to look at him, I really wasn't in the mood for anyone's mouthing today. My parents will be arriving in the next few hours and I am enjoying my peace.

Our parents decided to move in with us, to make sure everything was going according to plan, I don't know why. All we had to do was sign some papers, have a massive wedding, take a few pictures for the web and I just thought we'd just live our lives separated while inside the same house.

I thought wrong, I just thought so wrong.

"Wipe that up"Elijah says standing next to me and narrowing his eyes at his brother.

"Wipe what up?" Emilio asks confused, "I hadn't spilled anything"he says looking at the island top confused.

"Your drool, it's on the floor"Elijah says causing Emilio's face to form into an annoyed expression.

"Plus, it was just waffles, the waffle maker made them"Elijah says shrugging his shoulders.

Rolling my eyes, I finished my breakfast, trying my hardest to not strike up a conversation, it wasn't hard, I could stay silent all day, I honestly didn't mind.

Emilio was about to retort when my phone starting ringing, my eyes looked to the screen as I just leaned over to glance at it.

"Boyfriend?" Emilio asks with a sly smirk.

I don't respond as I took the phone into my hand and answered the call.

"Joshua"I say pausing the movie.

"Cam, sorry I hadn't gotten to you sooner, any chance we can have lunch?" Josh asks in a hurried voice.

"Yeah, I'll meet you at the tavern at ten"I say before hanging up.

I couldn't wait for his reply, Elijah's stare was burning into the side of my face. I didn't look up once to meet his eyes as I got my stuff together and shoved the plate of waffles to a grinning Emilio.

So many E's in this family.

I walked passed Elijah like he wasn't even there and hurried up to my room to get dressed, knowing my family, they'll be here by 1:00 p.m, the sharpest. So that gives me enough time to talk to Joshua and possibly meet up with Mira.

I decided on a cute romper outfit and sandals, there was no reason to dress fancy. I was only meeting up with a friend.

"Don't you look adorable"Emilio says standing at the door as I reached the last stair.

I looked down at my floral romper and my silver sandals, it's just casual clothes, what is he?.

I walked to the door and just as I am about to open it, Elijah came into view, all dressed in his business suit. As sharp as a pencil.

"Where are you going?" Elijah asks as he buttons his cuffs.

"Does it matter to you?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"You're my wife Camila, I'm supposed to know where you're going"he retorts walking closer to me.

Emilio moves out of his brothers way but still stays close.

"Not entirely, so I'm not obligated to tell you anything"I replied standing my ground.

As much as I was pushed around, I tried so hard to stand up for myself as best as I could.

Elijah stopped in his tracks, he looked over my attire,up to my face then nods his head in approval.

Are you serious?.

"You can go, be back by 12, remember our parents will be here", and with that he walked straight up the staircase.

I watched him go up, I stood there for a few seconds before turning at opening the door. As if I'd need his permission.