
Chapter 14


The sound of my phone ringing woke me up from my sleep. I stretched over to get it and felt someone stir behind me.

I turned my head to look at the mysterious cunt and I have to cover my mouth as I gasped. Elijah was asleep next to me, the moonlight peaking through the drapes and displaying a very appealing look over his face and shirtless body.

I tried to remember how he even got in here but I couldn't so I just forgot about it and answered my phone.

"Mira, it's two in the morning"I say rubbing my eyes and yawning.

"I know, but it couldn't wait!" Mira exclaimed and I hear her jumping up and down frantically.

"Okay, what's up?" I ask getting out of bed and walking to the bathroom.

I switched on the light and walked in, I closed the door and awaited her sudden message that couldn't wait until the sun was out.

"Okay, I know this is probably late, but when we were in Beijing two days ago, Josh asked me out!" Mira squeals, I had to move the phone from my ear because of how loud she was.

"That's great Em, so when's the date?" I ask opening the door and peaking out to see if Elijah had heard her, but he was out cold.

"I just got home, it was epic"Mira gushed with a dreamy sigh.

"Awww, I'm happy for you two"I say in a hushed tone.

"Why are you suddenly whispering?" Mira asks and I open the door once more to see if Elijah was still sleeping, but I was met with his shirtless frame.

A gasp left my mouth and I stayed silent for a few seconds, my eyes finally looked up to his eyes. His messy hair wasn't looking all messed up, but his eyes held sleep, he was tired.

"You two are annoyingly loud"Elijah says looking down at me with sleepy eyes.

"Is that....why are you two in the same room!?" Mira shrieked in shock.

"Em, I'll call you later"I say then hung up without hearing her goodbye.

Knowing Mira, she wouldn't allow me to hear the end of her countless questions. She would go ballistic, I know that she was going to call Josh and then I'd have to have a lunch date with them to talk about it.

Elijah finally moved out of my way and walked back to the bed, followed by a confused me. I still don't remember him and I falling asleep together, and I was fully clothed so nothing happened after our date. So why was he in my room?.

"Elijah, how did you get in here?" I ask sitting next to him on the bed.

"You don't remember?" Elijah asked with a nervous laugh.

My eyes widened and he let out another laugh, why was he laughing!?.

"Nothing happened Cam, I came here to check on you because you said you weren't feeling well after we got home. You were having a nightmare and then a mini panic attack, so I stayed in here with you"he assured while watching my expression change.

"Oh, I had a panic attack?" I ask him whilst asking myself.

"Yeah, it wasn't that bad, I managed to keep you calm and you fell asleep in my arms, I was gonna leave you but I didn't want to"he says shrugging his shoulders.

I scratched my head and yawned, I still don't remember what happened. It's not like I ever do remember my panic attacks or what caused them, that was my main problem, I always had nightmares and panic attacks right after but I never remember what the nightmares were about.

Elijah watched me with lazy eyes, he looked really tired and like he could sleep where he sat.

"Why don't you go back to sleep?" I ask pointing behind me with my thumb.

"Are you expecting another phone call?" he asked looking at my phone in hand, "because I can't sleep with you and your mates chatting about"he finished with a yawn.

I got up and walked to the dresser, I put my phone down and then walked back to the bed. Elijah pulled me down next to him and wrapped his arm around me, this man.

"Enjoying yourself?" I taunted turning my head to look at him.

He didn't reply and soon he was asleep, breathing steadily, I'm awfully glad he doesn't snore because I'd have to kick him out of my bed. It took me only two minutes to fall asleep, the only thing on my mind in this moment, was Elijah's presence bringing me warmth and safety.

"Is that all?" I ask in boredom as Emilio tried to work his charm on me.

"Why are you so good at keeping your composure?" he asks falling back into his chair.

Every member of our family occupied the pool area, Emilio sat by the table with me, trying to charm me into telling him how many boyfriends I've had in the past years.

"Why are you so good at being annoying?" I ask in the same tone and rolling my eyes.

He was about to reply but his brother cut him off, Elijah walked to us and smacked Emilio in the back of his head, immediately causing him to move over into a different chair. Emilio looked at his brother but didn't utter a single word, at least I know Elijah could silence him.

Elijah's eyes settled on me, enough to catch my attention and he soon sensed my irritation. Having to deal with two brothers was enough of a headache, it was like running a nursery with Emilio and Elijah was just like a teenage boy, playing for keeps but also not knowing his players, and quite pleasing, watching them crumble at my nonchalant smirks and uninterested eyes.

"Your wife is a real meanie"Emilio says pouting at his brother and pointing his index finger at me.

"I'm sure you could find other places to point your weirdly shaped finger"I retort titling my head at him in a teasing manner.

Emilio pulled his finger back and an unhappy expression crossed his face, followed by a chuckle from Elijah.

I turn my attention to him, he put his hands up in surrender, giving me the idea that he had no intention in starting a quarrel. Nodding my head, I look down to my phone just in time to see call coming in from Josh.

"Your boyfriend sure loves you"Emilio says peeking over at my phone.

"I find it baffling how you're the heir to the Camorra Industry, you have a small minded imagination and a wild sense of personal boundaries"I say casting him a glance.

Elijah laughed out this time, sounding pleased that someone was standing up to his brother's ideal way of life. I wasn't phased by either of them, to me, they were just goons who never had a childhood. But Elijah, he was different kind of goon.

I didn't answer the phone, which resulted into Josh sending me a text message. My eyes scanned the message and I turn to Elijah.

"You, we're going to London, call your pilot, and don't tell me you don't have one because I know you do, don't ask me any questions, be ready by 6:00 p.m, sharp"I say looking directly at Elijah.

He opened his mouth to say something but closed it in amazement, a few more times he tried to say something but didn't.

Without another word or his answer, I got up from my chair and walked into the house. No one would miss me, and it was better to use him as a get away free card.