

Bella Smith a second year Cambridgeshire University student sees a guy at the gate of her School.

Walking towards him, she feels like he's one of the newly admitted students.

With his luggage placed beside him, Sammy noticed someone coming towards his direction wearing a pair of jeans and a jacket, a lady with sparkling radiance of beauty..

'She seems to be out of this world or infact an angel' He thought.

"A new student" Her clear voice that sounded like Melody to his ears brought him out of his daze

Smiling with awkwardness he nodded his head as a yes.

She asked for where he's hostel is, which he told her the building name and his room number.

"You mean room 68B, Bradford house?" She asked not being able to believe because that was exactly where she was coming from.

"Yes" He replied softly

She directed to where he can board a campus taxi that will take him to Bradford house and escorted him there..

Sensing she was about to go after seeing him off he added "Can you do me the favor of getting me to my hostel please"

She wanted to decline but at the same time, she felt how would 'he' feel when he just sees her coming back to his place that too with his new roommate he didn't tell her about.

Bella nodded an okay then went with him.

"My name is Sammy and I'm a transferred Engineering student from Newport College of Technology." Sammy said trying to start up a conversation with this beauty in front of him.. At least he needed know her name and department.

"Bella Smith, a second year Business Administration and Management student" She replied without looking towards his direction.

In no time, they got to his destination but the door was locked. Apparently, his roommate wasn't around.

"Thanks for to today Ms Smith" Sammy said and bade her farewell.

And now the Love adventure begins.

Ayo_Adetola_5280creators' thoughts