

Chapter 3

A new quest appeared in my vision, but this time they let me choose between accept and deny, I thought about it for a while and decided to accept the quest.


The door hinges creaked when I opened them, of course I used prana to strengthen my body or de. Otherwise I doubt I could have managed to open it with just my physical strength.

On the other side of the door was a natural corridor. Stalagmites and they form everywhere and in turn the humidity seemed to form small pools of water in some places.

The aisle was spacious enough to accommodate seven cars sitting side by side with no problem. Another thing I noticed was that there were glowing blue stones and other light colors that helped illuminate the dark hallway.


Crouching to the left I managed to dodge an arrow, looking forward I saw what looked like a goblin, short, green skinned and ugly. The monster took another arrow and using his bow shot it at me.


The air whistled again as the arrow pierced it, but rolling on the ground I dodged it, got up and ran towards the goblin, dodged several arrows from the goblin and arrived in front of him. Using my strength to the fullest, I punched him in the face.

I heard how his nose was broken, but he didn't die, since he didn't die I started throwing sequences of blows at his face, until he stopped moving.


Exhaling I sat down next to the goblin and soon heard something break. The sound came from the depths of the labyrinth and when I turned around there were more than 10 green-skinned goblins and a piece of cloth covering their private parts.

They seemed angry when they saw me next to the goblin I killed. Taking the bow and arrows from the goblin I got up, as I have never thrown arrows my skill in this was not high, but I still managed to throw one.


The arrow whistled through the air and was strong enough to pierce the heart area of ​​one of the goblins, it shrieked before falling to the ground.


The shrill cry of the goblins was clear and they rushed towards me, without delay I released arrow after arrow, but this time I only managed to kill three goblins before I ran out of arrows.


The club of one of the goblins passed me, but I dodged to the side, then I moved to his back and using the only arrow I did not shoot, I pierced his head.


I killed the goblin, but another one came at me, and ducking I dodged his blade, I approached and using his opening, I hit him with my fist on his throat, he seemed to choke and dropped the blade, using the blade he released I stabbed him several times in face.


Soon I had to roll aside as an arrow pierced the place where I was, without giving me respite another goblin under his club with force, where I moved, crossing my arms in x at the last moment I managed to block the attack.


Throwing a kick to his stomach knocked the goblin out of breath and at the same time I rolled to the side and let the other goblin's arrow pierce his ally's heart. Which I achieve since my senses are superior.


To be sure, I cut the goblin's neck before running past another goblin. Being only 4, the latter grouped themselves even more and made a pincer attack on me.


The knife of the one on my left cut through the air and came in front of me, but I caught his wrist, easily and charging my hand with enough prana, I threw a strong punch.


The blow seemed to break the goblin's skull and several other things, as green blood gushed from each of his facial orifices. Dropping my core forward, I managed to dodge an arrow and a club at the same time. I put my hands on the ground and swept the feet of the two nearby goblins.


The two fell and using his stun he cut the throats of each one. I heard the air hiss and I moved my head to the side, but it wasn't fast enough as the arrow cut my cheek a bit. Using what little strength he had one of the nearby goblins stabbed me with his blade.

Luckily they weren't strong enough so it wasn't a deep wound. Due to the adrenaline I ran without flinching and arrived in front of the goblin who had almost no arrows.


A simple but deadly cut slashed across his throat from side to side.


The goblin only groaned before collapsing limply to the ground. I let myself fall to the ground and sitting there rest a bit.

[You have killed a Goblin hunting party]

[You have obtained [Silver Sword (Random)]]

A notification invaded my vision and told me that I got a sword for defeating the hunting party. Accepting the reward, suddenly a blue-green light appeared in front of me and after a few seconds a sword appeared in my hands.

The thin sword about 2 centimeters wide and about 110 long, was single-edged and made in one piece. It had several runes engraved in a straight line near the blunt edge of the blade, it had a slight curvature and looked more like a katana.

The blade/blade was black in color and seemed very sharp. The scabbard was simple, just like that of a normal katana, the red thread wrapped around it near the top of the scabbard gave it a more beautiful touch.

When I was finishing seeing the sword a screen appeared in front of me.


[Silver-class sword capable of cutting the skin of thick-skinned monsters with ease. It also has a great prana receiving capacity, which makes it even more powerful]

|POV Third Person|

Taking the eis sword he ran and he realized that his speed and strength increased a little, when he checked his status he discovered that all his stats went from H to H +, except for strength that only increased to H .

With quick steps eis crossed several paths until he found a path full of goblins, these seemed to be another hunting group, but smaller than the previous one, about 6 or 7.

Eis who wanted to improve did not take long and immediately unsheathed Stella.


The sharp sound of the sword coming out of the scabbard alerted the goblins, but they couldn't do much, already having a little jyu experience, they didn't attack those with short-range weapons.

He moved directly to the archway.


The sword winged across the goblin's neck before he could react. Without delay, another goblin attacked him, but he reached down and using his free hand grabbed the goblin's wrist and pulled him, he lost his balance and using this eis cut from the bottom up and cut his arm and neck with ease.


The goblin's body fell and with that there were minus two, without delay another two attacked him in a pincer, one to the right and one to the left, eis didn't attack them and just rolled through the middle of both of them. And he appeared in front of the other goblin, putting his hands on the ground he used them for support and delivered a powerful kick to the goblin's chin.

The goblin fell, but the other two caught up with him and lowered their clubs vertically towards eis, he blocked the attack but to his surprise the goblins' clubs were easily cut upon contact with stella.

He quickly recovered but the goblins did not, and taking advantage of this he launched a diagonal slash that severed a goblin's head. The other managed to recover but quickly enough that jyu managed to cut his neck, without much effort.

The two corpses fell to the ground but to eis's surprise an arrow pierced his left arm which was his dominant hand, and although he is ambidextrous, his left hand is the main one.


Eis groaned as a strong burning came with the arrow, which left him thinking that maybe she was poisoned, he passed stella to his other hand and ran towards the goblin with the bow, but the pain of the arrow unfocused him and therefore several arrows They even cut him when he barely dodged them.


The goblin shrieked in surprise but eis was already on top of him, using carelessness he stabbed the goblin in the heart and he fell. As he fell eis could see a goblin running away. To prevent him from bringing reinforcements eis rushed towards him without stella since she was trapped in the other's body.

The goblin couldn't do anything when eis put his arm around the goblin's neck and using his maximum strength managed to break the goblin's neck.