
5 chapter 6

'I looked up to the sky as it kept raining blessings on me I looked down on the world I govern waiting patiently for my one and only I smiled at my little workers as the totted and went about their job as I sigh for I might be the god of love yet I have no lover how luck has dealt with me' " that was beautiful uncle" " of course it is who else can write that well ah fan "nobody only you uncle " ok that's enough what do you want" "what ever do you mean uncle" " ha you can't fool me kid I may not be as strong as your other uncles but I have been known to smell a lie from a thousand feet up the celestial realm" ' what a brager ' " fine u win I want you to read my fate my love fate too be honest " " no way " ' tochim all over ' " this is a mother****** miracle did u jump into the abyss agin" of course not why will you think that" cause you won't say that on a normal basis " ohh yeah " so tell me why do you suddenly want to know that " so when I was talking to pa the other day I felt like i could feel my other half looking at me am sure they were there stare was intense"(blushing hard ) ah I see I see " well a lot of that happens I will give u a red string of fate the other end will be tied to them no matter where you both will be able to find the other " thanks alot bye " good bye wennn " to think little nefew has someone in his heart ha am I really destined to be alone '