
Callisto’s Gift

When 15-year-old Callisto's life's flipped completely upside down in a matter of hours, it's up to to her and her companions to restore a broken kingdom before an evil warlock, Zephyr, destroys all she holds dear. They travel across the nation of Pasiphae to find the only person who can help them, an old, wise wizard who has the power to beat Zephyr. Can this sheltered teenage unite a divided kingdom? Or will Zephyr and the darkness and pain of the real world show her that most things in life are out of her control? • • • Follow me on Wattpad and Instagram (@narniaresidentno5) to stay on top off updates

narniaresidentno5 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
90 Chs

Twenty Five

I followed Arthur deeper and deeper into the forest, and everytime I asked him where we were going, he refused to tell me. At one point, I picked him up and turned around to go back, but then he began barking rather loudly, so I put him back down. He ran to a tree, stopped, and told me to go behind it. I followed his instructions and found an old man surrounded by wolves with a giant boulder to his back.

     I ran between the man and the wolves without thinking and tried to protect him from a pending attack. They suddenly parted and made way for a huge wolf, who immediately jumped to attack me. I closed my eyes and held my hand out, and when I opened them, the wolf was against a tree. The others must've gotten angry at me, since they also turned to attack me. The old man then pulled me behind him and raised his hand.

     When he did, the wolves whined and whimpered before retreating. Arthur then came out of a bush and nuzzled the old man. When I asked him who he was, he told me he was his master, so I offered shelter at our camp.

George yelled at me for leaving and bringing a stranger with me at that. He then turned to the old man with a sword drawn and asked for his name. He replied with, "Merlin."