
Calling Void

A void that called for a particular lonely boy into a dangerous yet beautiful new world. Ignill, who is transmigrated into a new body. He sets out to explore the entity that brought him there and solve the mystery’s that repel him from his path. The world that lacks technology but makes up for it in place of a supernatural power disturbance. Just what will Ignill find in this world abandoned by the heavens?

headsrottails · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Dark Beginnings

A spirited young man whose light had begun to fade. The billow of black smoke, screeching and crawling up his skin.

The bed below him was shaking and consuming his body as he sunk deeper and deeper into all black sheets. Smeared with blood and black smoke that appeared to radiate around Akula. He tried to scream, to speak, to seek help.

To no avail did his reach for help stimulate results. No questions rose to his mind, nothing but despair and denial. "I can't breathe, I can't speak.... please...not yet, I don't want to die!"

Akula thought as he sank past the sheets to a space of nothingness; the pain and sound of the smoke had disappeared.

He tried to look, to feel, but again his efforts were to no avail.

He hadn't understood what occurred but sitting in this black void helped him calm his mind, to process what had happened and where he was.

Where am I? I have no sight, or do I?

Either way I can't see shit! I would've assumed this was a dream but really? This intense?

Dreams don't necessarily give you a physical feeling, but a prompt view of thoughts and images.

The moment those thoughts arose, Akula could only sum up more questions. The fear of the black smoke lingered no longer, however it was odd....

The dismayed feeling from entering the void, I felt an unusual burst of fear and now this overwhelming sense of calmness. I can't feel anything in my body, I can't hear my breathing nor my lips moving to speak, my sight is gone or blocked?

Just then a sense of dropping at a fast pace hit Akula, as if he skydived out of a plane, except without the parachute. The sensation of being able to feel came over me, I could feel and hear everything.

Bursts of wind blew past me intensely as a bright white light shone at what I'm assuming is the end of this 'void'. It gave me the idea of a tunnel with streaks of white now appearing past me as I continued to fall towards the light.

The screeching of the wind subsided as I was blinded by this white 'light', I felt my back lie softly on what I'm assuming was a cushion?

The noise of the screeching wind and looks of a black void ended, what I saw above was the same black smoke that enveloped me earlier. It was folding and warping but soon shot down quicker than I could react a few inches away from my chest and enveloped my body. however this time it didn't consume me but layered over me.

Akula sat up, not aware of his surroundings, he tried to peruse the black smoke, but soon it sank into him as if it was pulled into his body.

He was encumbered with thoughts on everything that just occurred but a sudden slam on what sounded like metal hitting metal immediately broke Akula out of his concentration and into a new focus, already sitting up, he swiftly swung his legs around to the edge of the bed and stood up, his legs were weak and wobbly.

He caught the bed in time before impact, he made a valiant effort to stand up once again only to fall flat on his face. Anger swelled up as he continued to get up over and over again, soon his efforts paid off. Akula, now standing up, checked out his surroundings.

This place, I don't recognize it...again, for the second time tonight, where the hell am I! Well, I see no loss in assessing where I am at the very least.

Akula shook his head and lampooned but didn't wait any longer to begin his analysis of the room he was in, it was dark with an aroma of burnt wood, as if a fire had been lit.

As he looked around he spotted a mirror, a shattered mirror, the pieces reflected a violet glow from the slight opening in the blinds next to what looked to be a closet.

Akula took two long struggling strides across the creaking wood and over the glass on the floor and headed straight for the half intact mirror. As he got closer, he suddenly froze in his tracks.

What appeared on the mirror was a streak of blood, from the cracked wood where the glass was to the far corner diagonal to it.

The violet light seeping in from the blinds made the scene look glamorous. Almost like a artifact placed in museums.

Akula took another long stride with great effort and he arrived at the mirror safe although his legs were still wobbly and a struggle to stay up, although he realized it was still a struggle to see anything with no light.

He grabbed the side of the mirror and searched for the closet, once he found the rough wood handle of the closet, he reached as far over as possible until his hand covered the edge of the rough wood that'd easily give splinters.

He then shifted his body to the closet door for stability and After resting a bit, he took three small steps to the left and lifted his arm up to pull the string on the blinds. Immediately the violet light that was just barely seeping through, was now so bright it blinded Akula.

After adjusting to it, a truly gorgeous scene stood in front of him, leaving Akula speechless. All he could do was stare at the sight in front of him.

A violet moon that shone over a dimly lit city with lanterns hung from the top of rusted poles that carried a dirt, metallic color. The streets were built brick by brick all the way to a three way stop down the side of Akulas sight. After being stunned by the scene Akula readjusted himself while muttering the words "Right, the mirror."

He wanted to check out the blood but the reflection in the mirror wasn't a recognizable one. In fact this is laughable! "Who...is this? Is this supposed to be me? Haha there's no way…right?"

As Akula spoke his voice dropped as if all hope had been lost. The reflection in the broken mirror was that of a young man whose face held deep surprise, his hair a pure white, its length slightly passed his thin nose and His eyes are slightly slanted with noticeably long eyelashes and his iris's a deep gray.

His symmetrical face, pale skin and sharp jaw accentuated his facial features.

"encased by a darkness I wouldn't even guess existed, then shoved into a whole other body in another world. This is far too much to process, my life back at earth, my home, it's all seemed like a dream. This meticulous yet beautiful violet moon, it's calm vibrancy makes you want to forget it all.

Akula shook his head, seeing as he was entrapped by the violet moon again he shook his head and continued. Well more importantly whoever's body this is, He seems to be a few years younger than me at the least, maybe 18 or 19. Seeing as it's transmigration. I suppose that would explain the sight I saw earlier as well, a violet moon and a city I've never even heard of, at least the sight is beautiful!

"Although it gives me here gives me the impression there's not much advanced technology." Akula lampooned, This place looks like it consists of thugs and slums, oh my little terrifying black void, where have you taken me? Akula lampooned.

For starters, information. I need an understanding of this world and most importantly a sum of money to acquire a newer and safer living area, which means I have to understand what the expenses and currency here are.

Just as Akula set aside his deprecating thoughts, he set out to explore his endeavors of searching the rest of this little creaky and dusty room before a sudden knock on the door interrupted his movements. He had forgotten the possibility that whoever this man previously was, may have been living with a variety of people, family, or neighbors!

Another set of knocks pounded on the door, not even 5 seconds after that a voice came through. "Kuro! Wake up, it's dinner time!" The voice was more of a high pitched one insinuating a girls voice, although the tone went rather deep as she finished off her words.

Once again Akula began to lampoon. The longer i'm here the more mysteries appear as well, the further i dive into this world the harder it'll be to get back. But, then at what cost will i be able to return.

But there is some good news, I can understand this language! However my name is Akula! Not Kuro! Akula innately whimpered as he stated this.

Just as he was about to speak his presence, the girl spoke again. "Kuro, if you don't get up, I'll give your food to Janson!"

Ahem, miss, please don't leave this poor body starved! In fact, it's odd I even have an appetite. Akula thought in his head before speaking aloud to confirm his safe spot for dinner.

Akula quickly walked over to the door after doing his best to organize his thoughts in conjecture before speaking any further.

The most important task right now is to indirectly ask this lady about my origin and whereabouts, perhaps more in this city.

Akula opened the door with a light tug, the girl on the other side wore a rather emotionless look as if this was a normal occurrence.

She was short, maybe 162 centimeters.

She wore what looked like a school uniform, the design was rather simple, with a navy-blue top coloring mixed with a black skirt and dress shoes, worn out ones.

She had a small nose with high cheekbones, thin eyebrows and a thin eye shape. Her eyes, unlike mine, had a delightful color that reminded me of the deep ocean. Her hair hung just slightly past her shoulders and had a deep black color. Mine was white so it came a little unexpected, as the color white for hair in my world was very uncommon on such young people.

"Kuro, can you please stop judging my shoes, it's okay. We don't have the money for better ones so these ones will do" she said with a look of solemnity and a slight crease in her eye brows. Right...broke huh.... Akula lampooned before speaking

"Little miss, with hard work comes a stable income of money you know. Can't stop someone who's hard work and determination is impenetrable." Those words are ones I'm currently using little miss! A smirk crossed Akula' slips showing his pride as he stated this.

With this, the mention of money and hard work, Akula hoped for an answer on what she, someone named Janson and himself, does for a living and the sum of what they make. In other words, it's a perfect plan!

"Sure" the little lady replied without a change in expression.


Akula nearly fell to his knees and started with a plea, but he held onto his dignity and pride as well as his words of hard work.

"Anyways come on, dinner will get cold soon. And it's not "little miss". My name is Kriverea." she angrily stated. ahhh… yes mam. Akula followed Kriverea close behind as they walked down the hallway to a more open room.

The room was a kitchen! It consisted of the dining room table made of wood, the same as the chairs, everything in this place is the same, sanded down wood of the same color, just different objects.

The kitchen was about as spacious as the room I was in. It has a good amount of room, but three or more people would have difficulties operating.

The food was already set out on a table, the aroma was a sweet one I was familiar with! The plate consisted of Steak, vegetables and a side of bread.

As Akula went to dig in Kriverea closed her eyes and made a cross, she then started praying, Akula paused what he was doing to inspect her. "What are you doing?" Kriverea asked, "We must pray to the Goddess of creation" Akula paused, then set down his utensils and listened intently.

"The Goddess of creation, the sphere that adheres in the air, the warmth that is given, the blessed life that is passed through generations upon us..." A prayer for a god isn't unexpected, in this world- no, no matter the world, religion and beliefs in gods will always exist so long as humans do too.

As Akula's focus hardened, thinking about the staying in this world and what mysteries come about it, the harder and more treacherous the path to return home became.

After eating the meal that hadn't been seasoned in the slightest along with the bread that could take a few teeth if you weren't battle ready.

Kriverea bade me a goodnight and walked to her room. By the time I arrived in mine I was hit with an overwhelming sensation of sleepiness.

It was unexpected, like a drug, but there was no way Kriverea snuck something in the food, no, I have no idea who she is to begin with. Plus this felt more like overwhelming exhaustion.

I know nothing of this world nor anyone in it. I have no one, I am not Ignill.

Akula sat down on the soft yet creaky bed with heavy feelings, the melancholy feeling of having nothing overcame him, though as he sat there an idea ruminated across his mind, the void! The void is what brought me here, if it's a space that connects the two worlds together, then it may very well be my only way back!

With a new start Akula began pondering on what makes the void open, what connects both this world and his own?

Akula thought about the prayer earlier, a prayer to a god.....hahaha like a prayer to pure darkness would work. I don't even know the incantation.

He sat there unknowingly fiddling with his thumb lying down on the soft cushion. After a few more minutes of thinking, essentially, I've gotten absolutely nowhere!

The void after all this time is an unsure force to rely on, if there's any chance it's 'someone' who's using the 'void' as a form of transportation, then trying to call it may work or worse yet bring more trouble.

Even with how unlikely that is, I have to try it. If i could pray to one of the gods maybe i could find some answers, they may sense an abnormality within me... "haaaa" Akula dispiritedly sighed.

The only thing i'm conjuring up here is 'maybe' and pretty damn high ones at that. If gods really exist, If some sort of supernatural phenomenon exists. It's far too different from my world, I need to adjust fast. Or I won't be able to adjust at all.

Akula soon gave up for the night, he tossed and turn on the bed to find a comfy spot for sleep. After finding his golden spot he slowly closed his eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

As he wearily slept a weighted darkness exited out through his chest and began to encase his body, inch by inch Akula was soon devoured by darkness…..

My physical body sleeps but this is too real to be sleep. It isn't exactly the same but it feels all to similar, I can still see, move, and hear. I can hear my clothing move as my arms swing.

If that's the case maybe this really is a dream-

Just before Akula finished a bright violet star appeared in front of him. The violet star was beating, like a heart. It gave Akula the impression of living, like it wanted him to reach out.

Akula interested in the curious star and no where else to go, did what it felt instructed him to do. He reached out and grabbed it, the moment his palm touched the star his vision warped.

The next moment a sound of something landing flat on stone was heard, It echoed sounding like a large cavern.

Akula groaned after bashing his whole being straight into the stone ground. "Goddammit! that f**kin hurt! I will never, never grab a goddamn beaming cross again, no matter what it says!"

Akula took a heavy sigh before lifting himself up.

Anyways where the hell am I? This place….. it's huge. The floor of stone was spacious with long metallic pillars set up on every side, at least a dozen of them. Beyond the pillars was dark. Maybe the same darkness as the 'void' haha….forgive my jokes…

I couldn't possibly imagine how far the darkness beyond those pillars went. There was a long, metallic black table with purple carvings and at most 3 dozen seats.

The carvings had purple streaks coming from each of the 3 dozen seats, all made to draw straight to the center of the long table.

As Akula inspected the long metallic table he followed one of the tables carvings, each of the carvings was a line that followed a path to the seat and back. Walking around the table the details became clearer but the knowledge I possessed wasn't enough to understand any of it.

I chose a carving using the eeny, meeny, miny, moe technique…on the carvings closest to where I stood. My finger which was used as the leading point landed on the seat opposite to the high chair.

I followed the carving from the chair to the where the center led. I had to climb on the table to follow as any of the details could easily be missed.

When I got about half way I notice something different then the originally boring ass line I was following, there was a wide circle that, even with the dark metallic, was easily deemed as the sun.

I tried to continue following from that point on but there was no where else to go. The carving at some point after the half way just disappeared like the rest.

Just as my finger was lifted from the table and I took a leap off the table to land on the sturdy ground, my head began to ache.

It wasn't a heavy sensation, in fact it was a bit lighter than before. Just as that thought pressed Akula's mind the headache turned into something unbearable.


My head…. this is far worse, far, far worse then before. Just as Akula began to try and grab the edge of the table for stability his knees gave out and suddenly the void opened in front of him.

"Child...born in the dark, you do not belong here and Yet, what is it you can do to go back…..to take your life...and put it in the palm of my hands?"

The soft voice echoed throughout the endless void.

"AGGHH- what the hell are you? what are you talking about?"

"Hmm…..I see…..the void has chosen you as it's wielder then? But your body is weak, you will die if you do not join me."

The void? chosen me? "What are you talking about?"

The soft voice echoed as its words were spoken … "This will be quite painful, however you lack the essentials to wield this power. This may hurt….child, I will meet you again, when you have awakened. In the meantime, I leave a gift."

The intense pain in my head spread through my body, it was unbearable.

My head is spinning…..I can't think straig..ht. Just as I felt my consciousness fading, a blade passed through my abdomen. A blade of darkness, it's shape changing as it moved.



My screaming in pain soon ended as I woke up screaming in a dark room on a soft cushion. This place, it's the room I was previously in.

A dream?

No, no way in hell was that a dream. It was far too detailed. I genuinely felt that pain in my abdomen. Even now I can feel it.

Didn't I…..Didn't I speak to someone else?

hmmh- well, leave that to tomorrow's me right? hahaha….haaaa- I guess my life starting as Kuro…..truly begins now huh.

Greetings!! This is the Author! This is my first ever write and I hope you enjoy this first chapter as It's long, an info dump, and kinda everywhere. I'm still planning the future for this novel but, really, this is meant to be a case where I can gain experience and criticism. Thank you for your time!