
Call Of The Woods

A small boy, in northern Europe in medieval times, has a special ability to talk to this one specific tree. Aside from that he seems quite normal, he does not do well with people and his only friend is the tree mentioned before. Things take a turn for the worse, the boy, Enar, meets something mysterious, an omen about what is about to happen he has no idea what adventures await him.

Enverse · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


Enar is running through the forest, running, crawling, it's dark, he's cold and a calling is all that he hears, a voice in his head, he breathes heavily as all that he can hear is: "Enar, here, this way, come here, follow, here, follow, seek me out, Enar, remember, this way, follow my voice, be strong, here, remember, here, don't forget..." This went on and on and on, the dark path of the forest seems like it has no end, until the great old tree appears, and then a light is seen on top of it, it has the shape of a person, he gets closer, and closer until h-...

Enar wakes up, cold sweat running down his face, breathing heavily.

"Must have been a nightmare..." He thinks to himself. Outside it is still dark, but a little glimpse of dusk can be seen, a blueish glow, a line striking across the horizon. Nature is waking up, Enar can see this, so he gets off the bed and decides to take a breath of fresh air. Sits on a small chair right outside the front door.

Soon afterward, his mother opens the door, looks at him.

"Enar, why are you up so early?" She asks.

"I had a nightmare, i think, it was something about running and following something, i don't remember clearly..." Responds Enar as he tries to catch a glimpse of what he was dreaming about. His mother then gives him a kiss on the forehead, cuddling his left cheek gently.

"It's alright sweetie, it was just a nightmare, it is gone now."

Enar smiles with his eyes closed and responds.

"Yes mother..."

"Come now, do you want to eat breakfast?" his mother asks.


"A-a-aaaaaa, first we have to get our foooood, never forget that." She taps his nose.

"Come, lets gather some things from the back garden."

Astrid leads Enar to the back of the house, there lies a small cottage for the chickens, the rooster is up early, he is standing on a piece of stick calling the rising of the sun. The chickens are waking up as well.

"Enar, go near the cottage and grab an egg from one of those chickens, i will gather some vegetables." His mother asks him.

"Alrightyyyy!" Enar walks up to the cottage and slides his hand under a sleeping chicken. Grabs one egg, the chicken seems to be still asleep, he then slides his other hand to grab another one.

That manages to wake up the chicken, the chicken suddenly jumps on top of Enar's head! Flapping its wings furiously, trying to attack him.

Enar yells.

"AAA-AAAA MOM MOOOM!" He moves his arms around calling for his mom and trying to push the chicken away.

"Puck!Puck!Puck! Puckaaah!"

His mother then walks close and pushes the chicken away laughing.

"Hahahah-haa A-aahhh you silly, you don't take an egg from chicken that are warming their eggs."

Enar stares at her with his face being all dirty.

"YOU SHOULD HAVE SAID SO EARLIER!" Enar is kind of pissed off and embarrassed because he did not know.

His mother grabs a couple of eggs from an empty nest. "Here, lets go eat breakfast now my silly."

"Yes..." Enar responds in a pissed voice clenching his teeth together.

Sometime later, they are both finished, his mother stares outside the window and points out to Enar.

"Enar, seems like someone is about to pay you a visit."

"Huh?" He turns his head and stares outside the window as well. It is Anna, she is headed towards their house, apparently she remembers what they talked about yesterday.

He stands up from his seat excited and tells his mother: "I am going out to play for a bit mom!" His mother smiles as he opens the door leaving.

He runs up to Anna.

"Anna, good morning!"

"Good morning Enar!"

They both greet one another excited.

"So, Enar, can we visit that tree together today?" Anna can be seen really excited, her eyes shine and her voice has a slightly high-pitched sound.

"Yes! let's go in the forest!"

Slowly under the shade of countless trees they walk, the sound of water streams all around them, the breeze of the morning and the smell of wet grass, the smell of blooming flowers, fills the air.

"Enar, where is your dad?"

Enar looks at her and smiles softly.

"My dad is not longer here, my mom says god took him because he was too good for this place."

"You mean he died?"

"Yeah, he died of an illness, he used to be a doctor, in fact he used to be the only doctor. That's why when he got really sick one day, no one could help him in this village, they tried all they could, but nothing came of it. I was really young at the time, probably around 2 years old, so i don't really remember him, but from what other people have told me, he must have been a great person."

"Aw, i am really sad to hear that, but you know..." Anna walks forward and turns around facing him.

"Since your father was a doctor, he lives with all of you people, he has saved many lives, so i think, it's almost as if he is living with the people of the village by their side!"

Enar stares in a confused way.

"I had never seen it in that way, but you might be right."

"Just a bit further Anna, we might be close to the great tree."

The view of the great tree starts to appear, as always high and mighty, the leaves cast an enormous shade, the view has a magical feeling.

"Here we are."

"Woooah, you know i did not notice the first time how HUUUUGE this tree is, i wonder how old it is."

"Oh, this tree is over 10000 years old."

"WHAT!?" Anna almost jumps up.

"THATS SO-... Wait, how big is that number?"

Enar starts laughing out loud.

"Ahahah! You know, i dont know either!"

"Pwahahah! You're more stupid than me then!" Anna responds laughing.

Enar turns his head, to the tree.

"Oldie here seems to be laughing as well, he just greeted us."

Anna waves in front of the tree with both hands.

"Helloo granpaaaa!"

"That's a weird way of addressing a tree you know that?"

"Yeah so? Does he mind?"

"I don't know" Enar stares at the tree again.

"Do you?"

A moment of silence.

"What is it saying, what is it saying! C'mon!"

"It says that it does not mind, even tho having a human call it grandpa seems unusual to it."

"Yay! Grandpa tree!"

"Pft, it also says that it has been some time since a cheerful kid like you visited it, and that even tho it does not understand what human beauty standards are, you seem really adorable to it."

"Aw, thank you grandpa! I don't understand what a beautiful tree is but you seem like the most beautiful tree i have ever seen."

The leaves shuffle softly

"He is laughing and saying that he is ancient and not attractive, but he is considered really wise among his kind."

Both Anna and Enar sit in front of the tree on the soft grass that has a fur texture to it, maybe it's not even grass, it seems to be moss that has grown so much on the roots of that old tree that it seems like furry grass.

"So, what do you do here with grandpa Enar?" Anna asks.

"Oh, i just sit here and talk, i have found this place to be really comfortable, oldie here keeps me company, it usually shows me about history and events that have happened throughout the 10000 years it has lived."

"Uuuuhh! Events like what?"

"You know, wars, how people have changed and adapted to the environment."

"Then, how does grandpa here know when he is sitting all day in this place, how can he see?"

Enar pauses for a moment.

"Actually i never thought about that..." He turns his head and asks the tree.

"How do you know all this stuff oldie?"

Enar sits there quietly listening carefully, his face shifts from impressed to confused, and even more confused, then impressed and confused again. Anna sits there looking at him with anticipation, looks at him, looks at the tree, looks at him, looks at the tree in quick motions.

"What's taking so long?????" Asks Anna

"Uhhhh, the things it is explaining seem a little too hard for me to understand, but what i think he is saying is that he and the other trees are all connected together and can see all together? He also said something about a collective consciousness but i really have no idea what that means."

Anna scratches her head.

"So it is like, he is everywhere where there are trees?"

"I think soo?"

Enar listens a little.

"Oh, that's it more or less, it also says that it is not only about trees, every plant and flower, he can see what they see, and feel what they feel."

"That's so cool! So he can see everything?"

"I think so."

Anna stands up and walks near the tree through one of it's huge roots that come out from the ground.

"Are you like a god? I have heard people say that God sees everything."

Enar responds from afar.

"That's what i asked as well, but he said that God is not something anyone can understand, not even him, that's useless."

Suddenly a wind blows across the whole grass area they are sitting, Enar stands up with a surprised look on his face.

"So you, you saw something similar too?"

"Huh?" Anna gets confused.

"Do you have any idea what that is?"

"Huh?" Anna is more confused.

"Do you think we will find out?"

"HUH?? ENAR WILL YOU TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON?" Anna starts to lose her cool.

"Oldie is telling me about a vision he had, he rarely gets visions, but he saw a man, or woman, or something made of light in front of him, waiting for something, but it was not real."

"Yeah so?"

"I had a dream similar to that last night, and it was really weird..." Enar sits down again wondering what could this mean.

"Maybe it is a ghost haunting both of you." Anna giggles, thinking that what she said is evil and scary.

Enar gets some goosebumps thinking about it.

"A-anyways, we better not worry much about it, for now, right oldie?"

Anna jumps down from the high place she was and walks towards Enar.

"Huh? My mother is calling me?" Enar says.

"What do you mean?"

"Oldie is telling me that my mom is calling me saying that we have to eat."

"It is time to eat again already? Can i come over?"


Both of them stand up and leave after saying goodbye to the tree.

As they are walking in the forest Anna asks Enar.

"That thing of light that you mentioned, what do you think it is?"

"I don't know, but i really hope it is nothing bad..."