
The foromian empire

I woke up in warm calm hands. not sure what to do I opened up my eyes just to see a blond haired girl with pointy ears. My name is Kyriesia she said in a soft voice, no need to be afraid she said. She patted my puppy head and gave me some imfo like she knew I could understand her. What is going on I thought to myself. Right now your inside the foromian empires castle She said. Startled I quickly changed into my human form again and found that she was not patting my puppy head, but instead patting my humann head. Awkward quietness filled the room. Her face the turned to see what I did and she then screemed like it was bloody murder. 3 guards wearing silver armour bursted through the door like the FBI. PRINCESS ARE YOU OK! They yelled in unison. After they looked around for a bit they layed their eyes on me. Meenwhile the princes Kyriesia was in the corner of the room having a slight breakdown. How could you describe yourself as something so cute just to trick me she whispered to herself. The guards charged at me letting out different war cries and pointed their Spears at me. Kyriesia then turned and gave me the stink eye. She then walked twords me grabbing one of the men's spears. Who ever tricks me like that deserves to die. I tryed to say something but again barks and snarling comes out my mouth. So she only is light-hearted when it comes to animals I said in my mind. What are you doing? Kyriesia asked me. But I couldn't say anything. Kyriesia was walking closer ready to puncture me with that spear. Miraculously one of the guards said:Wait I don't this he is human! Kyriesia then stopped. not thinking thoroughly I thought this would be a good time to escape. ( did I mention when I was in my human form I did not have clothes on.) I punched the ground witch instantaneously busted it going down 8 stories of each floor of the castle destroying the floors beneath me. It was like a sinkhole formed out of nowhere. As I was falling I saw the guard falling head first with is going to end with a catastrophe. At the end of the falling yhere was dust every were, even I coughed and I'm not even human. I looked around and saw the guards missing a couple of teeth. I turned around to see Kyriesia laying down with a bloody nose and a bad scratch. Damnit, I'm gonna be in a hell of a lot of trubble. just then 16 other guards came into view, but I escaped just in the nick of time.