
Call of Love in the Woods

Prolouge Layin is Loveless. Or maybe she doesn't know how to feel the love anymore. Or maybe she doesn't want to love again. Or she just too obsessed with the love story that her mother told them before. She and her siblings had so much fun of it on their memory. It was back then when they were kids. She can no longer forget the story that she heard from her mother. Neither did her siblings too. Sometimes when they are together they still talk about it. It seemed so fun and realistic. It was with the two creature thought they belong to each different world in the story. In fact she could still recall how their mother started to tell it to them. Story title is Princess Dana The Lost Fairy. Once upon a time there was a beautiful and rugged fairy. Her mother began to . Princess Dana never used to be like that before. She became hostile after she was been punished because of her stay in the world of humans. Dana is the most beloved princess in the kingdom of good fairies. Even though the world of this two hearts in love are different, they are still destined. Out of sincere love, Ulysses found his world where he deserved it. Until to the next chapter kids. That pure love of earthling Ulysses. And princess Dana's choice of the said land creature in exchange for losing everything to her. Her stay on earth and living with the human. Their mother continues telling the story while her children listens sleepily. She knew that Layin, Shanese and Renchen were still listening to it. They loved listening fantasy stories before going to sleep. Years passed by. They were no longer kids at all. But the story remained as their fantasy looking for that someone to love. As they come to know that they were also part of that fantasy. They got back to the place where they'd really came from. But no one is great than to the land of humans. Love that comes at their unexpected time and place. Best love for the three sisters that they found in the world they were also belong.

misGemini05 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 8 Prince Heron

Ulysses became a stinking vagabond in the realm of fairies.

A creature without a home and his life turned into exile. Wherever the rain and heat of the sun catch him, he sleeps there. Only the princess could protect him. But the king has removed the memory of Princess Dana. That even princess' heart could no longer remember that Ulysses was the one that she loves the most. Likewise, Ulysses' memory too was removed by the king. And been cursed to become a dirty vagabond and the most miserable creature in the world of fairies. Ulysses, who used to be in good shape, was squirming and has a muscular body.  In the human world, women will look at him and stare at him long. In the world of fairies, he is disgusting to look at with the foulest odor that anybody will get sick. No one wants to be near him because of the strange smell he has. One day Princess Dana went for a walk in the meadow. She saw Ulysses. It came closer and tried to touch her.

"Stay away from me stinking creature. Don't stand there in my way. I can't stand your stench. Your stench is deadly."

Not just those moments. Princess Dana repeats her bad words to the stinking Ulysses. Painful insults always came out of her mouth whenever she saw Ulysses. Why is it because every time Ulysses sees her, there is a part of his heart that seems to urge him to touch the princess? So he tried to come closer when he saw that the princess is going to pass. From then on Ulysses became a loner. Nobody wants to mingle with him. Then he prefers to keep his distance from everyone.

But one beautiful day for Ulysses happened. He was under a tree when a powerful fairy appeared to him.

"You are my child. I delight in your goodness. I will give magic in your voice. Everything you say will come to pass," magically said the fairy.

Ulysses was enveloped in a golden light. The powerful fairy disappeared in an instant. Ulysses was surprised by what the fairy said. Nothing seemed to have changed in him. He remembered that it was his voice that was blessed with magic.

Ulysses didn't come out and show off like he used to do in his everyday life. But he stayed in the meadows, the place where Princess Dana used to visit most. For him, he was just there in the meadows so not many fairies could see him.

Princess Dana has a change in her attitude. She became grumpy. Everyone who used to know her was disappointed by the roughness of her behavior. She seemed not the former Princess who was cheerful, helpful, and understanding. The King was also saddened by Princess Dana's behavior. He didn't quite think that his daughter princess's behavior would become rough. The attitude of the princess is unparalleled.

"Princess Dana you will fit in with our fellow fairies. You will mingle with our guests in the hall," ordered King Regadon.

There is a celebration for the prince from another kingdom that just came and see her.

"I don't want it, father. I don't want to associate with poor fairies. My skin might just itch if they stick to me," she said harshly.

"Dama Ase comes, I want to go for a walk. Where can I go? A place away from the poor fairies."

Harsh and painful words from Princess Dana.

Dama Ase remembers Princess Dana's usual sightseeing place. At the meadows, she will take the princess there.And they went to the place at the same moment.

"I didn't think you were still here stinking creature. I thought you got lost like thin air bubbles," she said.

Ulysses felt like he was too trampled. Ever since he was on earth, and saw the princess in his dreams and reality he felt strange for the fairy princess. Until he was punished and his memory was removed by the king. Princess Dana was still the only woman in his mind and heart.

"You will get pregnant and I was going to be the father," Ulysses said.

Ulysses got a little mad that time. And the great displeasure caused by Princess Dana. He was able to release unexpected words that he did not exaggerate to say yet. But the princess just laughed out loud.

"That will only happen in your dreams. You stinky creature."

Princess Dana continued to insult him. Ulysses let go of the princess to the way she was going. He just moved away to avoid getting more insults. He doesn't want to hear more.

Unbelievably what he said happened. The princess became pregnant. The king was angry because the princess could not answer who the father of the child in her womb was.

"Who is the father of that child?"

The king asked again and again. The king failed in his every question. Princess Dana answered his father again and again too.

"I don't know my beloved father."

King Regadon was so angry. So Princess Dana was locked up in the palace. Unable to go anywhere. Up to nine months passed and to the day she will give birth. Until Princess Dana remembered what Ulysses had told her before.

Princess Dana couldn't believe it. Her mind rejects that the filthy vagabond in their kingdom is the father of the child in her womb.

" But no... No way. It could not be. He is just a useless and stinking creature," Princess Dana said to herself.

She couldn't accept that. Even thinking about it made her sick. For her, it is impossible that what Ulysses said will come true.

The full moon of the princess has arrived. She gave birth safely. She managed without any difficulty to deliver her baby. Dear King Regadon looked at the likeness of the great-grandson. He tries to guess who the baby's father might be. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't guess. It is not within his power to prophesy. The news about Princess Dana's delivery took a long time to reach Ulysses. Ulysses thought about what the mighty fairy had said. Maybe he already has magic.