
Call of Love in the Woods

Prolouge Layin is Loveless. Or maybe she doesn't know how to feel the love anymore. Or maybe she doesn't want to love again. Or she just too obsessed with the love story that her mother told them before. She and her siblings had so much fun of it on their memory. It was back then when they were kids. She can no longer forget the story that she heard from her mother. Neither did her siblings too. Sometimes when they are together they still talk about it. It seemed so fun and realistic. It was with the two creature thought they belong to each different world in the story. In fact she could still recall how their mother started to tell it to them. Story title is Princess Dana The Lost Fairy. Once upon a time there was a beautiful and rugged fairy. Her mother began to . Princess Dana never used to be like that before. She became hostile after she was been punished because of her stay in the world of humans. Dana is the most beloved princess in the kingdom of good fairies. Even though the world of this two hearts in love are different, they are still destined. Out of sincere love, Ulysses found his world where he deserved it. Until to the next chapter kids. That pure love of earthling Ulysses. And princess Dana's choice of the said land creature in exchange for losing everything to her. Her stay on earth and living with the human. Their mother continues telling the story while her children listens sleepily. She knew that Layin, Shanese and Renchen were still listening to it. They loved listening fantasy stories before going to sleep. Years passed by. They were no longer kids at all. But the story remained as their fantasy looking for that someone to love. As they come to know that they were also part of that fantasy. They got back to the place where they'd really came from. But no one is great than to the land of humans. Love that comes at their unexpected time and place. Best love for the three sisters that they found in the world they were also belong.

misGemini05 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 5 Dreams

He was very tired from what he had done all day. And it even took him until night work.

It was nine o'clock at night when he got home. He just heated water and mixed it with the water he was going to pour on his body. His mother advises him to use warm water every time he cleans his body at night. It is an abuse to pour cold water on a tired body. So better to use warm water. After he cleans his body and puts on his pajamas, he goes to the kitchen. He is also used to just looking for his dinner at the table. Because food is often left on the table that has been served him. It is only covered with a strainer basket for protection.

He also ate very little so he finished quickly. Maybe he doesn't have an appetite anymore because he's passed out from hunger. He also entered his room to lie on the bed. And didn't even wake up his mother. He knew his mother was sleeping soundly. Then he fell asleep too, hugging the big pillow.

"Prince Amorro, I hope you will taste the fruits we bring from our harvest."

The only fruits he recognized in the basket were large apples and grapes. The basket is full of different kinds of fruits. He was about to bite the apple when something strange was holding him back. The apple is big and reddish, it just looked the same as the real apple that he used to eat. And it seemed so delicious. He would have bitten it to taste. But he suddenly remembered what his grandfather Andres had said. Never eat foods in the world of fairies. If an earthling eats the food of the fairies he will never be able to return to the world he came from. The earthling will remain in the fairy world forever.

'What can be done to not be tempted to eat their food and finally be free from the fairies is to ask for salt. They don't like salt and they are even more afraid of salt.'

He suddenly remembered what his grandfather Andres had taught him and the other children.

"I don't want to eat that. I want salt," said Ulysses.

He deliberately looked for salt according to what his grandfather Andres told him. To test if it works. Suddenly Ulysses awoke from a deep sleep whose dream had been cut short. Many mysteries have happened that he cannot understand.

Ulysses was sitting in a rocking chair. The chair that his grandfather Andres used to sit in as it tells stories to them. He remembers well the broken dream. And his other dreams. The kingdom of fairies that he has reached in his dream.

'Does it have a connection to my life? he asked it himself.

Questions that bother him so much. His mother saw him sitting on the rocking chair in the middle of the night. So it went closer to him.

"Son, it's getting too late. Why are you still awake?"

"I'm just venting here, mother."

It turns out that his mother has been noticing him for several nights in the rocking chair he is sitting on, even though it was late at night.

"Is there any problem son," her mother asked him worriedly.

'I often have strange dreams. That bothers me if it has a connection to my life. Or it's just an insignificant dream. An imagination formed by my deep sleep. But if it's just a simple dream that's gone because of my deep sleep. It's too surprising to have the same dreams repeated over and over again. A fancy palace. King and Queen sitting on their thrones. I was there in the palace they called me Prince Amorro. I have power when I am Amorro in my dream. Who is Prince Amorro? Why do they call me prince Amorro.'

"Nothing, mother. As I've said I'm just venting here. I just want to feel sleepy. The cold air feels so good here. I will also enter my room later."

Everything he wanted to tell his mother was just kept on his mind.

Okay, son. I'm here if you have anything to say. You can talk to me at any time."

Aling Yolly felt there is something that he hides. There's nothing his mother can do but wait for her son to be open enough to share about the things that are bothering him.

Wholeheartedly Aling Yolly and Mang Ador took care of him.

He grew up surrounded by the love and warmth of a family. The couple claimed him as their son from their blood and flesh. Ulysses felt the love of his parents so much. And there was not the even slightest doubt in his whole being. No doubt formed in his mind. Her elder sister Riza did the same. He was given special treatment as a brother. Ulysses grew up as a good and kind man. They also had a little comfort in their lives, so Ulysses was a blessing from heaven. He is a lucky one if considered.

He stood up from the rocking chair he was sitting on. He stretched his body further and looked into the distance. The moon is bright. It was full that night. He looked at the road where they used to play chasing with friends under the moonlight. The ballet tree was as far as he could see. His eyes searched for it. But he couldn't see even its shadow on the road. Instead, a bright castle was there where the ballet tree stood. His eyes widened and reflected what he was seeing. He rubbed his two eyes evenly to make sure he hadn't looked the wrong way.

But he was not mistaken, the castle he could see from where he was standing was the castle he often visited in his dreams

It was unbelievable so he patted his arm to make sure he wasn't dreaming again. His body hairs began to stand up. He is not a fearless type of person. But why does he feel something strange around him? So he quickly left and went inside the house. He quickly reached his room and lay down on his bed. He tried to pray that time. Even though he doesn't usually pray before going to sleep. He wished that he would not dream again like the dreams he used to have.