
Call of Love in the Woods

Prolouge Layin is Loveless. Or maybe she doesn't know how to feel the love anymore. Or maybe she doesn't want to love again. Or she just too obsessed with the love story that her mother told them before. She and her siblings had so much fun of it on their memory. It was back then when they were kids. She can no longer forget the story that she heard from her mother. Neither did her siblings too. Sometimes when they are together they still talk about it. It seemed so fun and realistic. It was with the two creature thought they belong to each different world in the story. In fact she could still recall how their mother started to tell it to them. Story title is Princess Dana The Lost Fairy. Once upon a time there was a beautiful and rugged fairy. Her mother began to . Princess Dana never used to be like that before. She became hostile after she was been punished because of her stay in the world of humans. Dana is the most beloved princess in the kingdom of good fairies. Even though the world of this two hearts in love are different, they are still destined. Out of sincere love, Ulysses found his world where he deserved it. Until to the next chapter kids. That pure love of earthling Ulysses. And princess Dana's choice of the said land creature in exchange for losing everything to her. Her stay on earth and living with the human. Their mother continues telling the story while her children listens sleepily. She knew that Layin, Shanese and Renchen were still listening to it. They loved listening fantasy stories before going to sleep. Years passed by. They were no longer kids at all. But the story remained as their fantasy looking for that someone to love. As they come to know that they were also part of that fantasy. They got back to the place where they'd really came from. But no one is great than to the land of humans. Love that comes at their unexpected time and place. Best love for the three sisters that they found in the world they were also belong.

misGemini05 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 2 Ulysses

It is bedtime again mother. We love to hear again about Princess Dana," Renchen said.

As they were all ready for listening. Layin came a little late, but it's quite okay. So their mother started again the next chapter of the story.

"Princess Danaa! Princess Dana!"

Her maid's voice echoed through the place calling Princess Dana. At first, the princess was hiding since she likes to hide away from her maid even before. Princess Dana has power more than her maids have. She could be invisible and visible anytime she wants. After several minutes at last.

"I'm just here," she replied.

"Your father King has been looking for you."

It was obvious that the maid was found over her for so long. And got tired of flying over the meadows. The day was set for her to be presented to the prince of the white castle so their marriage could be discussed. They are going to talk about the ceremony to have for their oneness. Since they were little princesses and princes, they're already tied up to get married. Those already an agreement between the two kingdoms. Princess Dana didn't want it even before. All she wants for love and marriage is her free will to choose. She preferred someone that she would love to be within a marriage is that of someone she loves. She wanted to choose by herself. But his father King insisted and the arrangement cannot be broken. Its tradition and culture of all fairies in the kingdom. The queen's mother could do nothing but follow the father King.

"I don't want to. Neither to meet the prince of the white castle."

She said it in a hard tone. It is an act of disobeying the king. She tried to say what was on her mind and in her heart.

"But my princess your father king might get angry. If you are not going with me to the palace," her maid begged.

If it wasn't for the fear that her maid might be punished by the father king Princess Dana would have continued to hide. So they fly together going to the palace where everybody is waiting for them.

"Here we are, father king."

She faces the king looking so sad. She is doing it against her will.

"Why do you look so sad? What is that my princess?" father king asked her.

"I don't want this father king. I don't want to have him as my pair."

"So this all against your will?"

Princess Dana sees hope as she hears her father's king ask.

"I don't want father king please."

"But then everything has to be set, my dear princess. We've waited for this for so long. Since you and the prince were little ones."

"But I want to be with the prince that I love not to the prince that I don't have any even little feelings."

Princess Dana was depressed. Her father king still complied, despite her plea.

"Their oneness will be set on the next full moon."

That was the last word they heard from the father king. Princess Dana quickly left the hall. She flew away fast from the palace. Crying and flying back and forth over the greeny meadows. And then she remembered going to the spring water just behind their palace. There she poured out all her resentment. Crying all over just to feel a little less than heavy heart she felt. She doesn't know how to make the wedding not take place.

"As my mind says I can find you here," said lady Ase her maid.

She was tired of finding Princess Dana and then came to her mind the spring place where her majesty like to go. But she was just ignored by the princess and still, her majesty continue sobbing. Suddenly a car stopped. They looked at it together. The man came down.

Ulysses whistled as he approached the spring water. It's noon exactly at noon sharp. He fetched water for the vehicle he was repairing nearby the ballet tree. It is the traveler's trucking cargoes. They pass through their town to cross their crops to the city to sell. Ulysses served them first though he has frequent customers in his shop. The traveler's delivery is in a hurry so he left all the vehicles he needs to repair as well.

"Who is that man Ase?" she asked her lady maid.

It was unusual for her to go to the spring water at noon. It just so happened that she was angry with the father king. She remained staring at an earthling man Ulysses. And she likes the whistle sound melody that the man is making. She conveyed the view as the man walked away from the spring water body. Strange nervousness she felt for Ulysses.

The young grandson of the late Andres," lady maid Ase replied.

They were looking at Ulysses from afar. Till they also saw that there was an old woman came and seemed like he has something told to Ulysses.

Meanwhile, an old woman who can tell man's luck in the future said to Ulysses.

Your destiny is unique."

That old woman was also one of those travelers who owned the crop to sell.

"What is my fortune on my next days ahead?" Ulysses smiled at her while asking.

"You are unique and special. You don't belong here. And you could find your sweetest luck to the place where you belong," it continued

"Wow, grandma! How could you say that," Ulysses replied smiling?

He called grandma to the fortune teller which has already had white hairs on her hair. And he had nothing more to say to what was said to him. He can't even understand why he doesn't belong here. He finished the vehicle he is repairing.

"Thank you," said the driver who was driving.

The engine started again and

the payment for his service was handed over his hand. The cargo truck slowly moved away. Ulysses thought of going back to the spring to wash his hands. His work was dirty in his hands. But it is faster for him to put money in his pockets. So it's okay with him, he can save in addition to the help he gives to his mother. The water was very clear as he washed his hand. He sees his shadow. But suddenly he stared hard because apart from his shadow he saw a very beautiful beauty. It is not just a shadow like his reflection that he sees but a whole image. Like he is just looking in the mirror. Beautiful and long-haired woman. Suddenly he looked back but no one was there. He was alone in the spring. He blinked his eyes and looked again at the water it was still there and still smiling at him. Even as a man, he was still nervous at what he saw. This is the first time that has happened to him. He knew there were many mysteries in the spring because it was still shaded by the old ballet tree. But that is just a story in their place. Nobody could prove it true. At that moment he witnessed. Ulysses got up and walked away from the spring. The mystery remained in his mind.

"Is she the humming melody I heard before? he asked it himself.

He was fascinated by the image of the beautiful woman in the water. The beauty he had never seen on the face of the earth.

From that instance, Princess Dana goes back and forth frequenting the spring. It was not just because she is bathing in the water but because of the earthling Ulysses, she wanted to see. Her heart beats fast whenever she sees Ulysses. She always even under the old ballet tree waiting to see this guy passing every morning and afternoon.

"Princess Dana, let us go. Your father king is looking for us," lady maid Ase said in a hurry.

"The full moon is near. I don't love either like him," said Princess Dana sadly."

Who do you want your majesty? Is it Ulysses from the earth so we are always under this tree," lady maid Ase asked her again?

Princess Dana nodded sadly.

She is very saddened by her father's decision. If she will be given a chance to choose, Ulysses the earthling man she preferred to be with.

"I like that man lady Ase.

He is very saddened by his father's decision for him. If given a chance to choose, she would prefer Ulysses the earthling man.

"But he is none of us. He is a human and we are fairies. Your father may not like him for you. That someone who will be with you in oneness will be the next king too.

Your father wants the prince of the white castle to be on his throne. An assurance that the next king of the place is good in his realm.