
call of emptyness

Jungler_Soul · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter-8 Nasty smile.

As the moon raised, we began to make ourselves and our equipment in order we left girls in room, they were still sleeping and met Max on stairs, He was coming to check on us. We went outside of tavern, wheres Arthur and others were. We were confident that we would be safe because people around us were very strong, i believed that they would be able to defeat even that Goblin, only and strongest monster we have encountered so far.

Arthur was surprised and annoyed at the same time, he did not know about us coming.

-"Tsk" (Arthur)

We began to move outside of town, it was beautiful night, after all this time, finally i could see beautiful colors, even moon was shining differently.I could see nick watching Aurelion, he was in love and love of my brother is my treasure, i would always protect it.

Aurelion was little prideful and proud girl, but nick was a gentleman, he was always pure and would never put on a mask just to get someone in his pocket, all of us were like that and it was one of the things that i respected mostly, we wanted to be always honest otherwise we wouldn't want to get something, it was matter of principle, if we want something, then we must get it with right way and not put masks on our face or act dirty... And i must say that nick was lucky to love Aurelion because she respected that thing in nick, she was not ignoring her and i could tell that she liked that purity and honesty of nick... it is also very rare to see someone acknowledge that.

Arthur was quiet entire time and it was harming our morale, he was strongest there and most experienced and seeing someone like him quiet would make me worried. But suddenly he said

-"You brats are inexperienced right? but even inexperienced ones know, that they should follow instructions of experienced one, i promise to keep you save and protect you from all harm but don't do anything stupid, it is the only thing that i ask from you."

We all agreed to him and it suddenly boosted my mood, i felt more confident and warm now... after that we walked path with a lot of jokes and talks. we got to know each other better and Kayn was really interesting person, his abilities were also strange and scary.

We were walking for a few hours....

*Breathing heavily*... PRICE!.....(George)

-....Yeah, i know....(Price)

-....guys don't say a single word, it might destroy their confidence and that might affect our morale, i pretty sure that we can take down goblin this time if he is still there, its 9 mutated vs 1 strong goblin, also we have Arthur and Newcomers, they are even stronger than anyone if we take them as one(5 of them as one), goblin stands no chance with our equipment, manpower and ability.

-...Agreed, its too late to go back and it would be worse to worsen their confidence now... i am pretty sure they have been in more difficult situations, remember what they told us about C, Near B rank cave? its a piece of cake for them. Plus we we have good equipment and Arthur with us.

As soon as we entered cave, there was no trace of monsters, we went to the deepest parts of the cave but still nothing was found except a few empty life stones.

-.."Arthur what's wrong with this place? why was this mission D rank near C rank? there is not even a single monster..."

-"... Monster.... What is a monster for you? What makes someone monster? A look? Voice? Apperance?... you are wrong... There is no bigger monster than human if you ask me, human might not be the strongest but can be the most monstrous..."( Says Arthur with a nasty smile)

-"What do you me...." ( Max began to vomit blood as sword of Arthur pierced his chest.)

After seeing this, me and my friends froze in the same place and newcomers rushed at Arthur at once, he parried sword of Kayn but got hit by arrow of kayle, Aurelion damaged his right leg's lower part with his spear because it was the most vulnerable, Suddenly we heard **!!LAUGHTER**!! that gave us goosebumps, it was followed with desperate scream.

Goblin had the head of another girl, Marie. Goblin was smiling maliciously and had dagger on her neck... It was signal for us to stop... I dropped my Sword, Price and Luke also dropped their weapons and Nick and Taz was just waiting for situation... suddenly strong arrow shot passed us and hit Marie, i realised that they did not even think about anything, they acted according to experience and not according to fear... that is what made us, inexperienced and experienced different.

Marie, boys, handle goblin... me and Aurelion will take care of Arthur.

-"Khkhkh"-Goblin with spitful mouth.

Taz began to flourish his flamethrower but it did not let any disadvantage to goblin, in contrast, he used this as vision advntaged and attacked us from the part wheres we couldnt see him because of flames, he struck Luke again... did he have some fetish about Luke? i am not sure but Luke blocked it, however his left hand got damaged, He swung his electric spear and managed to cut the half ear of goblin. We realised that we could take on that goblin and Nick went to help that 2 against Arthur because who knew, what was he capable of....

Fight was fierce, Maries arrows couldnt hit goblin but could restrict his movements, Taz realised that and used his flamethrower to restrict his movements more and with the help of that, we had him cornered... He managed to wound Price in leg, and scar his eye, but he wasnt planning to go down before goblin, we all had huge hatred towards that creature.

Fight moved on and even tho he was dodging arrows Taz's flamed, he still could take me and price on and win that 2vs1 battle... me and Price were getting damaged and damaged longer we fought, he would slash his sword at us anytime he found an opening and it was a matter of time, until we went down but suddenly, Marie that was shot from arrow grabbed goblins leg for a second and with that opportunity, he got shot by arrow in a second and Kayle followed 2 more arrows in a blink of an eye, Goblin was staggered and we did not even think, Luke pierced his Back with his spear, Price Cut his belly wide open and i cut his head... I could not believe it...

Marrie was as good as dead, it was just her last efforts, but as we turned back, we could see Kayn's Head in Arthur's hands, Kayn managed to use his knife to damage his underarm, and he was losing a lot of blood, he was also tired but Nick and Aurelion were tired too, He threw Kayn's Head to Aurelion and took knife out of his underarm, he had dagger in weak hand and longsword in strong.

He did not stand a chance against us, plus we had ranged weapons such as flamethrower and bow and he couldn't possibly win this fight.

-Give up, this is the end... (Nick)


Arthur did nasty smile again...

-"Tsk"( Arthur).

To Be Continiued.