
" Kacchan.."

POV Midoriya

I was standing in front of the barricades of the army's armed forces, after being searched and allowed to enter, I ran smiling while greeting family faces, I didn't even know how I managed to stay 6 months away, I went on a mission to investigate suspicious activities in country border, I finally came back! I think I will warn the captain, I go to our captain's tent, it was open, I went in without caring I knew he would be happy to see me.

- Oe! Captain I came back! - Without any answer, do I turn on the lights to see that Kacchan's things were here? although there was still a lot of the captain mixed up ... 'were they sleeping together ?!' I blushed with that thought, 'even the captain was faster than me! 'I leave the tent flushed, I don't want to be caught cursing, I was about to turn around when I bump into someone, I was caught!

- Damn Deku, get out of the way! - An angry blond pushed me aside - O-OE! Kacchan! where is the captain? - Kacchan tensed for a moment, before relaxing again - You're looking at him, idiot. - W-Whaat?!? Where's the Captain?!? - I screamed I looked at him in disbelief, he lowered his head, something was wrong ..

- I took over his post. - He said in a cold tone without emotion, my world stopped, how? h-he died, can't he? I am interrupted by a hand on my shoulder.

- Midoriya .. - Todoroki looked at me sadly, how? Like? LIKE? he cannot have died! he was too strong for that!

- H-How ..? Like him .. - I tighten my uniform where my heart would be, my chest all hurts, I'm breaking

- He was caught in an ambush we couldn't do anything. - Kacchan replied without being shaken and soon after he entered the tent, how could he look so well knowing that he died? how could he think of his own fucking ass when the captain was gone? I run out of camp even though Todoroki asks me to wait, I can't stay close to them! They're all traitors! they let him die...as if it was nothing. I run to the next mountain at the camp, my chest will explode. He cannot have died, he does not enter! can't! I let tears flow down my face, a part of me died, I feel stupid, I should be here, I should be here, I should be with him, I should be with my captain

I curl up in a fetal position on the floor, my throat is compressed, I have no way of letting out any noise other than sobs.

Someone sits next to me, in case I don't even have to look to know it's Todoroki - I don't believe it either, but ... I saw it ... it was him. - Todoroki turned his face to the horizon, I sit trying to compose myself a little, he comes close to me and hugs me, unable to resist anymore I hug him tightly leaving my last pieces to break there.


After I "recovered from everything" 'at least I got a little decent, I think, Todoroki is trying his best to cheer me up although he fumbles a little, I don't believe he's gone ... I don't want to believe, what will become of us without him? Kacchan doesn't even care about the fucking situation. He's selfish, what was I waiting for? 'we walked to the camp, separating after entering the camp, I head towards the underground dormitories.

I enter my room and I can't help thinking about all the memories that this space gives me, everything is still as it was before, although Todoroki came in to dust it, why? the captain cannot have died, I turn my drawer messing around the room, I pull a plushie of broccoli from the drawer, hug it tightly, I take the card that accompanies it in my shaking hands' Happy birthday, Midoriya-Kun, don't tell the rest of the soldiers I gave you this, I don't have enough money 'to buy gifts' for everyone, I hope you like it, it's very manly! when I saw it I remembered you, Eijiro Kirishima, your captain. 'I wrap myself in a bubble on the floor, I don't mind being seen crying, the captain is gone, and no one is calling, shit!


- Wait! - the commander told us while locking a gun to our target's head, he would be our sniper today, - Go. - he gave the order, we moved in line to position ourselves, I took my pocket knife, I was in a dark alley of the street with Todoroki, I waited for one of the soldiers to approach, after he approached I pulled him into the alley and covered his mouth, with the other hand I cut his jugular he struggled while blood was pouring, Todoroki was covering me, I pulled the lifeless body behind the dumpster, Todoroki took his radio - we are positioned. - he waited for the next instructions - Surround the target. -

After the order Todoroki made the gesture to follow the streets of the enemy camp, in silence, we left the alley without a trace, we passed some tents trying not to make noise, after arriving behind a tent further away Todoroki made a gesture to stop indicating that we were in position, after hearing a shot we came out from behind a tent, attacked two unsuspecting soldiers, when we arrived at the target's location he was lying on the ground with a pool of blood surrounding him.

Kacchan, Mina, Lida, Sero and Kaminari were eliminating the last soldiers, right after that we hid the bodies anywhere, we left the enemy camp avoiding the sentries, it was difficult since Kacchan is very noisy. - I'm hungry, Bakugou, you'll be our cook today. - he smiled at the blonde - I will not cook for you, Idiots. - Please Bakugou! Your food is very good! - Kaminari ran to catch up with them, Kacchan glared at him, the same man walked away - Come on! Bakugou! Todoroki already cooked yesterday, and his food is very good! - the redhead said, putting his arm around the other's shoulder, he snarled and said nothing more, the captain gave a convinced smile.
