
Call Me Jester Rework

In a world of gods, we thought to be fantasy, were all but separated into a different reality. A group of humans was transported from Earth to this world. A beautiful goddess floated above their heads, and her melodious voice shook their hearts. “Greetings everyone, I'm sure you're all surprised and are wondering what's going on. So please, go ahead and ask me any question." As soon as her words stopped, a single hand came up faster than everyone else. "Oh, you're quite fast fufu. Then, what is your question, Luke Kane." As Luke was about to ask how she knew his name, his mouth moved on its own. "Can I have sex with you." "…" "…" "…" ------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone, Luke here, this is a complete rework of Call Me Jester. I'm sorry to those that liked the original work, but I think with this new one, you might like it even more. Expect to have chapters every day... hopefully, and thank you for reading my book!

Luke_Gnormin · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Welcome to the 1st trial

[Greetings master, welcome back to Rath'Nia]

[Main objective:]

[Destroy the outer gods and protect the fate of the universe]


Question marks floated on top of his head. Seeing how everyone is reacting, it seems he is the only one with a completely different system.

'Destroy the outer Gods? Protect the universe?'

As Luke was about to fall into an existential crisis a gentle womanly voice echoed in his ears.

[Master, please do not worry. I will guide you to what you were once before, and with your strength, Rath'Nia, Earth, and the Universe will be safe.]

Although the voice was comforting none of the words she said made him feel at ease at all.

However, for some other reason, an innate feeling rose within him as if telling him this was his calling from the beginning.

'What is this...'

Right after his thoughts ended, memories began to flash in his head.

Glimpses of him adventuring with a group of women, him interacting with the system, and fighting gods of unknown origins resurfaced deep within his consciousness.

Luke had his eyes closed as the memories soon came to a stop. This time there was no pain, but nostalgia.

But, in time, nostalgia can be more painful.

Tears rolled down Luke's face. Everyone around him was surprised.

"Why is he crying?"

"Was the kiss that good?"

"He's pretty cute..."


Luke belatedly realized that he was crying, and immediately wiped them off.

His head felt dizzy and his eyes were sagging.

'Ugh, why does it hurt so much.'


Persephone didn't miss this scene, she glanced over at Luke's location, and a pained expression was on her face.

'I'm sorry Luke, but I can't intervene right now.'

Persephone ignored her inner turmoil and her face returned to its beautiful look.

She waved her hand in the air, and a status screen appeared in front of her.

"Now then everyone, as you can see, your status can show you your skills as well as your abilities."

[Name: Persephone]

[Level: 100

[Class: Goddess]

[Title: Guide]

[Bloodline: God of Fertility]

[Health: N/A]

[Mana: N/A]

[Innate abilities: N/A]

[Skills: N/A]

[Stats: N/A]

[Strength: N/A]

[Stamina: N/A]

[Agility: N/A]

[Intelligence: N/A]

[Dexterity: N/A]

[Dominance: N/A]

[Status effects: N/A]

Everyone looked at the giant screen in front of them, unsurprised by the unknown information, they knew that gods would keep their abilities hidden especially towards strangers they haven't met.

"Your status window calculates everything you do numerically, but as you can see none of you can see my stats, that is of course if I let you."

"Now, in order for you to level up, it's quite simple."

She circled her right hand in the air and three new screens popped up.

The first screen had a woman with a faint glow around her.

"As you can see here, this woman is glowing, this means she is requesting help or a quest is available."

The second screen showed a green blob jiggling in its place.

"Or you can slay monsters such as slimes and other creatures."

The last screen showed a rectangular bar with gold edges.

"And finally the merit bar. By doing good deeds no matter how small or large you can gain experience, this is also referred to as passive experience."

She waved her hand once more and the three screens disappeared, replaced with a larger screen.

Creatures with long ears, greenish skin, and goat eyes can be seen.

"Goblins, orcs, and kobolds are common creatures of oblivion."

The group looked at the screen both in shock and disgust. referencing the resemblance of these creatures from video games and novels that they've seen back on earth.

Persephone seemed to take their confusion as a question about oblivion and continued with her words.

"What is oblivion you may ask? Well, oblivion is a dimension outside of the universe and these creatures somehow invaded this world, corrupting its essence."

"And this is the reason why we need your help."

She waved her hand once more and a being with massive tentacles appeared, black fog covered its body, and even through the screen, the creature exuded fear. People began sweating by merely looking at it, and some nearly fainted.

"Those beings are merely ants compared to other beings out there."

Persephone released the screen in front of her, and her face turned serious.

"I apologize everyone. I know it's unfair for us to suddenly take you from your peaceful homes and bring you here. But we need your help, only beings from Earth can gain experience and get stronger, and as of late, more and more beings are appearing from oblivion."

The faces of everyone there darkened.

A beautiful woman with black hair, purple eyes, tight-fitting jeans, and a black jacket raised her hand amongst the crowd.

"Yes, Violet."

Ignoring her name being called, Violet sternly voiced her opinion.

"Why us... Why were we chosen? Does this world just randomly choose people around the world?"

Persephone looked at her understandingly.

"Rath'Nia chooses those with potential. Those with great strength, intelligence, and drive. To pioneer through evil and the unknown."

Persephone gave her a gentle smile. Seeing her smile like that the people relaxed.

"I believe in everyone here. You all are precious residents of Rath'Nia now, we, the gods, will help you in your journey to keep both this world and Earth safe."

Violet looked at her unable to refute her words and silently let her arm down.

Then another hand rose from the group a man with a large body and tan skin.

"Yes, Grant."

Unfazed by her calling his name, his testosterone-filled voice echoed throughout the chamber.

"Madam! Will we still be able to go back home? Although I would like to help and protect this world, as well as Earth, is a great honor... I still have my family back home."

Persephone looked at the honest man and gave him a soft smile.

"Yes, you can go home."


"However, you need to first complete the dungeon, and upon completion, you can choose whether to go back or stay."

Everyone's eyes glittered in excitement.

"And you can keep what you obtained in the labyrinth as well as your skills."

Surprise can be seen on everyone's face, bright smiles plastered all around.

"But, if you do stay you don't have to worry, your loved ones will be taken care of on Earth to the best of our abilities."

Those who wanted to stay but were holding back finally gave in. Determination was on their face and their fighting spirit rose.

"Then, I don't have to worry much."

Grant straightened his posture and saluted to the goddess.

"Madam, please take care of my family, and please take care of me!"

"Fufu, I will."

Faces of relief spread around, and fear no longer lingered.

"Oh, I almost forgot."

Persephone showed three new screens.

"There are 3 other groups inside the labyrinth. Once you all complete the first trial, you will all be able to meet up at the center chamber."

Some people saw their friends and loved ones on the screen, and knowing they were also there, increased their motivation.

They also saw different goddesses in each panel.

"There are many gods here to aid you in the labyrinth, but we cannot interfere."

Persephone began chanting in the air, and golden runes flowed out of her mouth. the same can be seen on the other screens, and soon a massive gate appeared.

"Before you proceed, you will all be separated into teams of 5."

The runes began to glow and floated on top of everyone's head. Each rune glowing a different color.

"Now, these runes should show you who your group members are."

Everyone began to meet with their group mates. All except for Luke.

'How come I don't see anything?'

Suddenly a black haze began to cover 5 individuals.

Grant, Laura, and Violet all had a black haze around them.

They each looked at their bodies and everyone around them. They gave each other a silent nod and walked toward an empty area.

Laura crossed her arms and glanced at Luke and said.

"Great, now I'm partnered with you."



Luke looked at the 3 individuals, and a question mark was on his face.

'Who's the last one?'

Soon a status screen appeared in front of him.



[Level: 549]

[Class: Giver of life]

[Title: Queen of the underworld, Kore the Unforgiving, The First Queen of Darkness]

[Bloodline: Ancestral God]


[Mana: 1,985,899]

[Innate abilities: Floral growth, Heal, Ambrosia, Command of the dead, Everlasting youth]

[Skills: The Fall of the Titans, Life's greed, Death's longing, Eternal wrath ]


[Strength: 1,424]

[Stamina: 2,789]

[Agility: 1,209]

[Intelligence: 2,986]

[Dexterity: 3,069]

[Dominance: 2,785]

[Status effects: Normal]

Persephone gleefully looked at the group from above, but suddenly her powers began to dwindle.

Her pink glow began to beat rhythmically as more and more of her powers disappeared.


Unable to keep herself afloat, she began falling at a fast speed.



"Umm... hi?"

A certain someone was there.


"Luke fainted."

[Welcome to the first trial!]