
Call Me Brook

Woke up in a new world in someone else body but when things were looking up some bombs dropped and he found himself dead. now he is a spooky spooky skeleton. tell me if you can guess what would were in. note this is a side story until I can think of something fun to write

chaoticCatholic · TV
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99 Chs

Chapter 77: Wizard City Part 3

The night stretched on, extending even later than the time of my arrival. The old man and I indulged in a plethora of different foods, sampling a variety of flavors and textures. Yet, as enjoyable as our culinary exploration was, it eventually gave way to the serious conversation that had been looming in the background.

"So, what prompted this sudden invitation?" I inquired, my voice resonating with a deep, harmonious timbre. It was almost perfect, a testament to the miracle wrought through the sheer force of belief alone. Yet, despite its impressive quality, I couldn't help but yearn for the rich timbre of my former voice, from when I was alive. Nevertheless, the profound depth of my new voice possessed a commanding presence, demanding respect in its own right.

"I know well enough that it's not because I'm a wizard. If it were, I would have surely received an invitation like Rufus and Ned," I continued, my tone reflecting both curiosity and a hint of skepticism.

"You are quite right, my friend," the old wizard acknowledged, his words carrying a tone of solemnity and purpose. "I have called you here to extend two offers and to propose an alliance between your coalition of cities and Wizard City."

His words left me deeply intrigued, eager to hear the details of his proposals. With a nod of assent, I signaled for him to continue, observing as he retrieved a parchment from within his robes. However, before handing it to me, he insisted that I first listen to his offers in full.

"My first offer is the position of Master in Wizard city, a title bestowed only upon the strongest practitioners in a particular field of magic," the old wizard began, his voice carrying a weight of importance. "And my second offer is in exchange for your commitment to teaching your magic to the younger generation of Wizard City. In return, I will arrange for the other Masters to impart their knowledge of their respective fields to you. Additionally, I am prepared to offer you something of your choosing in exchange for your dedication."

The offers were indeed substantial, and it didn't take me long to consider them. Why not accept? The opportunity to expand my magical repertoire beyond ice magic was enticing, especially considering the potential benefits. For instance, had I known a teleportation spell like the one McGongall used, it could have potentially saved my life in dire situations. With little hesitation, I agreed to both offers, eager to embark on this new chapter of my magical journey.

"Before I accept the position of Master, are there any obligations attached?" I inquired, seeking clarification before committing myself fully. The old man responded with a mere shake of his head, his well-kept beard swaying slightly in tandem. Satisfied with his response, I waited expectantly as he wasted no time in broaching the topic of the alliance.

"The reason I desire an alliance is outlined in that paper, so please, open it up," the old wizard instructed, his demeanor grave as he gestured towards the parchment. Taking a deep breath, I carefully unfurled the document, only to be struck by a chilling sight.

Before me, a depiction of a skeletal figure adorned the parchment, its thin, desiccated skin clinging tightly to its frame. Demonic goat-like horns protruded from its skull, adding to its ominous visage. Above the ghastly figure, the word 'Lich' was emblazoned in blood-red letters, a stark warning of the darkness that loomed.

The artist had rendered every detail with horrifying precision—the peeling flesh revealing the skull beneath, the eyes ablaze with a malevolent green fire, and the mouth twisted into a silent, chilling laugh. It was as though the very essence of suffering and malevolence had been captured in the image.

Paralyzed by the haunting image before me, I struggled to comprehend the implications of what lay before me.

"Judging by your reaction, it seems you are familiar with the Lich, but allow me to elucidate why I have sought this alliance," the old man declared solemnly. With a wave of his hand, he commanded the table we sat at to undergo a transformation.

In an instant, the table morphed into a wooden sculpture depicting a man who appeared even older than the grand mage himself. Every wrinkle etched upon the wooden surface seemed to tell a story of centuries past, and the intricate details captured the essence of wisdom and age.

"This is my master, Nakra," the old man began, his voice heavy with sorrow and determination. "The Lich skinned him alive and masqueraded as him for an entire year, none of us suspecting the deception until a young wizard inadvertently misfired a fireball, causing the false facade to burn away and reveal the malevolence lurking beneath. In the ensuing battle, I fought alongside the other masters, but tragically, we lost nearly half of our number before we could inflict any significant damage upon it. Additionally, the onslaught of large-scale spells unleashed by the Lich resulted in the loss of ten percent of Wizard City's population."

He paused, his expression grim as he recounted the devastating toll exacted by the Lich's rampage. "The Lich wasn't merely aiming to triumph; it sought to maximize casualties, inflicting untold suffering upon innocent lives with every spell cast"

I was left nodding along as I spoke my answer to the Grand wizard who eyes resonated with deep sadness and righteous fury at the loss of his people and fellow masters.

"I accept"


Wow that has to be a dialogue record for me! what do you think decent? oh yeah any element suggestion? Mc will learn the basic like teleportation and telekinesis but want idea for elements he should learn. Earth for defence? water for healing? Fire for art?


[Name: Brook. D .Newport]

[Race: Undead]

[Species: Withering skeleton warrior]

[Class: Death Knight{Frost}]

[Rank: 2]

[Level: 43](1,400,002/2,000,000)

[Health: 342/342]

[Mana points: 98/98]

[Stat points: 0]

[Strength: 115]

[Endurance: 114]

[Agility: 114]

[Wisdom: 49]

[Intelligence: 49]

[skills: [Scrutinize: Lv Max], [Frost Strike: Lv Max] [Chains of Ice: Lv Max] [Permafrost: Lv Max], [Cold Breath: Lv Max], [Frozen Fortitude: Lv Max],[Chilled Servitude: Lv 6], [Glacial Dread: Lv 8], [Desolate aura: Lv 2], [Vitality steal: Lv 1], [Soul Ice]

[Note: Avoid confrontation with the lich]
