
Call Me Brook

Woke up in a new world in someone else body but when things were looking up some bombs dropped and he found himself dead. now he is a spooky spooky skeleton. tell me if you can guess what would were in. note this is a side story until I can think of something fun to write

chaoticCatholic · TV
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99 Chs

Chapter 61: ERIC 2

As we descended into the mineshaft, we lowered ourselves cautiously down the hole. Despite the enveloping darkness, my vision remained keen, revealing the grim surroundings near our entry point. The tunnels were littered with bodies—scores of them, resembling nothing more than desiccated husks. Yet, amidst this macabre scene, I detected movement, faint though it was, beneath the lifeless form of what looked to be a man. It drew my attention towards one of the three tunnels stretching into the distance.

"Guys, follow me," I beckoned to some of my team, ensuring that in case this was an ambush, my teammates would be close to watch my back. They stood guard diligently as I approached the corpse, ready to react at a moment's notice. Two of them, following closely behind, conjured weapons of ice—a morning star and a katana—while the remaining three, their hands humming with signs of ice magic, swiftly moved to the body that seemed to conceal something moving beneath it, preparing to lift it.

"Guys, there's a child over here!" I exclaimed, shocked to discover a young boy hidden beneath the corpses. He was shivering and spasming, his eyes rolled back as if enduring the most agonizing torment. My urgency grew as I called for a medic, who swiftly arrived on the scene. After showing them the child, they delivered some grim news.

"The kids will soon become a vampire," the medic solemnly announced, their words echoing in the cavernous space. With gentle hands, they laid the child on the cold ground of the mineshaft, tenderly covering him with a blanket. They then conjured an ice pack using their magic, cooling it before placing it on the shivering boy's head, hoping to provide some comfort amidst the impending transformation.

"Are we not going to kill him before he changes?" someone queried, their voice filled with uncertainty and perhaps a hint of apprehension. However, their suggestion was swiftly rebuffed by the medic, who deemed it cruel to end the life of a defenseless child. The medic speculated that the boy had likely been kidnapped and forced to witness the transformation of his loved ones into lifeless husks.

No one felt inclined to argue, for the notion of murdering a child was abhorrent to all present. Moreover, the child posed about as much of a threat as a fish to a cat—insignificant. Each of us was more than capable of dispatching five vampires alone, let alone a vampire child.

With heavy hearts, we left the child to endure his writhing and pain, knowing there was little we could do for him in his current state. Splitting into three groups of fifteen, we ensured that five remained to watch the way out. My group, alongside the others, ventured into the labyrinthine tunnel system, navigating its winding paths.

Suddenly, chaos erupted as we were besieged by dozens of vampires. Their movements were swift as they attempted to charge at us from the surrounding tunnels. Fortunately, the confined space worked to our advantage. With a wave of our hands, we unleashed a cold torrent of magic, instantly dropping the temperature of the area and freezing the vampires in their tracks. Yet, this proved insufficient as more and more vampires emerged, their numbers only being held back by the limited space of the mineshaft.

In a mere twenty minutes, it became painfully clear that our chances of survival were dwindling rapidly. Despite our efforts, the number of vampires we had slain already exceeded a hundred, yet their relentless onslaught showed no signs of abating. To our horror, the quantity of vampires seemed unaffected by our efforts. Soon, we found ourselves depleted of magical energy, forced to resort to close combat with our weapons. However, this only served to delay the inevitable as the vampires continued to overwhelm us with their sheer numbers.

Well that was until a voice sounded in our heads.

'Use my circle and summon me'