
Call Me Brook

Woke up in a new world in someone else body but when things were looking up some bombs dropped and he found himself dead. now he is a spooky spooky skeleton. tell me if you can guess what would were in. note this is a side story until I can think of something fun to write

chaoticCatholic · TV
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99 Chs

Chapter 44: Human

Stepping into the house felt like entering an entirely different world. Instead of the normal house I was expecting, I found myself in a large dining hall with one massive long table stretching down its length. The room was decorated in various shades of light reds and dark pinks, giving it a festive atmosphere. The table was adorned with food that looked straight out of a scene from Game of Thrones. However, the most striking feature among the spread was the massive cake that stood at least two heads taller than me.

"You can leave your gifts over there. I will show you where to sit after," Hunson interrupted my observation of the new environment, pointing over to a small table that was quite literally surrounded by a mountain of gifts, covering the entire left side of the room. However, amidst the gifts, the small table held a slip of paper bearing my name on it. I guessed that's where I was supposed to put my presents, so I did. After doing so, Hunson led me over to a chair close to where the head of the table would sit, where he left me, saying he needed to get some things in order.

'Is it just me?' That's all I could think as I looked up and down the table, which could hold hundreds of people, yet it was only populated by me. I was slightly surprised, as I would have expected Abadeer to invite some of his demon associates. However, I guess he is better than that. So with that out of mind I focused on something much more important

'I can't eat shit' Yep, the spread looked absolutely perfect, and I could see the fried chicken two plates down. To say I was feeling a little spiteful at the system for not making me a zombie or something with taste buds, because that damn jello was mocking me with the way it jiggled.

"Come on, honey, please come eat," Luckily, Hunson came back, breaking my thought process. Behind him was the birthday girl and future hero, Marceline, dressed in a sweater with a chibi demon sewn into it, along with some long jeans. Her hair was overall a mess, but who was I to judge when I don't have hair?

"Dad, I don't want to eat. I want to go search for Simon!" The girl protested as she followed behind Hunson. Her protest went unnoticed as he walked towards the table, taking a seat at the head of the table, while Marceline took a seat right across from me.

"Baby, please give up Im not letting you go search for him for the next decade, now let say hey to our guest"  Abdeer said not seeming to care if his daughter was upset or not as he pointed over to me getting a surprise look from Marceline who seemed to now take stalk I was alive and moving.

"Dad, is this another one of your subordinates? Why is he here? He can't even eat cake," Marceline said, eliciting a small chuckle from Abadeer, who waved his hands towards me, causing a dark red light to shoot out and enter my body. I felt partially confused, but before I could take out my chalkboard to ask what that was about, I was overwhelmed by pain, as if I were being punched all over my body.

However, soon enough, the pain disappeared as a system notification sounded in my head, which I blocked out as I realized what Abadeer had done. Settling in, I realized that he had made me human again.


[Name: Brook. D .Newport]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Death Knight{Frost}]

[Rank: 2]

[Level: 25](23/40,000)

[Health: 153/153]

[Mana points: 56/56]

[Stat points: 0]

[Strength: 49]

[Endurance: 51]

[Agility: 49]

[Wisdom: 28]

[Intelligence: 28]

[skills: [Scrutinize: Lv 7], [Frost Strike: Lv Max] [Chains of Ice: Lv 7] [Permafrost: Lv 5], [Cold Breath: Lv Max], [Frozen Fortitude: Lv 4],[Chilled Servitude: Lv 1], [Glacial Dread: Lv 1]

[Note: Don't get used to it]
