
Chapter 1 - The beginning

Leaving the college I looked up and saw the dark clouds. "It's about to rain" I said whispering to myself. I slowly walked back home from college. Everything seemed so fast. The cars were going fast, people were walking fast and suddenly a drop of water fell on my head. I raised my head looking up the sky.

"Ugh! It's raining again. Why does it always rain when I'm not having my umbrella?" I said.

I started running back home in this rain. I covered my head with the book in my hand. The rain increased so I took a shelter at the entrance of a shop. People were standing next to me being busy with themselves.

"Star" someone shouted. I turned around just to see my classmate Ana waving at me. I tried my best to ignore her by hiding behind other people but she started walking towards me. I stepped out of the shelter running back home in the rain again just to avoid her.

Finally I could see my home in this heavy rain. I entered my house and closed the door with a sigh.

"I'm really not in a mood to think about what happened in college today and Ana would have definitely asked me about it.".

I started walking towards my room. It's warm. I tiredly kept my bag on the edge of my bed and just jumped on my bed. "I'm really tired!" I said.

"Change your clothes before you enter your bed Star" Mom shouted. "Okayyyyyyyy" I replied.

I changed my clothes into the comfortable one's and laid down on my bed staring at the roof.

"Why is this happening to me?" slowly I murmured.