

Haunted by her worst fear, Grace Vixon must learn to cope while there are strange things occurring in the secluded town of Caine. When unfamiliar faces arrive in town, death rates begin to rise. A suspicious Grace searches to find out why in hopes to subside the hallucinations but the closer she gets to answers, the more vivd and real the hallucinations become. With the help of her friends and a new love, secrets and investigations reveal that the town is not all that it seems and Grace is no ordinary girl.

NoelleClarke · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter IX

It took only minutes for Grace to reach the Caine Cafe because everything in the small town was close in proximity to each other.

Jackson waited for Grace by the door entrance, his hands were shoved into the pockets of his letterman jacket. When she finally caught up to him, he opened the door for her and they went inside to grab a booth seat.

Grace hadn't been inside the Cafe in quite sometime, and it looked a little different. The tables were new and they apparently installed a bar that was located in the back of the Cafe. She felt as if she missed a lot during the summer. Her eyes scanned over the restaurant and they fell on a lit up sign near the bar.

It was a design that looked like the shape of a goat. Grace stared at it, curious as to why it was there. It hung on one side of the bar but the high school mascot wasn't a goat so what was it? The better question is why does Grace care about it. It's just a sign.

"Are you hungry?" Jackson asked her.

Grace shook her head, but picked up the menu anyway to fiddle with it nervously.

"Was the first day back pretty bad?" He continued to question her, but it was all he knew to do. They hadn't really been alone together because Gray was always there. Jackson honestly felt as if he didn't know how to act or speak around Grace.

"It was better than I expected." She answered him.

"I didn't get to tell you happy birthday." He stated with a saddened expression that made Grace put down the menu.

"Jackson, I was only turning seventeen. It isn't a big deal." She shrugged off the thought. She usually likes to throw big parties for her birthday, but it just didn't seem to matter anymore.

Jackson huffed, "I guess you're right."

An awkward silence grew between them as a waiter brought them glasses of water. The music playing wasn't too loud but it seemed loud enough to get on Grace's nerves. Most of Caine High students started to fill up the Cafe and arcade area that was located off to the side of the dining area.

Grace was the one to break the silence, "Thank you for being there for me that day." She didn't quite understand why she started to talk about the funeral but it was the only thing that came to her mind and she did want to thank him.

Jackson knew immediately what she was talking about. "Whenever you need me, i'll be there."

Her head lifted and her lips formed a small smile. "I know."

Jackson smiled back at her. "Can I ask you something?"


"What happened?" Referencing to the way Grace acted at the funeral.

She stiffened her posture at his question and pursed her lips. She didn't really want to explain it. He would think she was crazy.

Maybe I am crazy, she thought.

A grip of warmth engulfed her hand as Jackson had taken her hand in his like she did with him the day of the funeral when she was shedding tears.

Her eyes wandered over their hands touching from across their booth seats which did send a feeling of relief and safety to her. She knew she could talk to Jackson like she would to Gray even if they were two completely different people. She could trust him.

"I was hearing voices." She mumbled out.

Jackson knitted his brows together in concern, "What do you mean?"

She let out a large exhale, "I heard.." closing her eyes and rethinking her words, "I thought I heard a voice calling to me."

"Who's voice?"

"Gray's." Her eyes opened to see his reaction which was surprise. He was confused, but understanding of the grief that surrounded her that day. Of course things like that happen all the time.

"It was a horrific voice" she continued, "Like it was in pain. I could of swore it was him.."

"Hey." He reached over the table further to take her other hand and bring them together as he noticed her eyes generating tears.

Grace rubbed her lips together as she fought back the salty tears, "It sounded so real. I didn't understand.. and lately they've been more vivid."

Jackson squeezed her hands, tilting his head he spoke, "Lately? What are you talking about?"


Grace unknowingly just said the very thing she wanted to keep from him and everyone else. She attempted to pull her hands away but Jackson kept his hold.

"Gracie. You need to tell me now." He was genuinely concerned for her.

She cut off contact with everyone over the entire summer and it never occurred to him on what she could have been experiencing. Thinking that the scene at the cemetery was a one time thing, he didn't think that she would be suffering more. How can I be so fucking stupid, Jackson thought.

"I really don't want to talk about it Jackson." She looked away from him.

"Please." He pleaded.

Grace bit her lip and wiped her eyes with her shoulder sleeve since Jackson didn't let go of her hands.

"You cannot breath a word to anyone."

He nodded in agreement.

"I've had hallucinations since the day of the funeral." She blurted out to make Jackson widen his eyes.

"I'm so sorry.." He didn't know how to respond. It was a shock to say the least and all he really wanted to do right now was hug her for hours. The things she must be going through ultimately broke his heart to see her in such dismay.

Grace shook her head, "This is weird isn't it."

He looked at her with a confused expression.

Her eyes glanced at both of their set of hands which seemed to have become intertwined with each other. Never have they ever been this close to each other--other than the times they were little kids. It just seemed very platonic until Gray's death happened and then they were automatically using each other as a crutch to fill a void.

"We've been friends for a long time." She stated. "Really only because of Gray. He's not here anymore.." Her words trailed off, attempting to indicate to Jackson that they didn't have to be friends anymore because Gray was dead.

That wasn't the case with Jackson. He bonded with Grace just like he bonded with Gray since they were little kids. They all practically grew up together and she was like a younger sister to him. A younger sister that evidently grew older and he now had developed feelings for.

"Shut up." He stared at her with an annoyed look.

Grace obeyed the command but slowly started to smile and Jackson did too in return.