

I could hear the din from the bar as I exited my SUV and I was still almost a block away. What a shame! I knew from long experience that would change as soon as my foot crossed the threshold. I tend to have that effect on people. I’m six feet six inches tall and I weigh an even 250 pounds—all of it broad shouldered muscle. My Body Mass Index at my last physical was less than four percent. My light brown hair is styled exactly the way it’s been for the past fifteen years—ever since I first joined the Navy. Sure enough, no sooner had I taken my first step into the bar than the noise died. When I turned left and stepped up to the bar the people there couldn’t back away fast enough. I took a stool in the middle of the empty space and sat down, waiting for the bartender to approach. “I’m not looking for any trouble.” “Good…neither am I. Give me a ginger ale.” He reached under the bar for a glass and some ice. Twenty seconds later he slid the glass in my direction. I pulled a fiver from my pocket and dropped it on the bar. He ignored it and walked away to draw a few beers and pour some wine. It looked to me like this was a pretty cheap crowd. Checking up and down the bar all I could see were longnecks and drafts. I reached into the lower left pocket of my cargo pants. Like almost everything else I was wearing they were a true deep navy blue. My heavy shoes were black as was my wide belt. My belt said as much about me as the bold white lettering across my chest. Just below the American flag over my heart were the letters that were my life—U. S. MARSHAL. On my right hip was my nickel plated .44 Magnum Colt Python, just behind two speed loaders in addition to the twenty-four rounds on the belt. On my left hip was my ASP Talon baton—every bit as deadly a weapon in my hands as the revolver. A pouch at the back of my right hip held my stainless steel handcuffs and its partner on the opposite side held my radio—my link to my backup team. I placed the photo flat on the bar as the bartender returned to me. “I’ll have another,” I said in a loud voice, continuing so I wouldn’t be overheard. “Don’t pick it up and don’t make a production of looking at it. I’ve been told that he comes here a lot. Is he here tonight? If he is and he escapes because you’ve given me away I’ll see to it that you’re arrested for obstruction of justice.” He gulped a few times but did as he was told, nodding slightly in response. I continued almost at a whisper. “If my nose is pointing to twelve o’clock, my right ear to three, the back of my head to six, and my left ear to nine, tell me where he is. Again, don’t point or do anything obvious and we’ll be fine.” He pretended to wipe the bar as he whispered, “About 4:30 with his back to you.” I picked up the reflection in the mirror then asked, “Red shirt with black and white stripes, looking away from me?” He nodded again. Now, in my normal tone of voice I asked, “Where’s the men’s room?”

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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69 Chs


Daryl seemed to enjoy Jasmine's company throughout the entire party. We sat together for a dinner that lived up to my expectations and my bragging. Tonight we had beef brisket and ribs and both were delicious. I knew that Daryl was an ear of corn man, but he surprised me by taking two helpings of barbequed beans in addition. I had the corn, but passed on the beans although I did have a lot of the grilled onions. The four of us left at eight with sincerest thanks to our hosts. Daryl rode with Jasmine and Lucy with me back to her house. Max spent the entire ride nuzzling Lucy's neck while we laughed like crazy about the ferocious police dog.


Lucy and Jasmine helped to carry in our clothes while Max played at nipping Lucy's toes. Of course, he wasn't actually biting her. This was his idea of a game that I'd seen him play with Constance and her girls many times. Constance usually just laughed, but her daughters shrieked at the top of their lungs and the louder they were the more Max loved it.

Lucy and I carried my clothes to our bedroom while Jasmine showed Daryl where he was going to sleep. After unpacking about half of my clothes we went down to the family room where we joined Daryl and Jasmine. She only stayed a short while before telling us that she had to get up early for work. I was sitting in a large recliner with Lucy in my lap hugging and kissing her while my hand ran through her silken hair and up and down her cheek. I marveled at the softness of her skin and the allure of her lips. Best of all, this marvelous creature was all mine.

Daryl returned a few minutes later to tell us that he was turning in. That sounded like a good idea to me so I put Max out, waiting with Lucy for his return. Then we walked arm in arm up to shower and bed, but I doubted we'd get much sleep—not for a while, anyway.

Lucy locked the bedroom door while Max made himself comfortable at the foot of the bed. She was in my arms, her body molded into mine just seconds later. Our lips met and our tongues dueled back and forth as our passion for each other soared to its zenith in mere seconds. Lucy's hands on my head and mine wrapped around her body held us as close as humanly possible. Had we been able to violate the laws of physics our two bodies would have eagerly merged into one.

Rabidly, we pulled the clothes from our bodies as I shuffled us into the bathroom. Suddenly, Lucy began to giggle. "I can hardly believe that you're really here with me. I feel like pinching myself to make sure it's really true."

"I won't pinch you, but will another kiss do?"

"Until the water gets hot, then I'm going to want a whole lot more." I pulled her up for another sweet wet kiss then lifted her bodily as the water cascaded over our bodies. Her legs went immediately up to my shoulders as her cunt opened itself to my assault. Lucy gripped me tightly as she led me to her inner sanctum—to our mutual nirvana.

Joining Lucy was even better than I had remembered—even better than I could ever imagine. It was literally our heaven on earth as I drove into her forcefully. She was shaking wildly as her first orgasm hit only seconds after I had penetrated her and her scream was enough to wake the dead, but it was hardly the end of our love-making. All told I pounded her sweet pussy for almost twenty minutes-- getting her off four times before I drowned her in my crème. How could I sustain such an effort? Easy—I had jerked my cock several times every day dreaming about Lucy and I was tired from our long drive. By the time she had reached her fourth orgasm her scream was reduced to a squeal. I carried her inert body out of the shower, dried her and placed her in the bed, pulling her onto my body once I had joined her. She molded her flesh to mine as we found sleep immediately.


I spent most of the following morning unloading my trailer and putting everything away. Lucy showed Daryl around the city and pointed out the library and a storage facility that was owned by her parents. He rented an area large enough to hold his belongings at less than fifty percent of the going rate. He and Lucy were done well before 11:00 and Lucy rushed upstairs to help me with my clothes. She took one look at some of my wrinkled shirts and slacks and shook her head. "This will never do, Matt," she said as she scooped the clothes off the hangers. "I'll pass these to Ingrid. You won't recognize them when she's washed and ironed them." Then she kissed me again and I hoped she'd repeat that every day of our lives.

We met with Daryl in the dining room for lunch and Lucy asked what he wanted to eat. "What do you have," he asked.

Lucy and I laughed. "Just tell me what you'd like."

"Um…how about grilled ham and cheese, maybe with some chips?"

"What would you like, Matt?"

"That will work for me, too. Two sandwiches for me, please." Lucy just shook her head and gave me an expression that said, "DUH!" She disappeared into the kitchen for a minute and was back, sitting in my lap and hugging me. I enjoyed the softness of her cheek against mine until the cook served our first sandwiches and Cokes on ice. We talked and joked while we ate, then we spent the afternoon at the pool. Unfortunately, Daryl's presence meant no sex and bathing suits the entire time. We went out to dinner at Carter's. I wasn't at all surprised when Jasmine joined us, lightly kissing Daryl's cheek before taking her seat. For some reason we didn't have to wait at all even though the restaurant was crowded. I guessed that was an advantage of owning the business.