
Caged Reality

Peter "Pidgeon" Gideon was an ordinary boy living a normal life. when suddenly a mysterious man started causing troubles in his family for unknown reasons, forcing him to kill his parents and swallow their eyes, Peter set on his journey to hunt and take revenge on the mysterious man. However for him to do that Peter "Pidgeon" Gideon must become a criminal and be imprisoned in one of the most dangerous and secured prison in the world. The Caged Islands

MarcheHare · Games
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12 Chs

They are the same species

After a couple of hours of walk, Peter finally managed to see the village Aile was talking about.

The village was more of a fantasy styled tree house that was grouped together. It has bridges hanging towards other trees, lanterns that hangs on the branches of various trees and it was surrounded by beautiful lake.

If it wasn't for a fact that the beautiful lake Aile mentioned wasn't red as blood and the trees in this village didn't looked like a dried up corpse, This place would've have been wonderful.

Peter thought to himself that this village has a "weird contrast" in regards to the forest they came in.

It's like going from heaven and being dumped straight to hell. All it needs is lightning and you already have an evil hideout.

Regardless though, this place has a really tight defense. With tall trees standing far above the forest that Peter and Aile went through, the inhabitants of this village already has a good view of any incoming dangers. It also has this blood like water surrounding to narrowing down the entrance to this village and it can be quite intimidating. lastly there are sharp toothed fishes that jumps in and out of this blood water.

"Aile to Peter can you hear me? over."

Aile was snapping his finger in front of Peter's face and calling out to him which manage to wake him up after a couple of tries. Peter looked at the cute boy who's standing with the tip of his toe just so he can reach his face.

Unable to held himself, Peter lifted Aile and start playing with Aile's cheeks. "Sorry kid, I'm was just fascinated by this village" Peter said in a joyful tone.

Aile's eyes suddenly brighten when he heard that his new friend also likes the design of this place. However it didn't last long because he suddenly realized the situation he was in. Aile started blushing. He had never felt this kind of embarrassment before and luckily no one was around or else his reputation will plummet. In his embarrassment, Aile grabbed Peter's cheeks and forcefully pushes him away and runs away flustered.

Once Aile was farther away to the cheek grabbing pervert. He shouted all the things he wanted to say in just one sentence.

"Just don't cause trouble while you're inside!!!"

Peter was dumbfounded about what happened, though he knows that what he did managed to embarrass Aile to a certain extent. Still Peter has only one thought in his mind.

"What a cute kid."


Fishes were jumping in and out of the water as Peter walks by. Most of these fishes have sharp tooth and was really aggressive, attacking anyone who crosses. Fortunately Peter's wooden armor provided him with enough protection and strength to cross through the bloody waters.

"I wonder what will happened if I put a drop of my blood in this waters?" A weird thought came into Peter's mind as he crosses.

Eventually he managed to reach the village unscathed.


Peter immediately guards himself as he saw that he was surrounded and was welcomed by a bunch of spears

"Who are you and what is your purpose for coming here!" The punk asked.

Peter loooked at the man that just spoken He studied him carefully and thought that this person have a striking similarities to one of the monsters that he first caught.

Peter decided to ignore his theory first and calms himself up. He raises his hand talk to the thug looking group without fear. "I just came to this island and manage to find this town! can I please enter?"

Noticing that the person in front of him is not there for a fight, the thugs immediately lowers their guards and started to laugh in front of Peter.

"Sorry we thought that you are a spy from the windmill village." Consoled by the thugs.

Peter breathed a sigh of relief as the thugs let him pass.

However one of them didn't open a path, instead he blocks Peter with his huge body

Peter looked at the huge person in front of him and thought. "The man really looks liked the same pig that I caught last time. "

The pig in front of him, has a green mohawk, a nose ring and a tattoo of a plant that symbolizes the nature element on his shoulders. This made Peter theorize that this man somehow lost his sanity and his body mutated to that pig.

It is after all written in the message that was given to him.

While deep in thought. The pig approaches Peter with a menacing look on his face. The pig Brandishes a butcher knife, and lightly presses it on Peter's neck as he threatens him.

"You can enter, but leave your belongings behind." The pigs disgustingly smiles and point at the woden armor in his left arm.

Peter was already feeling annoyed by these thugs welcoming him with weapons, and now this pig is threatening him.

"Do they forget what kind of this place was?" Peter thought in annoyance and decided to activate his eyes in case something happened

Without hearing any reply from peter the pig thought that the young man in front of him was already scared shitless and probably wet his pants, due to him threat.

With victory at his hands, The pig continues in taunting Peter and his minions startef joining too.

"Going to cry babyface?? gonna run home and tell your momma?"


They continue to laugh in front of Peter, until suddenly. The hysterical laughter of the pig changes to cough, as blood started flowing out of the pig's mouth.

He stares at his supposedly prey. However what he saw was something else.

With his eyes now turned green. Peter pulled out the pigs gut out of his body. "What's this for?" Asked by Peter innocently as he showed the pig's minions the guts of what he thinks is their leader.

The sudden death of one of their companion made the thugs tremble.

"You bastard!!!"