
Chapter 6: admission

It was almost four o'clock in the afternoon when I got home. We even went to Café Mendoza to buy a blueberry cake for Jill to take home for their youngest. Thus, Even though I don't want to go to that place, I think it's easier to go to café Mendoza than to refresh my worries and tell my best friend what really happened to us, no matter what.

remember, bad words are forbidden to say!

I go straight to my bedroom because it's still early, no one is home yet, I don't have to greet or say that I'm home. I immediately changed my outfit and turned on the electric fan, it was passed afternoon but the heat was still on!

I opened the window to let in some fresh air. from here the neighbor's sound system could be heard. It's really unavoidable to have an enemy neighbor, right? I just closed it again instead of listening to their shattering ear drums sounds!

I lay down on my bed and measured my gaze at the ceiling. Even though I wasn't sure if I would be able to go to my dream school, I alreadt made a scene.

You are really embarrassing Daniela!

I took the pillow and pressed it to my face before screaming out of prostration.

I can't remember his face nor his features. I was too very nervous and not really ready so what I only did was to close my eyes.

But until now, it's amazing that I still feel like his lips are pressed against mine. I don't remember the simple madness I did before just to give my best friend a prank. Unconciously I touched my own lip.

I screamed out loud as I forcefully ruffled my hair. I'm going crazy huhu. "I'm so hopeless!"

I got up when the door of my room opened and Aunt Alicia threw it out. By the way, she's home, how many hours have I been drowning in the madness I did before?

"Are you okay, ija?" there is a hint of worried in her question. I felt even more ashamed of what I did.

"yes aunt" I got up permanently. I approached here and waved.

"What time did you got home?" I have a very scratchy neck.

Maybe my shout was too loud for her to hear all the way to the kitchen, she was still wearing an apron. It looks like I spent too much drama and locked myself in this room.

I joined her went down to the kitchen because she was cooking when she heard my scream. It was passed six o'clock, I was also hungry.

When Aunt Alicia finished cooking, I helped her prepare the plates. We quickly sat down to eat and talk.

Of course, I wouldn't say I just kissed someone in crimson high today! duh!

She saw how I was broken because of Francis. Then she will know that I just kissed a man, the man I don't know yet!

What will my aunt say when she knew that !?

"--- really? I'm sure you can pass that. You also spent a few months preparing for that exam. I know you can do it." I hope too, aunt.

even if I can just pass crimson high, that's a very nice gift for my upcoming birthday.

I smiled.

The days passed quickly without anything too strange happening. Jill often calls me to ask if I have ever received an email from Crimson High.

she’s so excited to know that we’ll probably pass! I hope so!

Today I woke up early again, not because of any dream, just really early because I also slept early last night.

I moved quickly, combed my shoulder -length wavy hair and smiled at the little glasses hanging in my bedroom.

a sudden question pop in my mind. Why is my face fat? It doesn't even spread well on my body.

It all went in the face!

I was frustrated.

I went down to the kitchen, I once more smelled Aunt Alicia's fragrant cooking again. she was facing against my direction so she definitely hadn't noticed my presence yet. She was dressed for departure while wearing her favorite pink apron.

"good morning, aunt! aren't you too early for your shift today?" I greet warmly.

"Good morning to you too, hija. I still have some way to go so I have to leave early" she finished cooking and quickly took two plates.

While eating, I couldn't help but be distracted by the fact that she often glanced at my direction. I would have asked as soon as I felt it but she stood up before I say it, saying goodbye to leave.

"Is there a problem?" I asked myself since aunt alicia already left.

I also quickly finished what I was eating before washing the dishes. When I made sure the kitchen was clean I went back upstairs to my bedroom.

In a month the class will start. With the exception of Crimson High, I have not applied to any other school. That's all I really want to enter. If I can’t pass here, I don’t reallh have a plan yet.

I'm too complacent about me, jill and me. For most of the holiday I did nothing but focus on the reviewers. even when I was mourning the separation of my stupid ex, I still reviewed for the exam.

I even said then "maybe it's good that francis left me so that I can focus more on reviewing" I whispered to myself with relief

"isn't that why he just left me so I can focus?" but nah. I no longer have to hope.

But this is me now, depressed. It's only been a few weeks before school started but I still haven't received a letter yet.

"Dan, I love you. I love you so much." he sincerely promise as it caresses my cheek.

He was sitting in the shade of a tree while I was lying on his leg. I closed my eyes to avoid the bright sunlight.

It looks like we were having a picnic in the middle of a wide field. It's just that there is no food,

"Don't leave me ..."

I woke up again because of the sound of my cellphone ringtone.

Don't leave, but he's the one who left me! and there is not enough reason yet! If he is not really stupid!

I looked at who saved my life from that horrible dream, it's Jill. By the way, at three o'clock, I didn't realize I had taken a nap earlier.

I quickly pressed the answer button and put it to my ear.

"oh my ghad, D! I've been texting you! Have you seen it already !?" I could almost keep the cellphone away from my ear because of the intensity of its scream. Very sore ear!

"sorry, I just woke up. I just woke up when you called" I explained calmly, still yawning

"CHECK. YOUR. EMAIL ..." he said loudly that the word "email" is still curly, she is really crazy tss

"wait." I turned off the called and checked my email

When I opened the email, I almost dropped the cellphone in shock at the email that popped up. Oh. My. Ghad. They already sent me an email!


I did it! I passed! I passed! I can't believe what I'm reading! HUHU it's like I just want to cry. I passed! It's not a dream, is it !?