
Chapter 1 : Cafe Mendoza

Chapter 1 : Cafe Mendoza

The rain is pouring hard as I stepped inside the coffee shop. It was the most favorite place to hang out.

It just good that I did not get wet at all. I mimidly smile.

the loud sounds of the bell hanging at the top of the door filled the whole shop. Sign that someone just got in.

Almost everyone are busy on their businesses. I gently wipe out the stains of rain on my jeans before putting the umbrella in its holder.

"Hi Jun, One coffe mocha please." I smiled at my friend.

"Dan! its been a long time, I got you!" he winked at me lively before start doing my order.

"take a sit first. " I nod

I scan the whole place to search for a seat, I saw one vacant at rhe corner beside the window. I smile to my self.

Just a right spot to watch the rain drops flow at the window pane.

I walk slowly toward the spot. I felt the slowmo thus it just me, alone, walking. I enhance my senses hearing the sounds of gossiping, the book pages that being flipped, the ambiance that touching my skin.

On the other part, at the right side corner of my seat, there is a bookshelves that full of books that you can borrow and read. It was just a thin wall that seperating the counter and seats.

the light was not that bright, it was warm red that really help to achieve the ambiance. It was dim niether. Just enough for tge readers to read. same goes to its chair that felt relaxing because of its soft cover. Thus it looks modern, there are still touches of vintage that you can see.

I think I can stay here forever.

I watch the rain pour as it showering the street. It is one of my favorite weather, It fwlt so calm and relaxing. a cup of coffee and rain. perfect.

Yet I cannot help but to smile sadly. It was beautiful yet distractive. there are many homeless along the street, without shelter to live.

"Danica... Hey! Danica... " I suddenly felt a hand shurgging my shoulder.

"huh?" I ask like I was suddenly pulled back.

"I was calling your name for a minutes now. You are staring so hard at the window." It was Jun.

He is gay yet he never cross dress. its just know to hisself that his heart was a girl.

"Sorry, I was just mesmerized by the rain. you know, its my thing haha." I laughed akwardly as I reason out.

"the go outside and play with those kids. just wait until a lightning strike you." he answered jokingly and pointed the kids playing outside.

"why don't you try yourself? " I jokingly answer too raising my one eyebrow.

He gently put down my order. there are many costumers today yet, there are only 2 staff available.

"are you waiting for someone? "

I take a sip first before answer his question.


"who? your boyfriend again? and till when again you'll for him huh?" he put his arms on his waist while still holding the tray.

I pout realizing he is right. everytime I need to meet up with my boyfriend, I need to wait 30 minutes to 1 hour. lucky me if he arive less than that.

though, it is not his fault!

Its just that I wanted always to come early and wait for him. another, I want to read first here in the cafe or order some coffee for myself.

he never liked coffee.

I smiled at him as a response. he just move his head left and right before bid a goodbye.

While slowly drinking my order, I am watching my wristwatch. 7 minutes before 3 o'clock. he is late, again.

the rain is still pouring loud outside the coffee shop. the lightning and thunder are now gone.

my gaze shift from the window pane to the entrance of the coffee shop that opened again after I came in almost an hour ago. I thought it was my boyfriend. I pulled back my stare and take a sip of my coffee instead.

It was almost half and hour when the door open again. I saw Francis, my boyfriend step inside catching his breathe. I once more glance at my wrist watch, exactly 4 o'clock.

I looked at him, I think he was looking for me so I smile, raise my hand and wave it. I'm not mad. I was drowning to his smile. he walk toward me with smile flashing on his face.

"Babe! am I late again? I'm sorry. Its just that, there was an emergency." he explain.

We are dating for more than a year now, and for that whole year. I never met his parents. though I know some of his cousins, I have never met them. Well I know them in pictures and names but not personally.

Maybe because his not in good term with his parents. everytime I asked him about them he always changed the topic. which I deeply understand.

"No. it is fine. take a sit." I smile at him widely.

early this morning I recieve a message from him telling he needs to tell me something. At first I am confused, because I know texting is not his thing. Everytime he wants to see me, he either come to my house or gave me a call.

Thus, I am really happy that he wants to see me.

he take the seat in front of me. his awra was down, it felt so glommy.

"so....?" I started. I don't think he wants to say what is bothering him.

He took a deep breathe and close his eyes. both of his hands was hinding under the table so I can't really see it through.

How serious it could be that he can't even tell it directly. I ask my self.

my heart was beating so fast and my sweat are turning to cold. I smile at him and try to reach his face.

"hey? is there a problem?" I gently ask. trying not to tremble.

he reach my hands and pull it his lips. he cover it with his two hands and slowly stare at my eyes.

it was soft yet pleading. I don't know what to feel.

I smile more widely to assure him whatever it was, its okay. its all going to be okay.

"Daniela... I'm sorry, you know how much I love you. but, I'm breaking up with you" the tears flow down from his eyes as the thunder and lightning strike once more.

I pause for a second. I can't feel my arms. I felt blank for a second wishing I

"huh? What do you mean?"

"I'm really sorry... Dan... I really messed up this time. You deserve better. "

I was left staring at his back as he walk out the cafe.