
Cadet Y/n

A 24 year old Cadet, Yane Yuu, her life full of tragedies and secrets.

Yane_Yuu · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

I watched the Captain beating the living shit out of Eren. I couldn't watch him do that even if we weren't friends. I saw Mikasa try to walk up to them and stop Captian Levi but Armin stopped her. As Mikasa watched in frustration, Captain Levi blew more kicks at Eren.

I couldn't stand it anymore as I jumped over the bars and ran towards Eren to block the kick Captain Levi was about to blow again.

Success. I blocked it with my arms and heard the crowd gasp in shock. Eren looked at me with his beat up face. His eyes said 'thank you.' I nodded in return and looked back up at the infuriated Captain glaring down at me.

"Get out of the way Cadet Y/n." He ordered as he moved his leg away. I put my arms down and said, "No sir. Enough is enough." in a firm and serious voice. The Captain looked like he was ready to kill me. Chills were sent down my spine as I stared back at him.

"I'll say it one more time Cadet. Move. Out. The. Way." He said angrily.

"No si-" I was interrupted by the Captain blowing a kick on my stomach making me spit out some saliva. I grabbed onto my stomach trying to reduce the pain as I felt a foot stomp onto my head causing my head to start bleeding as it hit the cement floor.

"That's enough." Called out Commander Erwin from the crowd.

"Come to my office after this." He said in an annoyed and irritated voice, before he got off me and headed out of the Military Tribunal. I quickly got up and wiped the blood from my head. I looked at Eren which now had 'I'm sorry' in his eyes.

I just smiled at him and bowed down at crowd before headed to a nearby clinic to get my head fixed.

After getting my head bandaged up I headed to Captain Levi's office. I was thankful that I didn't get a concussion after that kick. To a normie that kick would've gotten them to lose consciousness. Thank god for my thick skull.

I knocked on Captain Levi's door and the other side ask, "Name and business." I stood still and confidently said, "Y/n L/n. You asked for my presence earlier."

He just sighed in anger and said, "Come in." I did as he said as I opened the door and walked in. I closed the door behind and walked a bit closer to him. He took a sip of what looked like tea and got off his chair and walked over to me. I saluted him and stood in that position.

"Get down on your knees and beg for forgiveness." He ordered, "You humiliated me in front of hundreds of people. You're lucky Erwin stopped me." He added.

I got on my knees and lowered my head towards the floor. "I apologize for my behavior. I promise it won't happen again." I confidently said. He put a leg on my head and started talking again, "Don't you know that this was all an act. None of this was serious." Everything started to make sense now. "As for your consequences," the Captain started, "after leaving this place you'll head straight to the training campus and run laps till daybreak, you'll also clean the horse stable for a week, and you'll skip today's dinner. You'll be cooking and cleaning the kitchen for a week, starting tomorrow. Understood Cadet!" He scolded.

Hesitantly I said, "Yes sir..." in a shaky tone.

"I don't hear you Cadet!" He shouted.

"Yes sir!" I said again, this time in a bit loud tone. He took his leg off my head and said, "Now leave."

I stood up and saluted him once more, before heading out. I walked down the halls and straight to the training campus. Captain and I both knew that I was physically and mentally impossible for someone to run that much. I would literally die of exhaustion. Especially after the blow he gave on my head. I need to be resting right now!!!

I started off slow, trying to save up as much energy as possible. I started off with a jog and didn't speed up until I heard a husky voice call out from the woods, "Faster Cadet!"

I turned towards the source of the sound to saw Captain Levi walk out of the shadows of the wood. I sped up my jogging pace and started to use some breathing techniques I learned the other day.

I held my head up in the air and slowly breathed in through my nose, trying to keep my breathing steady. I inhaled through my nose and exhaled through my mouth slowly. I was getting hungry though. I had skipped breakfast because I slept in and now I was left like this.

I kept running as Captain Levi watched me do so. I was feeling chills down my spine as anxiety rushed through me. I tried to ignore his glare, but it was hard. My running slowed down from all the anxiety flowing through my body.

"Keep running Cadet!" I heard the Captain scold again. I started speeding up again and the Captain left in a few minutes. My running steadied up and I continued to run and run laps.

A few hours passed and I was still running, well, attempting to run. I was out of breath and could barely feel my legs. My lungs were begging for air as I kept running. My legs felt sore and soon became numb, but, in pain. My running turned into a jog, and jog turned into speed walking.

It was hard to breathe and it was already starting to get dark. No one came to look for me. Captain Levi left a while ago and non of my fellow Cadets came to check on me.

I speed walked a few laps until my legs could no longer handle it and I collapsed onto the ground. My arms were spread out and I was vigorously gasping for air. Dust flew into my mouth causing me to start coughing.

I stayed there laying down on the dusty ground for a few more minutes until I heard some of the bushes rustle from the forest. In terror that it'd be Captain Levi, I quickly got up and started running as fast as I could.

The figure came out of the dark and it was Sasha. She was holding a loaf of bread and I slowly managed to jog over to her.

I stood in front of her gasping for more air and she held the bread in front of me, "Here you must be hungry right? I haven't seen you eat all day. Here I saved my loaf for you."

I looked at her with a faint smile. I was drenched in sweat as more rolled down. I wiped away the sweat off my face with the back of my hand and collapsed onto the ground again.

I closed my eyes and said, "It's okay. I don't want you to get in trouble because of me. Thanks for the concern."

She didn't say anything. I got back up and looked at her and said, "You have it. I'm not that hungry anyways." I tried to convince her, but it didn't seem to work.

"Please, just eat i-" She stopped mid sentence when we both heard the bushes rustle again. I quickly snatched the loaf out of her and hid it behind my back.

Captain Levi walked out of the darkness of the forest as Sasha and I saluted him. I was covered in cold sweat fearing of what would happen if he found the bread.

"Good evening, Captain Levi." Sasha and I both greeted the Captain at the same time, saluting him.

He looked at Sasha, then at me and at my hidden hand. "Cadet Y/n." He said.

I stiffened up and said, "Yes sir?!" in return. He looked at me with a piercing look and said, "What's in that hand?"

I didn't reply and just simply pulled out my hand, displaying the loaf of bread. The Captain closed his eyes in visible frustration before opening them again and looking at Sasha then back at me.

"Cadet Sasha! Did you bring this for her?" He asked in a husky voice. Sasha nodded, sweat starting forming in her fist.

"And who told you to do so?" He asked. Sasha didn't say anything for a while before opening her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by me, "Sir. I apologize for misbehaving, yet again. You see, before I came here to start my laps, I asked Sasha to save her loaf of bread and bring it to me. I miscalculated and got caught by you. Sasha did refuse and told me that we'd be screwed if you caught us, but I didn't listen. I let my desires take over my mind once again. Sasha has nothing to do with this. It was my idea. I'm sorry Captain."

Each lie came out without hesitation. I wasn't planning on running till daybreak with someone. The Captain looked at me with furious eyes and snatched the loaf out of my hands and pointed it at me. I looked down at the ground and he said, "You won't run till daybreak, but till the afternoon, when the sun is scorching hot. Understood Cadet."

I gulped before hesitantly nodding and saying, "Yes, sir...." The Captain then pointed the bread at Sasha and said, "As for you, no breakfast tomorrow."

Sasha's eyes quickly turned sad, as she nodded and quietly said, "Yes, sir..." Then the Captain gave both of us a death glare before saying, "Cadet Y/n, go back to running. I don't want you slacking off at all. And as for you Cadet Sasha go back to your dorm and don't come here anymore." Then he left.

I let out a sigh and looked at Sasha, "I'm sorry Sasha. I promise I'll treat you to some goods tomorrow." Sasha smiled and said, "You didn't have to. Thanks though. You really shouldn't have covered up for me. Look what you've gotten yourself into." I just smiled and reassured her that it''' all good.

"Will you be ok till tomorrow? I could try and bring water for you if you'd like." Sasha asked in a concerned tone. I just shook my head and said, "It's fine, thanks for the offer. Well, anyways, you go now. I'm back to running now, bye." I said before jogging off into the distance as she waved at me and walked into the darkness of the forest.

I just sighed as I jogged laps, one after another. I was covered in sweat which now turned cold. I didn't stop running, even if I was getting stitches and my lungs were burning. My throat was severely dry, but I couldn't effort stopping now and getting into more trouble so I just kept running.

Hunger rushed through me. I thought of all the foods in the world that I could be eating right now. The thoughts made me salivate. I brushed the thoughts out of my mind. They were a distraction and I kept going.