
Cadence Under Contract

Cadence Granbury is the highly skilled and experienced personal assistant to CEO James Oliver. Their relationship has been nothing but professional since Cadence started working for him two years ago. That is, until James receives an ultimatum from his ailing grandfather: get married or get very little! Unwilling to lose out on the bulk of his inheritance, James does everything in his power to expedite the process of finding a wife. Cadence unwittingly reveals herself to be the perfect marital candidate and James won't take no for an answer. Their marriage contract proves to be quite mutually beneficial.

Drea_B_0109 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 82 - The Perfect Prescription

Cadence was used to being direct, but she knew it wasn't always the best way to go about things. This seemed like one of those occasions. She could tell that no matter how many times she assured him she was feeling fine, James would still hold back. He was being incorrigibly considerate…and it was only making her want him more. Cadence leaned into James's chest and wrapped her arms around him. She deliberately let out a disappointed sigh and he held her close, as if in apology. "James… it's true this cold has taken a toll on me…but I feel like I'm wasting this trip just napping and watching movies" she said carefully. James stiffened a bit but didn't respond. Not wanting him to misunderstand, she continued. "Don't get me wrong! It's been really nice taking it easy with you and you've been doing such an amazing job taking care of me. I just don't want us to go back to Austin and wish we had done more."