

Hi first of all I would like to thank you for the support I had been getting. I have republished this novel and here is the link. Please keep on showering me with your love. http://wbnv.in/a/cchB1zZ

Jeethz · Urban
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29 Chs

Woman who gave birth 25

I immerse myself in the work going through ledger sheets in record speed. Tamara came to talk to me but I scared her of with my working speed. She mumbled about her overdue work and walked away. It was all good I had no inclination to talk to her since all she must have wanted to talk about will be about Harry. I knew someone might have seen me with him. It wasn't long before it spreads in the entire office like a wildfire. Tamara will be angry at me for not giving her that piece of information. But I couldn't deal with that kind of stress. I would rather work like a dog than put my personal life before others for postmortem.

That was when I got a call. I checked the number first and was surprised to see Harry's number. I wondered what more he has to say. The best thing for now would be to keep away from each other as much as possible but he does not understand it. Maybe he understands it but he chose to ignore it like he ignores every rules.

"What is it?", I asked trying to keep our conversation short than lasting.

"I want you to meet me at my cabin", he said tersely.

"Is it work related?", I asked with as much confidence that I can muster.

"No", he said casually but I could feel his tension. He thought I would pass his request. But I didn't know why I did it? Perhaps I was crazier than I give myself credit for.

"Give me a minute", I told him. I could feel him relaxed even through the phone. Though I didn't want to go I was mildly curious at his call. He has never disturbed me while I was working before maybe something bad has come up. My heart started racing. I gathered myself and walked inconspicuously towards the Ceo cabin.

I knocked once and opened it. I saw him staring outside the window. Normally I would see him working his ass off every time. But this time it is different. He looked almost drained.

"I'm sorry for dragging you from your work like this. I needed you here for some time. It is the only thing that would keep me sane for the upcoming ordeal. I frowned at him. What was he talking about? Does everyone knows about us? Then what is his backup plan? The door opened and I watched a woman who was strikingly familiar and a little old gliding inside. She looked outraged. She didn't look like an ordeal at all perhaps I was mistaken.

"You made me wait for ten minutes", she said accusingly. His mouth tightened and I finally made the connection this was his mother. He looked every bit as her which was explained from her looks to her attitude.

"I was working Mary. Unlike you some people has to work to earn money", he said with a shrug. But I could hear his hidden anger carefully masked.

"You call me Mary. I'm your birth mother. How dare you? Then who is your mother? That ugly fat bitch?", she seethed.

"Don't call her names", he said dryly.

"It was your father who called her these names not I", she said smugly.

"Maybe he wanted to get in your pants", he told her.

"How dare you to speak of your mother like that?", she asked.

"I learnt from the best now please get out if you are done embarrassing me as much as yourself", he said nonchalant.

"No I won't unless you give me my credit cards back", she said to him.

"I'm not your genie to grant your wishes. You have no respect for hard earned money. You can live in the home I gave you. All of your needs will be taken care of. I'm done giving you hand outs", he said to her.

"How dare you? I have given birth to you", she said huffing.

"Yes to wheedle out money from my father", he said roughly.

"You love your father and his wife not your real mother", she said angrily.

"I have a slightly more respect for him than you which is not saying much", he told her. I was more flabbergasted at this exchange I never imagined her to be this much selfish.

"I see that you have made up your mind. You have too much your father in you. I see the woman you have got now", she told by looking at me. I opened my mouth to reject it but I couldn't form much words. I was a big wuss. The direct confrontation always scare the shit out of me.

"Let me warn you my dear I know you think my son is the handsomest man you had seen in your life. But he is a devil. He is incapable of giving or receiving love. You will regret just like I did after giving birth to him", she said to me.

I drew a sharp intake of breath. I never thought anyone could be cruel as her right now. I looked at him. I see no pain in his eyes. He didn't look at me. He stared at his laptop not caring the amount of hurls and abuses his mother was throwing at him.

"Get out Mary I have work to do. Next time you are begging me for money I suggest you do it meekly", he said with a smirk.

"See him. I told you he is son of the devil. He has no heart and feelings. Stay away from him if you don't want to get hurt", she warned me.

" I think what you said was the most cruelest thing I have ever heard a mother say. How could you speak such hurtful things about him. I bet you are trying to hold your own son responsible for your lack of love and affection", I told her.

She definitely didn't like my words because she turned on her heels and left the room with a bang. I looked at him and he looked at me with a small smile playing at his lips. I stood there like a rock. I haven't confronted any person so openly as I did now. I was changing and he has made it happen.