

Hi first of all I would like to thank you for the support I had been getting. I have republished this novel and here is the link. Please keep on showering me with your love. http://wbnv.in/a/cchB1zZ

Jeethz · Urban
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29 Chs

Irresponsible 26

"I never thought that I would get to hear my defense from you of all people", he said with a crooked smile.

"I was only saying what anyone would have said in my place", I said nervously. I knew that I should have kept my mouth shut. I don't know what came over me. When she spoke of that bad things I couldn't control myself and the words just slipped out. I hope he is not mad at me. He looked anything but mad. I was seeing him more pleased than ever before. I was surprised that he sat there calmly except for a slight twitch of his mouth, one could hardly believe he was feeling unconcerned about everything his mother said.

He stood up from his seat and sat before me at the desk. I looked up to meet his eyes and I couldn't tear it away. What we were doing is nothing but an invitation for trouble. But I couldn't move even though my brain was screaming me to. I sat there immobilised.

"I hope you heed her words", he told me.

"About what?", I asked him.

"Me being the devil", he said with a tinge of annoyance.

" I would rather make my decisions based on my gut and feelings", I told him.

"You are not what anyone would expect", he told me. I looked at him questioningly.

"Everyone would see you as a weak submissive little thing but you are definitely not that", he told me.

"They are right I hate confrontations generally. I don't back talk like that. I don't know what came over me", I told him.

"Maybe you are too blind to see me unlike the rest of the world", he told me.

I considered it for a moment maybe he was right. Maybe I was too much in love with him that I'm unable to see him in his True form.

"I have to go", I told him.

"Ok. But I want to talk. I will take you out tonight", he said.

"I have nothing to say. I'm not coming", I told him.

"Then listen damn it. If you don't want to be seen with me then I will take you to my home", he said.

"I don't understand what more we have to talk. We are over", I told him with as much conviction that I can muster.

"No we are not over far from it. We have only started", he told me.

"I have to go I can't see you. I'm sorry", I told him.

"Do you want me to come to your cabin for convincing you. I'm sure people will have a field day if they saw me in your cabin", he told me.

I can't believe him. He was so ruthless and he has said it so himself. He pursues what he wants. There is no stopping him whether it is society or morality.

"Have you no principles?", I asked exasperated. He gave me small smile and my heart skipped.

"None what so ever", he told me.

"OK if you promise to back off afterwards", I told him. I knew it was a big mistake and Bi will have my head. It had to be secret. She knows Tamara so I have to hide it from her as well. It was only a matter of time. I will end everything and make him stop pursuing me. It is better that my friends don't know about it. I know Tamara won't judge me but Bi won't be as generous. It will be over soon anyways. I walked away from his cabin. I knew I was getting attention. It wouldn't be long before they make stories about us. This had to end soon.

The luxury of this job is that I got a personal cabin even though I was only starting out. I have a little space to keep to myself here. I can't name any other company that offers this perk. I should congratulate him for thinking this but I don't think he wants to discuss his company policies on our date. A meeting not a date I corrected myself. This can't be a date. I will only go over at his house to make him see sense. Once he accepts that we won't be continuing whatever we had then it will be over.

I'm not like his other girlfriends. I can't have my boyfriend dating other woman and be OK with it. I don't even understand such relationships. Then how could I be in one? When I got to my cabin I was surprised to see Henry. I have him a tired smile.

"I heard you had a mishap. I came to check on you. I was on a vacation", he said with concern looking at my feet.

"I'm OK. It was nothing", I told him embarrassed.

"Good", he said. I just want to get a little work done. But Henry made no motion to leave.

"You didn't ask about my vacation", he said with a pout. I shook my head at him.

"How was it?", I asked him..

"Las Vegas and it was a dream. I would have taken you if you would like to go sometime", he said to me.

"No I don't think I will fit in there", I told him. I was more of a girl who likes Europe not that I have gone there. But there is a simplicity in those places compared to casinos and pubs in America . I have no issues with people having drinks. I would prefer to have it too but in quiet places than noisy pubs.

"I figured you are a homely girl", he told me.

"I have to get back to work", I said with as much politeness as I can manage.

"You are kicking me out?", he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I can't you are my boss", I told him.

"Ha ha True. Here I bought a perfume for you", he said placing a small bottle on the desk. It was very small but it had to be expensive. I read the label and I knew it costs more than my monthly rent.

"I can't accept it. It is too expensive. Please take it back", I told him.

"Hey why not? I'm your friend. I wont take it back", he said shaking his head. I was tired now not in a mood to argue with him.

"Alright then I will accept it. Thanks", I said. He smiled and gave me a finger salute. He walked away from the cabin. I sighed and took the seat. Why after all these years men are finding me irresistible? But I liked only one person who was way out of my reach. Even though he seems to be interested in me as well. But we were two parallel lines drawn destined to neve me meet each other.