

Hi first of all I would like to thank you for the support I had been getting. I have republished this novel and here is the link. Please keep on showering me with your love. http://wbnv.in/a/cchB1zZ

Jeethz · Urban
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29 Chs

Clubbing 4

"That's it. You just had a nice sleep in the guy's bed and ran away in the morning? Nothing happened? Are you sure you have your V card intact? Is he gay?", she asked.

"Stop it Bi he is not gay for heaven's sake. Exams were on Monday OK? That is why I came back", I told her.

"It is only Saturday. You should have stayed and gave the guy a blow job in the morning for helping you", she told me.

"I don't know. I have never done anything like this before. I still wonder why I went with him?", I told her.

"That is easy he is as hot as fuck", she told me.

"How do you know?", I asked her. She grabbed the photo I had kept face down.

"Give me that Bi", I said chasing her. But she works out more than me so it was hard to capture her.

"No I will do a Google image search to find your boy", she told me.

"No you don't have to do that. I know where he lives", I told her.

"Then go to him. Say that it was because you were a nerd that had made you stop from fucking his brains out", she told me

"No I will say no such thing to him", I told her.

"Then I will find him my own", she told me.

"No please Bi. Leave me alone", I begged her.

"No way this is the first time I had seen you crush on a guy. So I'm not going to leave it", she told me.

"Alright after the finals I will go to him", I relented to her.

"OK", she said handing the photograph to me. I took it and decided to hide it somewhere deep in cupboard.

"Keep it in your underwear drawer", she said as if reading my thoughts.

"Shut up Bi", I told her. I walked away with my head held low. I was in a mess. I should return the photograph. I have no right to keep it with me. What had happened to me? I was a smart person who hardly did anything stupid. But I was he'll bent on changing myself. There was no explanation for what I did other than stupidity.

I went to the books and started reading. I wasn't focusing much. His face danced before my eyes every time. I blushed several times thinking about our kisses. I didn't know why he stopped it. Maybe because I was drunk. He was a gentleman in some ways but in other ways not so much.

I gave all my exams in the wake of my freshly grown crush. Bi finds it hilarious when I said I didn't see an entire question. But I wouldn't fail that much I know. I have several interviews coming up. I had to prepare for it. But I didn't want to put off seeing him anymore. I had wrecked my exams already what more can be a few interviews?

"Let us go", I told Bi.

"Where my love?", she asked sarcastically.

"To that club where we went last time", I said to her.

"No way it is very expensive. If you really want to see your guy let us go to his home it is cheaper", she told me.

"I'm not going to his home Bi", I admonished her. I would look desperate and cheap going to his home unannounced.

"OK. But it is on you", she told me without any mercy. I knew it was my responsibility to cover it since she was coming for me. She comes from a rich family but her family cuts her off sometimes. To make her bend to their wills but once they didn't get their way they usually takes back their decision. She says she will find a job. But she never looked motivated enough for it. I have my scholarship and the pocket money my mother sends me. I live within my small budget so I don't need much to begin with.

But a trip to an expensive club twice will suck you dry. We got dressed and against Bi's protests I put the dress my mother gifted me.

"That is a dress I won't even wear to a funeral", said Bi.

"I don't care my mom brought it", I defended my dress.

"But mom's don't buy dresses that shows boobs or ass", she told me.

"I'm wearing this Bi. When I wear your dress I couldn't have a good time at all I will be worried which way it will fall. Remember Theo's party?", I reminded her.

She had convinced me to wear an off shoulder dress which I accepted after a while I noticed every one was looking at me. I turned around to see that the gap had widened and it is showing the top of my panties very proudly. I want to crawl and die that night. When I told her she seemed unfazed by my words.

"Who cares at least you wore panties. I saw a girl sitting open legged in the pool side without wearing one", said Bi. I wanted to growl my frustration but she just dismissed me that usual Bi way.

"Will he join you here?", I asked suspiciously. The last thing I wanted was to become a third wheel.

"No we don't live in each other's pockets all the time. Besides he is working", said Bi.

"On a Saturday?", I asked her.

"You will be surprised to see how crowded his tattoo place is", said Bi.

"He seemed to be a nice guy", I told her.

"He is OK", she said OK.

"In bed?", I asked to tease her..

"No I won't be with him if he was just OK. Last night he did a thing with his tongue", she started.

"That is enough I don't want to hear anything", I said covering my ears...

"Your loss", she told me.

"Yes yes let us go now", I told her. We both walked to the club feeling pretty awesome.