
Chapter 1: Keep it simple

Hi, my name is Casey, Casey Crystal Jones my friends call me Cj or rather used to because I'm dead, as in I have departed from this wonderful sack of crap Earth which I died on. Now you should be wondering, " how did you die Casey" but we'll get to that, I promise. So let me tell about a few of my friends. We have my bestie Crystal Summer which is two things I like, my middle name Crystal and the season summer. She is very smart but also outgoing and kind( she also does Mixed Martial Arts, so you don't wanna get on her bad side because she will and I mean WILL drop you instantly), and that is why I love her. Which something she doesn't necessarily know yet or need to know yet. Next we have Jason the star athlete and I'm talking everything from track on Tuesday to tennis on Thursday( and everything else in between). He goes to five different sports practices a day and doesn't break a sweat till the third. So let me discuss the twins and my other friends Gabby( Full name Gabriel) and her identical twin Abby. You know that corny things where identical twins are the same in every little conceited little girls story, yeah umm no they are completely different.Gabby is bright and colorful and frilly dresses and doing my nails brushing my hair to be pretty type but she's still cool. Abby though is only black, red, blue and purple. She listens to no one and lives with her sister by themselves. Me I am your typical light skinned woman, I am told to be very attractive with my one stunning gray eye and deep blue one with a hint of green in them. I get average grades and I play baseball and basketball and have been scouted by a multitude of colleges. Here is what brought us all together though, we are all orphans. I know " Casey, Casey, what about Abby and Gabby" they were put together as sisters as babies. We all live in one house with enough space to accommodate everyone. We try not to argue or keep secrets because we're like family to each other no matter how much we are different. So now you know who to trust let's get to who you can't.

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