

We had a wholesome meal in a nice place. I was treated royally maybe because I was with Harry. I could see that the server was pretty jealous of me but she wasn't hostile to me like Laura was. So I was OK. She spend majority of her time hanging around us and batting her eye lashes at Harry. He on the other hand completely ignored her. He was very attentive to me whenever she came close to us. She noticed it and started other ploys to attract him.

She tried to thrust her boobs on his face to my chagrin on pretense of serving us food. I think Miss desparate was in need of a reminder.

"Do you mind? I'm with a date", he said.

"Oh sorry I thought she was your sister", she said without feeling an ounce of sorry.

"Get your eyes checked then. I heard it gets severe with advancing age", he said. I wanted to clap my hands and laugh out loud like a child.

"I'm only thirty", she said outraged.