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20 Chs

Pick A Card, Any Card

Davis walked towards the door and threw the pope a side glance, when he noticed the slight look of discomfort on his face he couldn't help but let out a chuckle. The pope didn't seem to notice it though and was still frowning, the door creaked out when Davis opened it as though it were crying out to it's owners why they hadn't oiled it's hinges.

Davis wasn't bothered by the creak though, his attention was drawn to the scholarly looking man in suit who held a 13 year old girl by the wrist. His grip seemed a bit hard and his face was flushed red from what looked like anger.

Davis recognized the man as his sister's teacher. In this world education was a bit different in it's structure from his. The education mainly dwelt on teaching the commoners how to read and write and teaching them how to conduct themselves in society.

Mostly the do's and don't's of the nation besides that they also taught about the local religion as they tried to in what he would like to term 'brainwash' the children into blind faith in their God. It seemed more of a Sunday School than an institute of knowledge but you won't be able to get anywhere without having the degree from there so it was an unspoken rule to go to basic school no matter how bad your situation was.

If you wanted to learn real skills however you would have to go to specified institutes that teach such knowledge and such institute's weren't as easy to pay for as the basic schools. Not to talk of the fact that they all had their own stringent requirements mostly based on your background amongst other things.

Davis had gone to such an institute that taught accounting while his sister attended the most prestigious basic school in the city, before the incident but Davis had to drop out so that he could keep his sister in school.

His sister however seemed to have a different opinion on the matter. Perhaps she wanted to play her own part but she felt that there was no need for her to continue schooling there and they could use the money to attend to more urgent matters.

Davis sternly disagreed so she put up her own little resistance. Every week she would be escorted back at least twice by her teacher who would make several complaints about her behavior in school. From getting into fights with taunting kids, vandalizing school property or the worst of them punching an instructor straight at the blinker.

Apparently he said something about her family being a bunch of Devil advocates and she being a Devil spawn but the teacher denied such accusations. She would have been expelled several times had Green not gone there several times to plead and pay reparations and his family being the ones who sponsored the school's construction but this time she seemed to have really done it.

"Mr Newman, this is an expulsion letter from the school. We tried to get through to Miss Olivia but she's too headstrong for us to handle, we could have put up with her previous antics before but who would think that'd she go so far as to set fire to the staff room.

There's no need for Mr Newman to come to the school, to avoid embarrassment because you will not be let through the gates. Have a good day and may the Lord of Storms help you and your devilish sister, humph. " With that the man tossed Olivia's wrist away as though he were getting rid of trash and walked out with brisk steps as if he couldn't stand the air in the building.

" You don't need to go this time, I did take things a bit too far this time but I don't regret it. You'd only bring more shame to our family's name, I heard them gossipping about our family in there. I could see the expressions of schadenfreude on their faces as they talked about our demise.

They let you come back and beg over and over again not just for the money but to make themselves feel big. In their words 'even the distinguished heir of the Newman family has to grovel at our stairs' so don't go there, you'll only feed their pride and if you still want to go there I'll beat you up without holding back this time. " The cute little girl raised her dainty fists up at Davis and he couldn't but let out a loud laugh.

Seeing her standing there in her cute school uniform with a short blue skirt and her white blouse, her knee length white socks which had started yellowing a bit and her cute puffed up cheeks he had to admit that the Loli fans from his world seemed to have a good point.

He ruffled her hair and helped her carry the school bag off her shoulders. "Don't worry, I won't go back. I promise okay, so don't beat me up again, I really can't take another one. My back is still aching from the last one. "

Her small face puffed up again but this time with pride as she waved her tiny fists in the air and walked in." At least you still know what's good for you, beating you is not exactly a joy for me you know. The physical pain I inflict on you, comes hundred fold on me mentally. Plus think about it, now we can use that money to get good food and move out of this hell hole. We can even get you good drugs and better clothes, now that I think about it I should have burnt that place sooner. "

" Your right, your right. We'll treat ourselves better okay and don't bother about the drugs I'm okay now. Rather, there's someone who'd like to meet you. Hear him out and know that no matter what choice you make I'll be right behind you supporting you all the way" Davis ruffled her hair again and led her into the parlor where she saw an old man smiling at her genially. Davis nodded at the man before walking towards the kitchen to cook something up but he then stopped as he realized there had ran out of food stuff.

Just when he was lost at what to do the old man threw him a pouch that made a clear jingling sound as it landed in his hand. He gave the man an appreciative gaze when he opened it up and flashes of yellow greeted his eyes. There should be at least 30 Gold coins in there and it should be known that it would take the average man at least one year to save up 1 Gold coins.

100 copper coins made 1 silver coin and 100 silver coins made one gold coin. With 30 Gold coins they could retire to the country side and buy a villa with a few servants to help them out but the old man carried it around as loose change. Davis shook his head at the thought and decided to head out and get food first.

"I'll head out and buy cooked food outside, Olivia keep our guest company while I'm out and behave, okay. I'll be back soon" Davis rushed out and only the 2 were left behind. The old man's face however looked a bit pained as he glanced at the door with resentment.

'I gave him the wrong pouch but I can't take it back or it might ruin my image in the girl's eyes. 30 gold coins might not be a lot to me but it's still something, how could the kid just take it and run off like that. Is he not afraid that the weight of the coins would break his arm?'

The pope let out a deep breath before looking at the girl Infront of him. She had the same black hair as Damien but her's was longer, it reached down all the way to her waist. Her eyes were black but right now they were full of curiosity towards the old man. The pope smiled and shook his head wryly, he took his hands as though to stroke his beards but once again he realized they weren't there and he was vexed. He let out a sigh filled with unknown emotions before he said

"Miss Olivia, would you like to hear a story?"




Davis was not aware of the old man's resentment, he shuttled down the hallway and greeted the neighbors as he passed, to the shock of them who were always used to seeing him moving around as though he were dead.

He had heard from his neighbors of a stall that sold food that could compare with those fancy restaurants, down the corner and that was his current destination. As he passed his attention was focused all around him as this world still felt so novel to him.

Even though they were in the steam era, he could feel the world pulsing with life that was many times greater than his former world. A ray of conviction flashed in his eyes as he swore to himself that he will fulfill his resolution.

Caught up in his thoughts he didn't notice when he bumped into a stranger wearing a black hooded cloak. The cloak shrouded his face in its shadow so when he looked at him, he couldn't see his face. He hurriedly apologized to the stranger but the stranger seemed not to be bothered by it.

The stranger looked at him and for a split second Davis could have sworn his eyes went a devilish shade of purple but he pretended as if he didn't notice anything. The stranger then nodded at him before walking away and leaving behind two words "It's alright"

It was only when he heard that voice that Davis realized the stranger was a female but he could sense the danger she carried with her cause that split second she looked at him he felt a sense of danger so strong as though it would drown him.

His years of going through ruins and exploration had left him with a keen sense for danger and the one coming off her could trump anything he'd met so far. Well except the old man but the old man was a stage 6 powerhouse so does that mean that she is one as well.

He figured that she was probably after the pope but he didn't think it wise to interfere in this. The pope should have his own arrangements and he would be just fine staying out of it but even though he knew this, he couldn't help but wonder if the mysterious stranger was a Mystic as well.

Throwing away those thoughts he still made his way to the stall and was surprised to see such a long line. Cursing his luck he took a number and patiently waited for his turn, to him the good news was at least for so many people to wait in line for this stall's food it had to be good.




"Oi Green, an old fella left a couple minutes ago and left a letter with me for you. He gave a nice tip so don't worry I didn't read it" The old man in the next room came out and handed Davis a letter before he stepped in, he noticed the meal box in his hands and helped him slip it into his pocket. Davis gave a word of thanks before opening the door and going in, leaving the old man outside wondering if Davis won't give him a tip as well.

Davis first walked into his room and placed the meal box on the table before calling out to his sister. He called out for a while before the sound of the door opening made him realize she probably went to use the complex bathroom to take a shower.

He walked in to the parlor and saw she was no longer wearing the uniform but now had on a long sleeveless dress. It was already midsummer and even though the sun was setting over the horizon the hot winds and the heat trapped in the earth brought a heat wave to the city.

He looked at her for a while in silence and she similarly kept mute. Just when he was about to say something to break the awkward silence she spoke out

"I'm going. There's nothing else to discuss." With that she walked to the table and took one of the meal boxes before heading to his room and locking him out. Her voice came from within it

" Your feeling better now so you can sleep in the parlor while I stay here. After all I'll soon be gone so you'll have this place all to yourself " Davis kept silent for a while again before he walked towards the closed door and sat down with his back leaning against it.

"I'm right behind you okay, don't stress yourself too much. If it all gets to heavy for you, I'll help you hold it up. I'll go house hunting tomorrow, the old man was very generous so we can get a good place and some good clothes too." A tiny voice came from the room a while later.

"Including that dress with the blue ribbon at the back? Can we get it too? "

" Of course we can, in fact I'll get you 3 of them with different colours and shoes to match. "

" Can we also get a house with a biiiigggggg yard so that I can play around in it. Oh oh oh it should have a pool at the back too. "

" Just that? I'll make sure the house is to your liking your royal majesty? Tomorrow we'll move out of here and even after all that, I'll still have some left over money enough to start a new business. "

" Don't worry brother, if anyone tries to bully you just tell me and I'll have teacher invite him for tea. Will you go back to school? "

" There's no need. Just a waste of time and money as you said. I already have the basic degree plus I was already done there, I've learnt all I need to know. I'll start up a lending firm for now"

" Ehhhh you want to turn into a loan shark now huh!?"

" No silly, I have my way to settle it so don't worry. I have enough capital to work with the people here and what greater backing is there than the pope so I'm sure people will pay up. "

" Forget it, you deal with this. I'm going to stick to learning from teacher so that I can beat anybody that doesn't pay you"

Davis let out a wry smile but he felt a warm feeling in his old heart. The pair of siblings sat there and talked for a long time. The food was already cold and the moonlight had started peeking in through the windows but they were still talking, who knows how many more times they would have to talk like this again. Better to say it all out now than keep it till heaven knows when and that they did.




While harmonious feelings were shared between siblings in the city of Skycloud others were pointing their blades at each other's throats. Within the shadows of Skycloud, cloaked figures dashed across the urban jungle exchanging strikes aimed to kill the other.

The occasional grunt and short shrieks carried in the wind accompanied the late night battles and with each sound another was welcomed into death's welcoming embrace. The battle though quiet was even more deadly than the battles carried out on the plains.

A figure dashed into an alley and squatted down to catch his breath. He pulled out a bottle and had a drink before tossing it away carelessly. He had already lost 3 of his comrades but the night was still long so this battle won't end now. He got up having made plans to rendezvous with another team but then he felt a shiver run down his spine and he slowly turned his head towards the darkest part of the alley were even the moon dared not shed it's light on.

*Tack* *Tack* *Tack* *Tack*

Accompanied by the sound of shoes slowly clopping down on the stone road, a cloaked figure walked out of the darkness. The hood of the cloak covered the face of the person completely but 2 devilish purple lights glowed in it. It took a second before the man realized that those lights were the pupils of the stranger.

The man's facial expression changed drastically and he shouted out with rage. "HERETIC!!! HOW DARE YOU TRESPASS ON THE LAND OF THE LORD OF STORMS, DIE FOR YOUR SIN!!!" The man charged right at the hooded figure, disregarding his injuries he pushed himself to the limit.

The sound of muffled thunder sounded out and his figure disappeared. When he appeared again he was before the hooded figure with his sword slashing down towards him. The moon seemed emboldened by the man's actions and it's light shown down on the hooded figure.

The hooded figure looked up towards the moon. The hood could no longer hide her appearance and her purple eyes glowed wildly as though trying to compete with the light of the moon. Her purple hair was neatly tucked in but some strands fell out so she took the time to put them back in.

A cloud passed by and covered the moon so it's light seized. Darkness fell on the alley again and the lady let out a sigh before walking back into the darkness, behind her the figure of the cloaked assassin had disappeared and nothing seemed to be left of him.

If one were able to carefully look at her hand though they would find she was shuffling a card between her fingers quite expertly like an experienced dealer. She hadn't walked to far into the darkness before she let out a slight chuckle and pulled back her hood before turning around.

In front of her was an old man with a genial look dressed in a luxurious blue robe with various drawing of elements of the storm. The cloud had passed a while ago and she could see the intent gaze in his eyes as he looked at her like that.

She merely smiled back though before reaching into her sleeves and pulling out a deck of cards. She shuffled them expertly and put the new card into the deck during it. She then spread the card out in a fan shape towards the old man and with an inviting voice she called out to him.

"Your Excellency, pick a card, any card"




Meanwhile, back at the old complex.

Everyone seemed not to hear the battle going in in the city and were already sleeping. A curfew had been placed on the city so there was no night life currently in the city, in the parlor Davis laid down on the floor using his hands as the pillow and a thin sheet of cloth as a blanket.

He couldn't sleep, he tried but how could he. He wasn't like those ordinary people, he could sense what was going on outside. The battle outside was like a rock metal band playing at full volume to him and he couldn't sleep through the noise.

Instead he wanted to add his own tune in that band but he knows that not everyone was qualified to play on that stage but even though he knew this, he still wanted to go there and at least watch the show, maybe join in on the chorus even.

'For what reason did I come here? Was it not to pursue this mysteries and indulge in them. How can I be kept out of this, no this will not do. What am I afraid of? At most it'll be death and even if, such a death in pursuit of adventure would be welcomed.'

With his mind made up Davis got up and searched around for something he could use to cover himself up. He couldn't walk around with his real face cause if a situation required him to use his ability his identity would be implicated if he is caught and there was no need to take unnecessary risk.

In the end he couldn't find anything in his house so he went out and snuck into the antique shop opposite the complex and 'borrowed' a strange white face mask that completely covered all his features even his eyes but yet he could see through it as though it were glass and he could breathe quite easily too.

Satisfied with this he took a washed up cloak with tears at the end and left a gold coin behind before dashing into the night to satisfy his desires.

Author's Note: Hope y'all are enjoying this so far. I'd love to know what you think so far. I'll be dropping one more chapter this week then it'll go down to 3 or 2 chapters a week depending on my disposition. Anyways leave your comments behind and I'll be sure to respond, happy reading. Sleepy Saint Out... 😴