
Cønsequences Øf A Renagade

"Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely." What would you do with absolute power? How would the world react to you? With fear? Trepidation? Perhaps awe? Godlike reverence? With a power thrust upon me, tempestuously and my world falling apart around me, how would you thrive? Would you rule with an iron fist? Or munificent benevolence? My choices define me; to an end, I cannot make out. Perhaps it will never be discerned. But do I really want to know... how it all ends? ---------------------------------------------------------- Describing the book a bit more, considering the above is quite vague, it is, at its most basic, an evil Superman novel. Obviously, it's been done before: Homelander, Omni-man, Brightburn. However, none of these especially go into the mind of those characters. They're either psychopaths, had a bad childhood, loyal to another planet etc. So I wanted to portray a character that is a normal person, gaining powers whilst no one else does and seeing how the world reacts to them and what I believe would happen. I want to portray how their mind changes, their biases and beliefs. Whether this is done well is for you to decide. I’m an amateur writer, doing this as a mixture of practice and entertainment. The chapters may take a while to come out, but I like to spend my time on them – perfecting them to the best of my ability. The book will likely be a couple of hundred chapters long and completed no matter how long it takes. I’m trying to improve my English skills to a reasonable degree so harsh criticism would be much appreciated... within reason. Currently, I'm trying to achieve 2 chapters a week, but there are no promises. On a positive, it will be entirely free. On that note, if you enjoy the story, thank you. If you hate it, it is what it is; I understand not every book will suit every person. And with that, I hope you enjoy it. *Views expressed throughout the story do not represent my views. The narration is from a biased viewpoint, and it is a realistic and dark world; there will be things that you may find repugnant. This does not mean I believe or endorse them! *The story, setting, person(s), companies, entities or nations portrayed in this book are fictitious.

ARenagade · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Spoiler For Chapter 17 Onwards: Mark's Powers

Spoilers for Chapter 17 and further. DO NOT read if you don't want to spoil yourself. These are his current and known abilities. The Void is not counted as an ability, hence not appearing in the list.

Superhuman Durability – Currently, Mark is known to have a high degree of durability, potentially invulnerability. Diamond and Titanium were unable to pierce his skin. He has enhanced muscle and bone density, far higher than any human, but not enough to explain his supernatural feats. By chapter 51, his durability has been broken by the Element/Hellon, specifically by Eneph Bullets. A shot to the head would kill him. Mark is able to self-harm (blowing out his ears) and able to be injured by an Invincible.

Enhanced Senses – Mark's senses are superb, far beyond the levels of the peak of humanity. Currently, hearing, vision and smell have been improved. His hearing is better than average, but needs to be consciously controlled, able to hear a couple hundred square metres. Vision is similar to a Hawk or Eagle, able to see far or close without difficulty and is not consciously controlled. His zoom ability is. Smell has not been extensively tested. This can be hightened to absurd degrees, time almost seemingly frozen (it is not!) in which his speed increases to such a degree that his perception follows, hence the effect of time slowing/stopping.

Superhuman Strength – His ability to carry, lift and anything else involving strength is absurdly high. The highest known weight he has lifted so far is a 76-ton tank, done relatively effortlessly.

Superhuman Speed – Tested with his strength. Jogging, he broke the sound barrier with momentum, crashing him into a metal wall. This is potential subconsciously controlled, not obliterating things when walking. The upper limit has yet to be observed.

Laser eyes – One of his more supernatural powers. It is mentally triggered on and off. Turning it on, a super-heated beam shoots out of his eyes, the force/pressure of which is able to cause living matter to violently explode and rip metal off its foundations. Currently split into two separate beams. The red beam is around the temperature of the sun's surface (roughly 5500C) and able to melt Luna metal used for casing in prototype fusion reactors. The blue beam is wholly untested, but is far stronger and miles hotter. It is so hot that a few seconds of it is able to turn an Invincible to sludge and turn normal humans into ash nigh-instantly.

Flight – Physically triggered, as if walking. Thus far, he does not require leverage, enabling him to change directions and momentum effortlessly, without pause. It takes a lot of effort to learn (like learning to crawl, walk, jog and then run) and has not been exercised or tested much. The fastest known speed was Watford to southern Ireland in around two minutes (equalling around 10,000 MPH, 16000 KPH or Mach 13.49.)

Potential heat/cold resistance and numbness – Extreme heat, either from his beams or a pool of searing hot metal has little effect on Mark; not even sweating or registering the heat on his skin. Similar happens to cold, with Mark able to tell something is cool but not able to really feel it. A potential side effect of his powers is the loss of touch or sensation. Appears to be getting progressively worse.

Manipulation of unknown Energy/Concept – Unknown what it entails, it can be changed and used with mental exertion. The amount of effort is dependent on the actions, usage/skill and willpower. Currently, manipulating this allows for the use of Telekinesis/Psychokinesis (listed below). Due to the new discovery, Mark knows nothing about what it is, why it does what it does and every usage of it.

Telekinesis/Psychokinesis – Well known power. This is the ability to move physical objects with the mind. It requires extraordinary mental strength and familiarity with the unknown Energy/Concept. As of Chapter 51, Mark has lifted, seperately, two grown men in rapid succession, each weighing over 100 kilos.

Telepathy – Sense or impressions of other people's emotions and thoughts without their notice or consent. It requires intense mental concentration and is incredibly tiring. Too many emotions, extremely vivid feelings, or excessive thoughts can cause mental pain and the process requires great effort to keep up. Thoughts take more effort to percieve than emotions. Heavily linked to Telekinesis in terms of mental strength and familiarity with unknown Energy/Concept.

Soul Manipulation - Extremely vague power, the usage of which created HAP from a semi-intelligent AI to full sentience. It is heavily presumed by Mark and HAP to be manipulation of the soul but is not a complete certainty. It has the ability to create 'monsters' and give powers to living beings and, potentially, humans. The way the power works is not known to Mark.

Emotion-Based Weather Manipulation - Not concious weather manipulation, in heightened, stressful or emotional moments, the weather may react according to Mark's state. It ranges from simple rain in dour moods to full-blown storms with raging rain, thunder and lightning. This was seen in chapter 50-51, in which a freak storm occured in Morocco and the Sahara Desert.

Regeneration - Self-explanatory but with a side-effect, making it one of Mark's more hesitant powers. By mentally focussing on the injury and combining it with the manipulation of the Void's Essence, Mark can rapidly heal practically anything. The side-effect of using this is that the original pain continues, becoming a phantom pain of sorts. This does not disappear or lessen and is permanent, hence rarely wishing to use it.

This chapter will be expanded upon as the story goes by. I'd check up on it occasionally, if not for your memory but to see abilities that may not be fully described in story. :)

Edit - Chapter 58.

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